Sunday, December 27, 2009

I am moveing from MD to CO i will be driving with my 4mo old daughter. Any advice? I am worried how she will b

I am worried she will cry from being in her carseat for such a long periode of time!!I am moveing from MD to CO i will be driving with my 4mo old daughter. Any advice? I am worried how she will b
Is there is any way you could drive all night instead of during the day? We live in NC but are from AL so it takes us about 12 hours to get home. My son is 6 months and we leave home around 10 and drive all night. He sleeps the entire time and it's wonderful!!!!I am moveing from MD to CO i will be driving with my 4mo old daughter. Any advice? I am worried how she will b
Take frequent breaks. You're going to have to feed her anyway, and you can't burp her while she's in the carseat! (And the last thing you need is a gassy/fussy baby on a long car trip!) That's the only advice I have...good luck with your move!
It will make the trip longer but stop every 2-3 hours and get her out, change the diaper, and let her strech and play with you for like 10 minutes. (Unless she is sleeping) thats what we did with our daughter moved from Utah to Durango, CO to Idaho all before she was 2.
I moved across country when my daughter was an infant. We made frequent stops other than just feedings. We also tried to stay at a hotel when she was really fussy. You could also try driving at night when she would be normally sleeping, but that would be very tiring for you so you would have to make that kind of call. At the very minimum, take a lot of breaks to stretch those little legs and she will be a happier baby for it.
I believe your little one should be fine. Really it depends on the temperment of your child. Usually at four months the child is pretty mello. I myself drove From California to North Carolina when My little girl was 5 months and she did great. I did although have someone else in the car to feed her while I was driving.

I have to say I was suprised just how well she did. I belive that being in a car is soothing to a child so if your lucky your little one will sleep a lot of the time like mine did. I wish you the best of luck and im sure it will be okay. Just keep your little ones tummy full and make sure their hydrated! everything should go good.
First off, you are a very brave woman.

I drove a Uhaul from MI to AZ with 3 kids, 11,3 and 1, and i was 7 months pregnant.

it was a VERY long 4 days.

i would drive between 12 and 16 hours a day.

we would stop early, find a motel, grab some dinner and take a break for the night.

The next morning we left very early around 5 or so.

For the most part they slept, but I still needed frequent breaks for myself.

Sometimes when we were int he middle of nowhere, I would find a rest stop and stop for a half an hour or so to let the kids stretch out and run around.

The youngest one was very sore from being in her car seat for 4 days.

One tip, about halfway through, get a small pillow or fold up a fluffy blanket or towel and set it in her seat where her bottom and back goes, make sure it won't cover her face or mouth when she falls asleep.

You will more than likely have to make frequent stops anyways for feedings and diaper changes.

Make sure you have rash ointment handy, sometimes when they fall asleep they cant tell you when they need a change.

keep your cell fully charged in case you have car trouble.

Are you going to have another driver?

maybe you can sit in the back with your baby so she can see mom is right there.

Good luck, and god speed on your journey
being in her carseat for that long can make her sore and she will cry when you move her the wrong way. it is recommended by doctors that you dont, but if you do, make plenty of rest stops even if she dont need a diaper change or anything just to get her out and hold her for a bit.
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