Sunday, December 27, 2009

Im in the need to learn how to do self control and self displine, can someone give me advice?

its on need to control life. Weight and what notIm in the need to learn how to do self control and self displine, can someone give me advice?
That's a loaded question. If you want to do it, just do it. Noone is perfect. If you really have serious issues, persue professional counseling.Im in the need to learn how to do self control and self displine, can someone give me advice?
try martial arts (judo) or ti chi or yoga
I found answers at %26amp;

It's a matter of seeing the ';light'; or the ';big picture'; or however u want to phrase it, basically, the end result! It's not easy, but there is help for you!
Make up a mantra or slogan.

For will power not to eat high calorie food: Nothing tastes as good as thin feels (repeat 5 times, more if nessasary)

For will power to workout when you don't feel like it: I want to be fit (repeat 5 times, more if nessasary)

For will power to break up with a bad person: I'm better than this ( get the idea)

It's kind of like talking yourself into it.
Pray about it, love yourself %26amp; just do it, If you fall get up again, again %26amp; again. Believe in yourself, give yourself a chance you've already started just by asking. (now just do It)!
Control, isnt there too much of that in your life already??
this will train your brain and your body.

next time you have to piss hold it. HOLD IT. hold it as long as you can. this will streathen your weak self displine. when you feel you cant take it anymore. to to the rest room. lift the seat, unzipp and hold it even more.

HOLD IT. then let it pulse out a lil at a time. every 15 seconds.

thats self control.

and remember, if you shake more that twice,...youre playing with yourself
If you feel you need more self discipline take up an activity that requires it. Yoga, martial arts, tap dancing....something that really demands your full attention. Also, you might be depressed and that's leaving you feeling unmotivated. If you are seriously depressed you should talk to your doctor.

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