Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I am moveing from MD to CO i will be driving with my 4mo old daughter. Any advice? I am worried how she will b

I am worried she will cry from being in her carseat for such a long periode of time!!I am moveing from MD to CO i will be driving with my 4mo old daughter. Any advice? I am worried how she will b
Do you have anyone who can ride with you in the car? It's so much easier to get a little one to sleep in the car if there's someone to sit back there with her and hold her little hand.

Try music, radio static, singing to her, to get her to sleep while you're driving. Plan to stop frequently, and don't plan too much driving each day. You'll want to give her a chance to have some awake play time, get fed, get changed, etc.

I did a 5 hour drive with my son when he was only 3 months, and we stopped one time. He did great, and only cried the last 20 minutes or so. I know you have much further than that to drive, but wanted to at least share that as a point of reference.

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