Sunday, December 27, 2009

Advice on how to tell him I'm a virgin...?

I really like this guy and we've been together for a few weeks. We havent done anything sexual, but I'd like to in the future. Sometimes when we make out he'll suggest, physically, that we go further. I think this would be and feel ';normal'; if I wasn't a virgin because I'm definately attracted to him and trust him...

My question is though, how should I tell him I'm a virgin? It hasn't been brought up so maybe that's why he thinks it's fine for him to try and go further wih me...? I don't feel pressured or anything but I'd like to tell him I'm a virgin so he knows why I'm not going for it right now... Any advice is appreciated!Advice on how to tell him I'm a virgin...?
Just tell him and why...Advice on how to tell him I'm a virgin...?
Be sure to be true to yourself. If you feel he should know then you have the right to let him know. if you are comfortable with him it shouldn't be that big of a deal. Other wise sit down and lightly touch on the issue. He should be told about whether you are comfortable or not with him wanting more in the relationship. Its not up to the guys to read our minds. So be sure to bring it up in one way or another. It will go fine if he respects you and trusts your decisions.
Talk to him and tell him
There is nothing to be ashamed about. That is very respectful. Just sit down and talk to him. Keep your head Up!
easy just tell him that you have not had sex yet but would love to try it when your ready for it and make sure to put it in a nice way so he doesn't think that you are not wanting sex ever...
Just tell him straight up that ur a virgin and how u feel about going further with him in the future but not right nwo and if he cant understand that then he isnt worth being with i told my boyfriend i was a virgin and he was too but that wasnt hard to tell him but just be truthful with him and tell him that u r like i said if he cant understand it and then he isnt worth it
Just tell him girl!

Be proud of it.

I told my boyfriend I was (but he is too)

So I guess it wasnt to hard.

all guys are gonna wanna go farther my b.f tries to.
I think that you should tell him straight up and soon that the reason that you keep passing on going further is because you are a virgin, so that he doesn't get the impression that you are not interested in him or that you are trying to push him away. Let him know you will when you are ready. I think he will understand. Good luck and be safe!!!
Well, virgins usually want guys who want more that just sex from them. Do you know his intentions? If his intentions are true, he wouldn't pressure you to go further virgin or not a virgin. There's no reason to tell him until you two are on the same path with what you want out of the relationship. Besides, you have only been together for a few weeks, what's the rush? Some guys may take your virginity as a challenge, some will scare off, and some, the good ones will respect it. So, ask yourself, what kind of guy is this guy?
well, if he ask just tell him the truth, cuz guys like VIRGIN, not a slut who alreday done it, cuz guys get jealouse, and lose their taste. so its better to let him know ur still a virgin. but don't tell him randomly, tell him if ur having a ubject of that.
It's not too many of you out here that could and should feel great about being a virgin. Dont be ashame of being a virgin, you have this far gone about it the right way. You should continue to go about the right way until married. If he truly love you he would understand and appreciate you greatly for being conscious about keeping yourself pure for that special moment with the husband you had waited for.

Hold on, and keep the virginity real; and when the day of marriage come you will be well pleased with yourself and you husband will be well pleased to know he is a special man in your life.
If you like him and trust him just tell him. If hes worth it he will understand that it's a sensitive issue for you. Addittionally, talking it over with him will probably make you feel much more comfortable about the subject.
So you want to have sex with him and go further but not yet? If I understand you correctly then just tell him that you don't want to have sex with him. Talk about where you want to draw the line for now.

If you want to tell him, one of the easiest ways may be to say something like ';How far have you been with a girl'; and then you can turn around and tell him. Don't be scared about telling him, most guys don't mind, some even prefer it. My current girlfriend/friend with benefits says she's a virgin. I really don't care one way or the other. It makes little difference to me as long as she isn't a whore, which she is far from.
Well first of all you don't have to tell him that at all. When the time comes things will unfold, but in the mean time just keep that to yourself. If I was dating a girl, I don't care if she is a virgin or not.

But most important thing is that if you ever do anything w/ someone make sure you use protection to proctect yourself from STDs... Take Care
for any relationship to be anthing worth while you have to have

honestly, and this is a very important. you need to let him know

telling a guy that you are a virgin is not a big deal guys actually like that but dont give your self up so easy if he really likes you he will wait as long as you need besides you can only loose our viginity once make sure he is worth it
if your really feelin this guy then he'll understand....tell him about your beliefs about you to 2gether sexually wether you want to remain abstient (virgin) uintil wen ever or wen u feel u to should tak it that step further...cuz by wat u've said he dont seem lik that type of guy that would hit it and quit it espeacilly if u've neva taken it any further than simple make outs...dont worry he'll understand

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