Sunday, December 20, 2009

I'm want to move on but just don't know how....any advice?

I recently got out of a relationship w/a man that I am completely head over heals for and I miss him so much. He is still playing the head games w/me w/random text messages and such. I don't get out much to meet new people because I work all the time and am a single mother of one. I just need to know how do I begin to move on? We spent the last year together and now I feel lost and I want these feelings to go away.I'm want to move on but just don't know how....any advice?
completely stop talkin to him because your letting him have to much control over you. The more control he has the less you do. Focus on your life and your child and dont worry about hurrying into another relationship, one will come to you when your readyI'm want to move on but just don't know how....any advice?
You should have seen the Tyra Banks Show 2day! It was all about what you were asking! Well THROW EVERYTHING AWAY that reminds ou of him. And also, spend maybe three months without dating, or trying to. Spend more time w/ your child while your wound heals. And also do more stuff with YOURSELF. orget the opposite sex, just spend time maybe @ a spa, with your child, girls night out! And if the guy keeps sending messages, just turn your phone off for a while.
write is name an apiece of paper and burn it,and then get rid of everything that reminds yoou of him and just think of all the negative things and how you missed all the things you wanted to do but didnt because you waited on him ;
time. it just takes time. but know, your not alone. everyone goes through this. and as bad as it sucks right now - soon enough, you will look back and probably think - ';what the heck was i thinking?';

you are going to be fine %26amp; most importantly you have a child that you can focus on. he or she is your greatest gift now - and forever.

good luck.
well.. im a 16 year old guy so i dont know much in terms of older people i suppose

but im sure the basic mechanics are the same

and more than likely he wants you back

i mean ive been in a few relationships where i was way hung up over the girl

and she would dump me for one reason or another

or i would dump her for one reason or another..

usually cuz they didnt like my best friend

but if he is still texting you and trying to talk to you he still has feelings for you but probably just doesnt know how to open conversation and explain them...


he could just be an asshole trying to score with you..

either way YOU still have feelings for him and even tho im still young i think that everyone has to find there own way of getting over someone.. its tuff when you have feelings for someone and have to let them go

well hoped i helped i prolly didnt v-v in whitch case sry

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