Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need advice about how to tell my 15 year old son i'm gay.?

me,my son and his granny were in her car and i told him he would have to start dressing out for p.e. his reaction was ';i know those coaches make that rule because they are gay. this past scool year he came home very upset he was playing flag football and he was running cause he had the ball and a boy ran up to him and tried to grab the flag but missed the flag and grabbed his pants on accident.I need advice about how to tell my 15 year old son i'm gay.?
Okay so I'll tell you a little about me. After my parents divorced my mom found out that she was a lesbian but did not tell me. I found out by accidently glancing at an email that said that she was and I was mad. It broke my heart that she did not think that I was valuable enough to tell me. So anyways you need to tell him. Just sit him down and be honest. He may suprise you and be completely okay with it but if he isnt give him time. There is a website called COLAGE (Children of lesbian and gays everywhere) and that is a great resource. Message me if you need toI need advice about how to tell my 15 year old son i'm gay.?
if he really likes a sertan food. like i love ice cream whenever he has problems and needs to talk with me he always takes me to my favorite ice cream place. maybe you could do that for your son just the two of ya'll. if he loves you which he does cuz your his mother he'll except it and love you even more.

good luck
I suggest that you contact a gay support group and talk with experts on this. If you don't deal with it in the right way you may have real trouble on your hands.

I think that at 15 guys say that people are gay a lot. It is just a phase that they go through.

You do need to tell your son you are gay. Just talk with experts first.
Perhaps you can just hold it as your ';little secret'; till he's out of adolescent years and makes it solidly into adulthood? Do you think you can ';hold out'; that much longer for your son's sake?

I'd wait till he's at least 25 and out of the house.
just come right out and tell him! he will be VERY angry with you if you don't tell him right away. if you want to wait, then tell him when he's about 16 or something. just remember, do what's right for him.
Um that is a hard one i would wait fo the subject to vome up adn just say you know that i am gay..... And tell him there is nothing weird or wrong about it.
Bizzare. Why are you not being honest with your son? Why are not teaching him to refrain from making inappropriate comments?
i would just tell him! ask him what he thinks of gays! lieing or not having your life just to make him happy is wrong and wean he finds out wean he is older he may be mad a t you!! good luck1!
tell him your his dad he will undestandd

good luck!!
Tell him. He wil be very upset if you don't
just tell him before its to late to

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