Thursday, December 31, 2009

I just got badly hurt. Any advice on how best to cope please?

Don't contact them, it's bad for your self-esteem.

Do cry if you need to.

Give yourself a lot of time, time will make it better.

Occupy your time with activities that don't remind you of your ex. Y/A is good for that.

Get out in the sun for a little each day, to chase the blues away.

Remember to eat and get enough sleep. If you can't sleep, turn on the TV for noise and lie down anyway.

Tell yourself that you are enough. Good enough, strong enough, sweet enough, loving deserve better.

~Best ((((((((HUGS))))))))I just got badly hurt. Any advice on how best to cope please?
time is a great healer,stay away like the others have stated and in the near future you will look back at this and laugh at this time in your life.good luck!!!I just got badly hurt. Any advice on how best to cope please?
Have you fell of your bike?
aww sorry your hurting hunni .try to find things to do that will keep your mind occupied as much as possible.If you live alone or have your own room perhaps redecorating would help it would keep you busy and you wouldnt be thinking about your pain as much.(i am assuming this is a realtionship ending thats hurting you?)i hope you feel better soon .
first off, dont call or have any contact with whoever hurt you. just stay in a place that makes you happy and think of the good times you've had with other people. listen to some music, find a new band, go out with your friends. everything will be okay =)
stay busy - and dont speak to the person for a long time otherwise it will make you worse. good luck
How ever much you want to, don't call, don't text and don't send emails or letters. Don't agree to meet up and don't hang around places where you know your ex will be. The more you stay away the sooner you will feel better, although don't expect to any time soon. x

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