Sunday, December 20, 2009

My MIL asked about my sex life, Advice on how to handle it.?

My MIL directly ask me and my fiance,

You guys are both using condoms when your together right?

She said '; My son is to young at this moment in time to be thinking about children';

I was embarassed and walked out the room. What would you say?My MIL asked about my sex life, Advice on how to handle it.?
Just smile mysteriously and change the subject. ';Have you tried this bean dip? It's delicious...'; as you hand her the get the general idea. Or say that you will let her know when you have news to share. Then talk about some upcoming plan--such as travel, remodelling, a book you are reading, whatever. Or, you could just look at her deadpan and say, ';Well, actually, we want a big family, maybe about 12 kids, so you're right--we should get started right away!';

I doubt it is because your fiance is too young, but because she sees herself as still being too young to be a grandma.My MIL asked about my sex life, Advice on how to handle it.?
Actually it is her (MIL) business. Because she knows that if both of you don't have your sh*t together as far as careers and having the means to take care of the kid she (MIL) will probably have to raise the baby while both of you are at work.

So I would tell her, ';yes he (your husband) and I have talked about children and family all the time'; Then get the hell out of the room before the convo goes further than that...haha Then go tell your husband immediately and tell him to go talk to his Mom about that stuff and leave you out of it since it makes you feel comfortable.

You see, in Mom's eye, you are the evil other woman who came and took her little boy away from her. Even if she likes you. She'll listen to him if he talks to her.

You can't just walk out without answering. That is as good as saying you're not using or worst. Like saying stay the f*ck out of my business. How many MIL on this planet you know of that can stay out of her Son's business?
she's worried, and she has a right to be. you'r parents probably are too. if she was b**ch about it then that's something you're going to have to deal with on your own but if she was really concerned then you should just explain to her that your (as in you and your fiance) sex life is your business but that you don't have plans to start a family right away, if that is the case. be honest but be firm about not wanting to talk to her about particulars. give her a generalization about how you've discussed this with him and the two of you came to a decision together. that's all she needs to know. personally i think it's a question she should ask her son instead of making you feel embarassed and cornered.
Bah.. what's all this keeping secrets?

Me and my mother are very close, and talk about things like these... she's always said, ';Listen.. if you get sick and your d!ck falls off, who do you suppose will be the one taking care of you?';.. You know..? She's right.

Directly slapping your MIL aside - telling her it's not her business or lying - is going to set up a bad precedent. You may even come out of it with an enemy-in-law, which sucks.

I'd just give her a suitably vague answer, and agree with her where I could. She's just concerned, and a little overprotective. She's not being a b!tc# or trying to be rude. Even if she is, can you blame parents for loving their children?

Be confident in your relationship and understand that in all relationships there will be compromises. Sometimes you gotta roll with a punch, and sometimes you will swing back. Be nice when you can. If it REALLY bothers you that much, and I can't say I would be particularly annoyed in the same situation, just speak to him and see if he can talk to her and explain that you feel a bit odd about discussing those things. If he's well spoken you won't have to worry about it anymore.
why be embarrassed, She know you are having sex and maybe she more open to talk about sex than your parents are I would have told her yes we are or I am on some other type of birth control or what ever method of protection you are using. She probably feels that your are part of the family already so she can ask you those type of questions.
you should of told her that was between you and your boyfriend. dont be embarrassed. tell her what you want her to know. if you dont say anything shell think she can say anything to you. i would of told her we are adults and we dont ask you and dad about your sex life dont ask us about ours. good luck
She sounds weird and annoying. I would *want* to tell her to mind her own business, but you really have to tell her what she wants to hear, even if it's embarrasing and irritating. You gotta make an effort to get along with her. You don't have to be best buds, but at least don't give her reasons to complain about you.
Be polite with the answer that you give, however talk to your fiance and ask him to speak with her about invading into your personal life, your fiance will best know how to approach her with the correct answer to her questions.
Depends on your age. I would say whatever she wanted to hear to keep the peace. A lot of people I know would tell her to mind her own business, but if she is going to be your mother in law, you need to get along, cause it will be a long, rocky road.
I would say, ';yes, I feel too young to have children too'; that way she is reassured and you do not have to directly reference sex or condoms to your mother in law
You could start by telling us what an MIL is.

It can't be mother in law, because you don't have one yet, since you're not married.

So what the hell are you talking about?
I would say, ';I really don't think that's an approperiate question.'; be firm and she'll leave you alone. Let it slide and she'll be a persistent pain in the butt.
Say it's none of your business. Or, more diplomatically, say that's between us.
I would've lied.

It's so awkward talking about that to parents.

And they still think you're their little girls/boys and sometimes they freak out like THEY haven't had sex.
take ur mil into a private room and tell her what she ';needs to kno'; and then that avoids any awkward situations!!!!!!!!!
umm its non of her businesss

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