Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I'd like some advice on how to stop munching in the night. e.g. sweets, chocs, ect.?

sew your stomach upI'd like some advice on how to stop munching in the night. e.g. sweets, chocs, ect.?
Do not buy them, do not keep them in the house....

What you do not have you cannot eat.

Also, take up a hobby where you need your hands: knitting, video games, etc...I'd like some advice on how to stop munching in the night. e.g. sweets, chocs, ect.?
aaahhh the dreaded munchies, been trying 30years,good luck!!
start doing puzzles or other crafts you can do with your hands
Um... try sleeping!
Stop smoking pot. THAT'S what gives you the munchies! (so I'm told!)
Don't even buy that stuff from the store. Another thing that I do is brush my teeth, you know you don't want to eat right after you do that.
don't buy those things then you can't do it, good luck
quit smoking those trees!!!!
eat them all then dont buy them and then your go though a small withdrawl and then dont buy them
Dont buy them or keep them around.
drink lots of water
No easy solution to that problem short of a bit of cold turkey and I don't mean the kind you eat. Substitute fruits, veggies, maybe some rice cakes for a couple weeks, allow yourself a few ';Portioned'; rewards when you think your at the end of your rope. Try and cut back when you feel your able, sometimes you have to add some activities like exercises to keep your mind off the sweets. Good time to begin a fitness program. If you fail, don't worry about it. Start over the next day with the same resolve that you are going to take charge of this sweet tooth. Good luck
If you find out, let me know too!
Have a decent breakfast..

Drink lots of water during the day..At leat 2 litres. As well as fruit and veg juice.

Have a decent balanced meal for lunch or dinner

Eat lots of celery and other fruit, veg and dried nuts during the day.

Then you shouldn't have such hunger pangs during the night
have a drink of ice water instead and dont buy them - if you havent got them you cant eat them...

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