Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Need Advice On How To Trust My G/F!?

I just started dating my new G/F over 2 weeks ago. Shes exactly 2 years younger than me, Im 23, and she's 21. I honestly cant believe how lucky I am to have met a girl like her. Shes so hot, so smart, she smells so good, and she always look so sexy at night. I cant describe how much I like her. But here comes my big problem, I have a problem! My brain and my stomach stop me from trusting her. Im also scared to fall in love with her because I dont want to be hurt! Ive had some very rocky relationships in the past, ones that were very immature, others that the girl would just lie through her teeth. Im now having major issues which I thought I had gotten over. I cant seem to trust her or believe her when she tells me she likes me, or that she would never lie to me or hurt me or cheat on me. She hasnt done anything to me to make me think otherwise. I just always get these images and thoughts of her cheating and doing stuff with other guys! Im even sorta jealous when she texts my friends.:(I Need Advice On How To Trust My G/F!?
How long have you known her? Were you friends first? If you were, chances are everything is okay. I know what it feels like to think the person you're with may be unfaithful. I've felt it a lot, but every time it was just me being paranoid. The only thing you can do is sit her down and talk to her. Explain how you're feeling and have her do the same. Make sure she's happy in the relationship, do something unexpected like take her out for icecream for no reason. Chances are, you're just reacting this way because of the relationships you've had in the past and it's no real reflection of her.I Need Advice On How To Trust My G/F!?
you need to sit down with her and talk to her.Let her know how you feel.I'm sure she will understand.After all you just started dating her 2 weeks ago.You trusting her will come in time.Don't worry about the trust right now.and don't get jealous of her when she texts you're friends.Because I'm sure she's just being nice to you're friends.But I do hope that you learn to trust her before she decides to leave you for not trusting her.good luck
1) 3 of 4 descriptions you used to tell smth about your gf were 'hot, smells good, looks sexy'. i don't think you look to this relationship seriously.

2) you know her for 2 weeks and she already knows your friends' phone numbers?... strange...

3) who talks much doesn't do much. if she keeps convincing you that she could never lie, hurt or cheat you, it doesn't mean it would be like this. i have never cheated my bf but i never told him that or anything similar

4) there are a lot of ways to check your gf. ask your friend to help you. he may meet her, talk to her, ask her not to tell you that he met her... and so on... it would be enough for the beginning
Those feelings won't make for a very good and trusting relationship. You either trust her or not. If not, then stop the relationship because it will end anyway with all your doubts. Hurting is a part of life, there is no guarantee in life that you won't get hurt. I wish you luck.
It is hard to trust people when you have been hurt in the past. But if I were you I would jump in with both feet and genuinely trust her with all you have. Sounds like you are pretty smitten with her and if she hasn't done anything to make you think she is cheating or otherwise then take it as it is and TRUST. Hard to do I know but you have to start trusting people sometime or you never will. If she ends up hurting you (which I hope she dosn't) you are going to have to try again, and keep trusting others. If you don't trust her or any other woman then not trusting will be what winds up ending your relationships.

Good Luck! Dive in with both feet and TRUST!!
Sounds like this has less to do with your girlfriend and more to do with you.

First thing -- you won't be marrying this girl, and you should be honest with yourself about this. You're young, and this is a learning experience. Keep that in perspective.

Second thing -- trusting relationships are built on way more than the fact that your partner is hot and sexy and smells great (something which can be arranged with the help of many commercially available perfumes, I might add :) )

Third thing -- if you are having trouble trusting her, there is probably a good reason. What do you know about her history? Do you think she's out of your league? Do you feel good enough, or afraid she's going to leave you?

If you answered yes to the last two questions, it means you should focus on yourself -- on building some faith and confidence in yourself. Make more female friends; broaden your horizons. Once you are confident you have choices, you won't be so worried about having to trust her. And if she does betray you (always possible), it will be easier to pick up, dust yourself off, and move on.

Good luck.

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