Sunday, December 27, 2009

I would like to find two children i put up for adoption. has any one got any advice on how to do this?

You can sign a release of your information at the agency where you went to put them up and then you have to wait until they come looking for you and are 18 years or older in age.

I'm sorry for your loss...never give up hope, I have many adopted friends and relatives who have gone looking and found thier mommas.I would like to find two children i put up for adoption. has any one got any advice on how to do this?
Go to a site like鈥?/a>I would like to find two children i put up for adoption. has any one got any advice on how to do this?
Start with where it all began at and go from there, but please do not get your hopes up. This is a very long and painful process and remember the adoptive parents may have never told the children they were adopted. However, don't leave any stone unturned but just be prepared for alot of closed and slammed doors. People never seem to ask you why you did this, they just assume you are a bad person and that is certainly not always the case. I just don't want you to get pumped up only to be knocked down. Make a list of everything you remember, who was involved, names, places, dates, go to the libraries and look at old newspaper articles, birth certificates which may match the dates of birth. Just make lists and then go for it. I wish you so much luck and the best of everything. You never know, your children may just be looking for you.
I believe they have to be of legal age before you are allowed to find them and they have to agree with it. Just go back to the agency or the hospital they were born and go from there
Im adopted and found my parents, my adoption was private and we both had to register with our provincial agency before steps could be taken to make the match. I also had to wait until I was 18 or with parental consent if I was underage. I had to give them what I knew about where I was born etc and the same for my birth parents, if I never registered we would not have made contact.
There are some good online registries. You post the date of birth, place of birth and anything else you know. Then if the child is looking for you it will give them your information. Put in adoption search and it will pull some up. You don't have to pay anyone for this service as there are free ones. I hope you are successful. I have a friend who has been and one who has not been. Your chances are doubled if there are two kids out there somewhere. As I understand it, the chances of them looking for you are greater during their late teens and again around age 40, but you never know. Good Luck and God Bless
My family and I found to children(now adults) we had lost decades ago by setting up a Yahoo group dedicated to our family and one day they stumbled upon it and we've never been apart since. Ya never know.

Good Luck
It depends was it a closed or open adoption? Are they now over 18? And why are you doing this? At any rate you can write a letter to the adoptive parents %26amp; child %26amp; ask for a visit.
wow you should proby keep your legs shut or atleast make up your mind

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