Sunday, December 27, 2009

Advice on how to deal with random racism..?

I'm not one to publicize my personal life, but I'm a male teenager and real annoyed. There i was in KFC ordering a meal, when a vicky pollard look-a-like starts shouting stuff at my friend. I try and defend him in a civilised manner, and i get racism thrown straight back at me. I didn't respond in any way to her other than 'okay'. Don't you hate it when you come home and you think to yourself.. i wish i did this, i wish i did that. All im asking is what would YOU have done? No phone a consultant and ask for a session to talk to about this problem help please... i'm not ill :P Just wondering what i should've done, as i feel quite ashamed not standing up for myself to a GIRL CHAV in front of all my friends... (male and female)- thanks v much.Advice on how to deal with random racism..?
You only sink to that idiot's level if you engage in yelling and name calling. A racist has no ... intelligence, reason, humanity, depth, etc.

Good job!

FPAdvice on how to deal with random racism..?
I know what you are talking about...I am a foreigner in this country, and I obviously look foreign. I can not speak English without my accent, and I even belong to a category that people call 'immigrant' that is often refereed as a problem. Even though I do not face racism everyday in person, I still face that everyday on papers, news and internet. And so do many of my friends. It is so annoying. I wish I could slap all the racists in to senses, but I know I can't do that physically, or physiologically.

If I was in your or your friend's situation, all I could do was talk to her calmly to tell her to stop. Or just ignore. After all, those people do this sort of silly stuff aren't educated enough to understand what they are doing. If you have fought, or shouted back, then you would be just lowering yourself to the same level, and that is one thing you should avoid doing. And you successfully avoided it. As far as I am concerned, you did the right thing, and you did what you could. Do not be ashamed. If a racist person wants a stupid uneducated racist life, then let her.
dont give them the satisfaction of knowing they have hurt u, however difficult this may sound, dont come down to their level
just be the bigger person and forget about it. it doesnt sound very satisfying i know..but by letting it bother you you're giving them the satisfaction they wanted. as long as there are different races on this planet, there will be racists. that's a very unsettling thought but the best thing you can do is set an example and not pay any attention to it. teach them to stop being immature.
a man was taking his bath in a stream and as such had hung his clothes on a tree, while he was bathing a man came carried his clothes and started running away with it , when he noticed this act he immediately started chasing after the mad man naked shouting '; hey stop you mad man '; but people seeing him could not differentiate who was actually man between the two individuals because he was nude unknowingly. so my friend racism has always been here and so ignore them and remain focus on your ambition .
Ingore it why rise to the bait .They are in need of pity
Sometimes you just want to shoot the chavs. I saw some breaking into a car recently and would have dearly liked to introduce their heads to mr cricket bat, but alas I didn't, and feel all the worse for it... (However I would have gotten into trouble because the courts seem to bend over backwards to the chavs)

Beat it with the plastic trays the food comes on in future! :D
Tell her to F.U.C.K. off. Racists expect black people not to fight back, they try to talk to, look at, and treat black people like S.H.I.T. Don't listen to these A.R.S.E.H.O.L.E.S. that are telling you to do nothing.
What you should have done is.. in a calm manner... say maam can I please have your first and last name?? can I have the name and number of your district manager?? then just leave in a calm manner that would scare the sh*t out of her... then call her district manager make a formal complaint..
To this question all u have to do is stand up for yourself you should have become determined for what u have to say because u were trying to defend ur friend and so there is nothing to feel abase about except a girl so just be who you are and just forget about what has happened she is someone u don't know so just back off remember to be affirmative. Stay away from people like that and back off.
I'd probably have doe the same as you - nothing, but left the situation with grace and dignity.

All the time wishing I'd removed the foul cow's larynx with a claw hammer.
I Have had the thoughts I should of said this or that- but- it is done- consider the source of the bigotted idiot- her day will come- she is a throw back - and probably doesn't know any better- what a shame- D
I agree with the no striking back policy. What's the point in getting into an argument with them, they won't listen nor learn anything from it, and you'd just be wasting your time. I grew up as a minority, trust me, i know what I'm talking about. Better to spend time trying to teach someone who wants to learn about your culture and make it an enjoyable exchange than to try and reason with idiots. Time's precious, don't waste it.

There is no sin except stupidity.

Oscar Wilde

Arguments are to be avoided: they are always vulgar and often convincing.

Oscar Wilde

Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

The roots of racism lie deep in man's nature, wounded and bruised by original sin.

Sargent Shriver
what a ***** i think you did the right thing though be proud of yourself that you didnt become like her and mouth off abuse

she will get it one day she was lucky today

i hate that and to be honest i would have gone for her but im not as strong as you as i would have reacted in haste and regretted it
  • skin
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