Thursday, December 31, 2009

How i find free advice on how to get my husband back?

Don't be needy and beg him to come back. Talk to him rationally and ask him if he would go to counseling with you to try to save your marriage. If you were drifting apart, you two weren't doing a very good job of communicating and working on your marriage. I hope counseling will help you and your husband save your marriage.

Good luck.How i find free advice on how to get my husband back?
Check out You can watch the shows on-line. Jimmy and Karen Evans almost divorced, but managed to save their marriage. They give excellent advice. Also check out鈥?/a>How i find free advice on how to get my husband back?
Well, this is about as free as it gets....

What would you like to know and maybe some of us here can help you?
well we can try . it depends the reason he left need more info
I am so sorry to inform you that your husband is now dating someone else. You are too late. Too bad you divorced him, he is hunk..
just search the web............ and if you all split up it wasn't meant to be anyway
I think, unfortunately, theres not much you can do to get your husband back. Try talking to him about his reasons to leave, be calm and dont try to make him feel guilty for leaving you, that will just push him further away from you. Tell him you still love him and are willing to work hard to save your marriage and that you would like him to do the same. Give him time to think about it and dont pressure him too much for an answer, wait a few days. Most of all, I think you should put your marriage into our Lords hands and He will take care of it for you. Pray about it and try not to worry. I know divorce is one of the hardest things to think about when you love your spouse but you should seek some counceling. If your husband decides to give the marriage a second chance then it would be a good idea to both go to counceling so you can receive help from a professional on how to solve the issues that need to be solved and how to try to avoid these problems in the future. You should both focus on what brought you guys together in the first place. Try to think of the good times and may that inspire you to treat each other as you used to.

I wish you good luck and hope your marriage works out.
talk to family and friends, but it depends on why you split up, and if he wants you back. have you talked to him about it, if he doesn't want to then you must get on with your life. have you tried marriage guidance counseling
The most important thing is not to beg him and seem needy. Its unaatractive. Heel yourself and heres the niggest thing you will see in any advice on getting an ex back

NO CONTACT - Period. Do not call or talk to him for 2 weeks to a month. If you have to talk to him, (kids?) keep it minimal and seem like you are fine.

No matter how much you want to, do not contact him. It sounds couterintuitive but if he sees you are moving on with out him, he will wonder what he is missing on. Find a support person and any time you fell like calling him, call the support person. Its not guaranteed because you cant make him comeback. But its a start. We all want what we dont have. Finally, talk to a counsellor and determine what issues caused him to leave because if you do get him back but nothing changed, he will only leave again one day! Good Luck and ignore the idoits that tell you to forget it. Stay strong!
most anything broken can be fixed, with alot of communication, and being honest with each other, providing it isn't due to an affair, in that case theres not much one can do until he decides its over with.

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