Sunday, December 20, 2009

I need advice on how to remove my daughter's stuck earring.?

My daughter, age 3, had her ears pierced a couple months ago. I was able to remove one earring with no problem, however one of them seems to be stuck. It looks like the back is on crooked. I tried for like a half hour and nothing. Any ideas?? (She wasn't too happy with me!) THANKS!I need advice on how to remove my daughter's stuck earring.?
That happend to me too i just kept pulling on it till it came off but i think that will hurt your daughter.You should try tweezers to try and take it off or maybe food oil will work to loosen it up.*I need advice on how to remove my daughter's stuck earring.?
try putting cooking oil on a Q-tip then put it on the back of the earing and twist it off.
Try putting some butter or cool cold wet water around the ear ans earring. Then pull (kinda hard just not hard enough to make your daughter cry!) Hope I helped:)
Try turning the back and pulling at the same time. It should come loose, if not, use the cleaner she got when you had them pierced and then try turning it. Good luck.
The same thing happened to me when I was a little girl. The earring would just not come out. It was painful but we had to use tiny pliers to take the back off.
I just went through that with my six year old... I had to pull extra careful and use alchol to get it clean while i did it.. I had to put one end on the front and the other between the back of the earing and slowly pull them apart...

Good luck
If it's on bent or cross-threaded don't try and pull it - you'll pull her blimmin' ear off.

If you can get in there without chopping her ear off I would recommend a pair of needlenose pliers to cut it off.

Otherwise, get the doctor to do it for you.

If you try and yank it you might make it septic and swollen and that will make it even harder to remove.
Try hot water, or melted butter, it will slide right out
you could just cut is or u could go to a place that can help u with that or u could just put some soape in the part that the little thing is were it helps stay on?

good luck!!!
Try us
After having the ears pearced one should be washing the earring with rubbing alcohol, and turning the earing, until it is healed. What you now have is and infection. It may well be a good idea to see a Dr or nurse now, and have her clear up the infection. The Earings should be removed and cleaned with alcohol and reinserted, which in this case should be done by the Mother, the child is to small to take care of this herself. Have you not received any instruction how to take care of pearcing of ears? Aloe Ver gel is also good for healing any infection. Please use caution and only sanitary measures on this child.
um soapy water works..put it around the earring
DO NOT USE BUTTER, OIL OR ANY OTHER MATERIAL OTHER THAN RUBBING ALCOHOL. Any other material will infect the earring, if it isn't already infected. I reccomend an ear piercing solution over rubbing alcohol, as ear piercing solutions have a conditioner material in them that doesn't allow the skin to dry out like rubbing alcohol has a tendency to do. You can buy these solutions in claires, ardenes and pretty much in any place that offers ear piercing. Then, depending whether the earing is lodged in the skin I would either go to the doctor of the place you got your child's ears pierced. If the case is you just can't get it off, I would go to the place you got your daughter's ears pierced and get them to remove them for you. They should be more than willing to do this for free. Also, ask about things like how to clean it.
if you can't pull it off try to grab each end with needle nose pliers and pull
You just have to pull real hard, even though it will hurt. or go have it (the earring) cut off.
twist it in a circle a few times... drink a can of red bull.... and yank it apart!!

you'll just have to work on it till it comes loose... or take her to the doctors if you cant get it
Use ice to numb her ear and then just pull real hard...
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