Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Please advice me how to respond?

I have chosen a field to work which is not related to my under graduation ( I intend to attend an interview shortly. Please advise me how to respond positively if the interviewer questions me why did I choose the subject field (Safety Engineer), which is not related to my studies (i.e under Graduation). Please advice me how to respond?
You are not alone, most people who graduate end up working in different fields then what they studied. Most undergrad programs provide a broad range of subjects that need to be taken to graduate.

To answer this question, think about what classes you have taken that gives you a background for the field. Think about what other ';work'; experience you have in the field, have you had a job in the field, did you do an internship, have you had a lab dealing with the field. What have you done to expand your knowledge in the field. Whatever your answer is will be an excellent answer to the question.

You might want to share your enthusiasm for the field also. This can be done with your body language, sitting up straight, open eyes, your voice, hand gestures or something else. If they see you are enthusiastic that will be easier for them to remember you than just what is on paper from your resume.

Remember that if you send a thank you note to them for taking time to consider you as an applicant, they will have your name fresh in their mind which will give you a leg up. A note will also let them you that you are a kind, considerate person.

Good Luck!

Please advice me how to respond?
You are the best person to answer this question!

Ask yourself why you have chosen this particular subject instead of the subject studied at Uni.

You must have a liking for or an interest in it - on what is that interest based. Do you have any experience related to the field of safety engineering?

These are the kind of questions you need to ask yourself and answer in a way which will look positive in an interview.

All the best!
I don't know-ask someone else,please.-Steve
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