Wednesday, December 23, 2009

NEED DESPERATE HELP, otherwise my sanity is gonna go by by. I need how to advice on this one.?

My husband and I moved in to my ma in laws 5 weeks ago and my sister in law left her pregnant (3 times actually) mut dog who lives under the house. My sister in law used to live here with her husband. She does not care about the dog, otherwise why would it be pregnant a third time? Ok, so now the puppies are waundering under the house screaming looking for their mother. I work 2 jobs and can no longer sleep at night due to these muts screaming all night long. I can't imagine if the neighbors here these screaming puppies. Anywho, we also have a big time flea problem. My mini dachshund inside the house is itching like crazy. HOW CAN I SUCESSFULLY GET THESE PUPPIES OUT FROM UNDER THE HOUSE? The opening where their mother comes out is no where near where they are. I have tried smelly food, milk, i even heated some in the micro and all I get is mama wanting to come out. THESE PUPPIES HAVE TO GO. ANY SUGGESTIONS WOULD BE APPRECIATED. I want to find them good homes, but they gotta go!!!NEED DESPERATE HELP, otherwise my sanity is gonna go by by. I need how to advice on this one.?
it would help to know the age of the pups. Anything under 5 wks you aren't gettin them out unless you crawl under there and grab them yourself. They're just too small.

As for your fleas... there's this neat stuff called Flea Treats, can find it at Go check it out, better than the chemicals in advantix and frontline.NEED DESPERATE HELP, otherwise my sanity is gonna go by by. I need how to advice on this one.?
ASPCA should be called to remove the mother and the pups... euthanize them all,, and do THEM a favor.... report your sister in law.......... DISGUSTING
Call your local animal control officer and surrender the mom and pups. They will get them out clean them up and more importantly spay and neuter and adopt them into loving homes that will not put them under a house but in one.
You are probably going to have to get them out yourself, especially if they are little.

The good news is that in my experience is the area under the houses that I have lived in have not been too horridly scary. A few bugs, but mostly dirt and dust, no giant monsters *grins*

Animal control would work, and they would help place in homes.

What type of dog is the mother? Alot of breeds have specific networks in various area's and one of them might be willing to take the dog and the puppies and place them in a new home for you.

Fleas are most annoying, I use advantage, and occasionally the powder stuff you put on the floor and vacuum up. Depending on what part of the country you live in it will soon be too cold for fleas.
if they are old enough to walk fairly well and to know the smell of food than there are two ways to get them out, live trap at the entrance under the house with food in it, this will block of the whole so the mother cannot enter to bring them food and will draw them out and catch them without harming them. the other way is to chain the mother up with enough chain to where she can only enter under the house no more than one or two feet, this will draw the pups toward the entrance and they will start to bed down there. it is important that the pups be old enough to recognise thay they need to come to ma ma if not they will die by starvation which is worse suffering than you putting up with their screaming. I would say on that note that because you are describeing their noise as screaming that they are to young and you either need to have animal control come out or climb up under there yourself and get them out. if it is a whinning or bark than they are probably old enough to draw out using above methods.

as far as the Fleas go, there are many treatments out there that will treat them ...... keep in mind though, if the fleas are coming up through the floor than what ever treatment you use can go down through the floor and poison the pups. a flea bomb should not be used as it is desined to go into places that fleas can hide, if the floor is carpeted a good flea treatment that uses a stream spray rather than a mist will work best as it will reduce the chances of the poison penitrating into the pups area but will treat the areas where the fleas are entering into the house. when spraying consetrate are the edges of the room, base boards and the such. you can then use a arosol spray holding it 4 to 5 feet above the ground and spraying for just a few seconds, allowing the mist to just drop to the floor will finely coat the carpet but will not be enough to penitrate the floor.

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