Sunday, December 27, 2009

Advice on how to deal with potential mother-in-laws???

Be respectfull

Don't kiss butt

And know your boundries of her and her sons relationship

Don't get in the middle of nothingAdvice on how to deal with potential mother-in-laws???
Remember that BEFORE she is potential mother in law, she is a HUMAN BEING with wants and needs just like everyone else. If she is like many other mothers, she wants what is best for her son. The ';BEST'; I can think of is to be true to yourself....just relax and enjoy her company...ask her about what she likes, ask her about her life, what makes her laugh, sad and so forth. Treat her as you would a friend. Just knowing that you are interested in her as a PERSON will help her relax, too.Advice on how to deal with potential mother-in-laws???
Be gracious, warm, diplomatic and do not discuss personal issues especially about your relationship ( That goes for mothers as well as mother in laws.) Never get into drama or deep discussions about issues. You will not win
Don't take there crap!!! Be yourself, and don't be ran over. I tried to be the perfect daughter in law for 3 years before I figured out I didn't have to be...Just perfect for my husband. My mother inlaw is crazy....But seriously don't let her run you over and make you miserable to make your husband happy. It sucks!
BE yourself,respect her regardless if you disagree on things and dont be a brown noser ...
Almost keep your friends close by. Always keep your enemies closer.

You never know, you might need her one day to babysit or do anything for you.
If you can have a good relationship with your in laws, it will make everything so much easier. So I suggest really trying to get a long and make a good relationship from the beginning.

Don't get me wrong, if you don't have a good relationship your marriage can still work out but it will be harder.

Remember as strange as it is for you to be trying to fit into their family, it is also strange for them. MIL often feel threatened by the son's GF or fiances. Your boy friend and you need to reassure her that she will always be part of your lives and there is enough love for everyone.
You dont have to deal with them, if you be yourself and enjoy their company then all will work out, I have a wonderful relationship with my inlaws. Sometimes they can probally annoy you but remember they are doing for your own good.
go for holidays ONLY! good luck!

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