Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need advice on how to break up with my gf with out hurting her.?

We've been goin out for 3.5 months. Until 2 weeks ago ive lost some feelings. She's 2.5 yrs younger then me and I took her virginity. Her mom is best friends with my mom. She acts like she's in love with me. Her myspace photo headlines hint loveI need advice on how to break up with my gf with out hurting her.?
Ain't gonna happen, you are going to hurt her no matter how you do it.

If you fear some kind of reckoning from parents or from something else you should have looked before you went in (double entendre anyone?)

My advice is to be up front and let her have it, let the cards fall where they may. Let her get to crying and grieving and hating you. And let yourself out of what looks like a sticky situation for yourself as quickly and painless as possible.(I did it again, Ha)I need advice on how to break up with my gf with out hurting her.?
Everything is going to suck a little at first... just because your mom, her mom and especially her will be involved in the whole breakup. There is honestly no way to do this easy. But the RIGHT thing to do is to be honest with her and not make something up that might sound better. 3 and 1/2 months isn't all that long, really. You should've waited for the sex, it would've lessened the pain of breakup, but that's beside the point now. Even if she thinks she loves you, you HAVE to stay true to your feelings.. it's sweet, but you'll end up having feelings of remorse for not going with your own flow.
Hate to break it to you, but there's honestly no way you're gonna get out of this without hurting her. I know I took the virginity of a girl that I wasn't even dating and I've been pretty pissed at myself ever since, so I'll try not to accuse you too much of being a ';jerk'; or whatever. You're just gonna have to tell her what's up. It's gonna be extremely hard on her, and you need to accept that right now so it's at least her reaction's not a surprise when you tell her. Maybe wait another week, and in that week don't do like anything physical at all, so that she at leasts realizes somethingi swong. It'll hurt her a lot more if she thinks your relationship is this great and wonderful thing then just out of the blue you dump her. After that week, go somewhere with her, preferrably her house, and tell her. Let her slap you and yell at you, she needs to get it out and just try to be understanding. Maybe call her the next day and if she doesn't pick up, at least you tried. Hope I helped = )
You going to hurt her either way. Since you took her virginity she is going to hurt for a while. Why are you loosing feelings????

Taking a woman's virginity is very precious to her and you took something away from her that she can't take back.

You must be honest with her.

- This is a lesson for you and her. SEX doesn't mean its going to last forever.
Explain to her that you don't feel how you did before. Then apologize for taking her virginity then leaving her (don't exactly phrase it that way though lol) Tell her that u beleive that u would better off without each other. If she doesn't agree then mabey give her a month or so and if she realizes that she is better off then that's great if not and she wants u back, then uhhh get back on Yahoo, tell your story, and let everyone else tell u what to do b/c I don't know after that. lol. sorry.
If you break up with her and she gets mad. You know shes going to tell her mom that you guys had sex and you know that mom is going to tell your mom.

My advice is just kinda bring out your bad side around her. Make her break up with you.
you're gonna hurt her no matter what. sorry but there isn't really any good way to break up with someone.

all I can say is plan out what you're gonna say first. do it in the most diplomatic way possible and try to compliment her (but not too much otherwise she will ask why you want to break up!)

good luck
If she really loves you, she will be hurt anyway you put it. I would try to say that you think of her now as a friend, but not really much more and that you would like to continue to be just her friend. Talk to her in person too when you do it.
that is gonna hurt her. well, you be honest and tell her exactly why you are breaking up with her. it is going to hurt her either way.
its gonna hurt her either way you go. all you can do is explain why and leave her alone for awhile. i hope it goes better than its sounds.
Well she is going to be hurt. But tell her the truth. There is nothing worst then been lied too.
Be the exact opposite of you and make her not like you show she does it and not you.
You used the word my and she alot. This means you still feel not only attached, but in control of her.
u can NOT break her up without hurting her, JERK
thats why you dont have sex.....sigh. jerk.

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