Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need A boyfriend I want a boyfriend I need advice on how to get a guy?

ADVICE FROM AN ACTUAL GUY ON WHAT THEY LIKE ECT.I need A boyfriend I want a boyfriend I need advice on how to get a guy?
In high school/middle school most guys like any girls that like them.

How old are you?

We like girls that give us sexual pleasure, when I was in high school, all I thought about was getting that poontang. If I was with a girl, I was just bsing liking her to get some. Even though I really liked a few girls, I just wanted to bang em.

Most boys your age(if your in highschool) thats all they want to do.

Just make eye contact with a boy, smile, and he'll mostly come to you, if not keep trying a few more eye contactsI need A boyfriend I want a boyfriend I need advice on how to get a guy?
be yourself
Just be pleasant and don't try too hard cuz its a real turn off. Be interested in what is being said to you.
Take it from one who knows, you probably won't find the guy your looking for until you lose the attitude that yah ';need one.'; The best girls to be with are the ones who are comfortable with themselves. They aren't clingy, and they know what they want and like. Loosen up, stop worrying about it, and then someone will come along. I always say you'll find what your looking for when you stop looking.

Best of luck!
We're all different, we all like different things.

Confidence is one of the key traits for me. I also like girls who don't NEED a guy...someone who can get around and do things herself. I also like girls who take care of themselves mentally and physically. An independent, outgoing, and sweet girl.

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