Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need advice on how to remember bible verses?

Write the verse on one side of a 3X4 index card and the chapter and verse on the other side. Learn a new one every day. Have a friend test you at the end of each week...I need advice on how to remember bible verses?
Instead of memorizing them, feel them, understand them. That is how you'll remember.I need advice on how to remember bible verses?
When I teach Sunday School or Jr. Church I have the kids repeat it 8 times to get it into their minds. I also have to write it 10 times to get it memorized. Just keep going over and over them. You wont regret it at all. I was told of one lady who memorized vrs. and when she had gotten old. She had gotten Alzheimer's, and all she could do was quote scripture.
Try to focus on reading the Bible as a whole and in context, rather than just memorizing single verses.

I had always had a hard time remembering verses. But then I began to study and learn the background information and I read the Bible it's entirety a few times. Now verses come to mind and I can quote them. It will kind of come to me like this, ';when Jesus was with the disciples he said_________ or he talked about ___________.'; ';Paul said _________ when he was talking to __________. ';

Think of it this way. When you remember something your friend said don't you usually think that way. For example ';I remember when we were at dinner that day and __________ said ___________. '; It's usually pretty easy to quote things like that because you were there and it's an actual story that you have experienced.

Well, in the same way, the Bible is an account of things that actually happened too. You were't there, but they are actual stories too. (You could think of it as a story that your friend (God) told you, or in this case wrote to you.) So if you think about it that way, and continuously study and become more familiar with it, you'll begin quoting more and more scriptures and passages naturally without even thinking about it.
Think ';how or what YHWH's (God) m.o. is, and you will beguin to 'link' texts with other texts, and will notice 'things' (scientific discoveries, news, etc) around you that will bring in the texts to your memory. It is not necessary to know verse and chapter (Jesus never quoted like that).
Read them over to yourself again and agian. If you do it enough times you will remember them.

Or you can use flash cards.

On one side write this:

John 3:16

On the other write this:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Those are ways I have been told will help you to remember.

I hope that helped.
Write out the verses you want to remember %26amp; cut up the paper into strips so your verses are litlte like fortune cookie slips. Put them in a nice box you have or decorate one. Shake up the box %26amp; pick one out. Say it %26amp; think about it's meaning. You should know about it before you put it in the box. You are now just going to carry it in your pocket %26amp; look at it throughout the day. When you go to the bathroom, when you wash your face, when you hang up the phone just think about it %26amp; look at it throughout the whole day....I don't use bible verses but I use affirmations. Now when I am speaking to someone I can offer wisdom %26amp; they think I am so wise but I learned what I know from these little slips of paper....I trust the process or It's all in divine right order are the kind of things I have used this technique for so it should work well for you too!
When I memorize scripture, sometimes I will write the verse down, over and over, and I will read it over and over out loud.

I do it and test myself to see how well I did. If type it out, you could leave blank lines where certain words go, and then read through and fill in the blanks.
read one part of the verse at a time. Then once you have remembered them in pieces, you can put them together! : )
Moses had the same problem with the Israelites as they traveled the wilderness so he put Scripture to song. His sister Miriam seemed to be gifted the same way. So break your piggy bank, go to a Christian bookstore, and buy scripture songs. You'll love 'em.
I have found that repetition is best for me and my kids. Practice them over and over. My sons goal by August is to be able to quote 96 verses (including the addresses). I have no doubt that he will be able to do it. I wish I was as good as he is at it. Imagine to be able to memorize almost 100 verses a year.
Get them tattooed on the inside of your eyelids. That way, you'll look at them while you sleep and memorize them effortlessly.
meditate on them whenever you can
Visualize them in your mind. A picture paints a thousand words.
Discover what the verses mean to you and understand them, and you will remember them.

Everyone remembers Nietzsche's quote, ';That which does not kill us makes us stronger.';
read them over and over. then test yourself on them. the parts you dont know study some more.

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