Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Need Some Advice On How To Get Over A Guy!?

This may be one of the dumbest stories you have ever heard but I don't care how weak this makes me sound. I really liked this guy for like six months and all my friends knew it. Well one day one of my freinds began to like him. For the record I must add that tons of guys like her. Well turns out so does the kid I like. Now they are going out and, not to be mean, i don't know how long it is going to last. I really am happy for her but it still really bothers me. I really like him (he is the first guy I have liked on both looks and personality, cause he has an amazing personality and is so hot) and I can't get over him. I'm not sure what I want advice on but I need help!I Need Some Advice On How To Get Over A Guy!?
Look honestly its not gonna be what you want to hear but just do it and its hard to comprehend but your probably a gorgeous girl and you don't need someone who obviously doesn't want you the sooner you come to realize that he is not the one for least at this never know what could happen down the road, but the sooner you come to realize that you will be able to let go and let me add that there are so monay great guys out there...and they are right under you nose.....some of them you wouldnt even consider...but just go for it your young just stick to dating and having fun!I Need Some Advice On How To Get Over A Guy!?
First I would tell my friend she betrayed me and if she cared about me she shouldnt do things like that to me...Then I would find someone else to crush on. It sounds like he is not interested...HIS LOSS SWEETIE! I could be wrong but if he wanted you..well he wouldnt date her. I am sorry for being so blunt. THERE ARE SOOO MANY MORE GUYS TO DATE! That WILL want you and love you for who you are! Good luck!
just get yourself really busy and try to aviod him at all cost
well first of all im assuming that you are all in your teens. we all go through this at one point or another in our lives. i think the emotion that your expericing more than anything is rejection. and it certainly doesn't help matters that the girl he's with now is something of a social butterfly who is very attractive. you first need to know it's not your fault this guy put you aside for her. spice is the variety of life.. we can't help who were attracted to. but we can be responsible for our actions if it involves hurting a friend. obviously your g-friend didn't take that into consideration. the easiest way to get over any break-up is not to be available to the other person for any reason. this does not mean to be mad at him or her, because when you hold grudges .. you in a sense give the other person so much power over you, and thats not good when someone knows you better than you know yourself nothing good can ever come from it. again don't talk with the guy but if you decide to continue your friendship with the girl , let her know how much she hurt you. and this is a blemish on your relationship that she will have to fix! go out and enjoy yourself don't sit around and mope. trust me there not moping. meet other guys, you'll soon learn theres a little something to like about everybody. it may be a long time before you meet that one guy that not only has all the Quailities your lookin' for but someone who feels the same way you do about a relationship. remember relationships are like'll always have to climb a few of them to get to the top.
busy yourself, occupy your mind the main reason most grow a crush on someone is b/c they take up alot of your thinking time but if your busy thinking about something else then you won't have the time for them

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