Sunday, December 20, 2009

Will someone give me an advice on how to maintain my relationship with my husband? to make it last?

i just wanna know what could be the possible way to make our relationship last forever,. because i really love him, when in fact we got married at a very young age, im just 20, and hi's only 22. we already planned it all. but how can i make it last?Will someone give me an advice on how to maintain my relationship with my husband? to make it last?
If you are questioning the longevity of your marriage at such a long age you either have problems or like to address potential problems before they surface. I hope it's the latter case. If he's not willing to commit to any of these fully, you have a big uphill battle.

Communicate about everything.

Respect one another.

Listen to each other.

Laugh and have fun.Will someone give me an advice on how to maintain my relationship with my husband? to make it last?
Well only one word ((Trust)).
Work on it daily. Marriage takes work. You need to be open and honest with one another. You need to give and take and admit when you're wrong. You need to be there for one another in good times and bad...and so on and on and on!
Always make time for one another. Let him know he's appreciated. Settle arguments quickly. Always show respect and be honest. Schedule fun activities to do.
Keep the marriage fresh by doing things together when possible in things you both like to do. Be caring, but not overbearing. Trust each other and respect for each other are huge. If he has hobbies of no or little interst to you, don't discourage them, but show at least interst in them or pride in what he does. Pleasant surprises on occasion are as good for him, just as you may get a bunch of flowers as a surprise to you.
Sex, simple as that. I know a lot of people will accuse me of being shallow and that sex isn't all that marriage is about, and to that I agree (not the shallow part)

All I'm saying is, keep your man happy in the bedroom, and he'll happily work with you on the rest.
Communicate often, respect one another, be loyal and supportive, be honest always, and never go to bed angry.
just make sure that both of u would do anything for each other (like take a bullet)and don't take each other for granted because one day u might wake up and things are not what they seem. plus be open and honest with each other. don't hide feelings. talk about problems that u are having with each other or your relationship.
never say no to all the suggestions he makes, never demand, always be submissive, be diplomatic and love him earnestly.
Look to older couples who have a good relationship. The best advice will come from those who are successful.

If you have a disagreement, stick to the subject, don't call names or bring up old wrongs. Never go to bed angry, hug, kiss and agree to discuss it the next day. Always talk and be respectful and considerate to each other. Keep lines of communication open. Remember you are partners in life and decisions that effect both of you should be decisions that will not hurt the other person. Your relationship comes before self interest. Maintain separate and shared interest or hobbies.
I am sorry sweety, but if you have to ask then you got married way too young. If you don't know what you and your husband need already to be happy and fulfilled you had no business marrying.
By making sure you are both financially stable, both are ready to have kids, make decisions together and be willing to compromise when one or neither of you can get your way, to tell each other I love you every day, even when mad at each other.
Communicate, communicate, communicate. Don't go to bed upset with each other; don't use sex as a way of getting what you want or don't want him to have. Don't be afraid to try new things together, let each other spend time with each others friends (it is healthy to spend time with your friends).

Did I mention Communicate!!!
Yeah. Allow him to play poker, drink, and play (watch) sports as much as he wants. And you should find a few girlfriends to hang out with, to go shop and stuff like that so he won't have to. Guys hate to shop with women and guys chick flicks so try and seperate that from your relationship this should help it last longer. And make to sure to negotiate, say if you rent Fried Green Tomato's rent Shooter or some FBI, CIA type movie also.

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