Sunday, December 20, 2009

I left xtianity, I'm an agnostic now and I need advice on how to be strong for myself?

Its really difficult for me sometimes to completely rely on myself. I know I will have to learn to be strong if I want to make it in this world, so I just need advice. Please help!I left xtianity, I'm an agnostic now and I need advice on how to be strong for myself?
There's still friends, family, society...

An ex-Christian doesn't have to be a lone wolf or a hermit.

Admittedly this may be difficult if the majority of them are Christian, as can hold in some parts of the world.

I lost most of my Christian friends when I became an atheist.

It's important to remember that not having a God does not require you be be God-like for yourself: you are not all-powerful, all knowing, free from error...

You're human (I'm assuming, here, aliens aren't infiltrating the internet...) There's no need to beat yourself up for not being perfect in wisdom, decision making...

Accept and acknowledge errors and triumphs alike, and go on from there.

Me, I find inspiration in great (and not so great) books*, but I know that's not something that appeals to all.

*from Camus to Spider Robinson!I left xtianity, I'm an agnostic now and I need advice on how to be strong for myself?
I don't know maybe some Nietzsche might help.

What does not destroy me makes me stronger.
Dear miss independent,

First let me say that from your wording it seems that you are facing something that is bigger than yourself. And the truth is that your own strength is limited-- you do need the strength that comes from God.

i am not sure why you left Christianity but do you think that part of that void and lack of strength that you used to find in prayer to God is coming from God missing in your life? Do you mind me asking why you left Christianity (perhaps because of people?) i say this because i know that often Christians can misrepresent who God is, but i know that God is who He says He is and He is love and He is the one who has promised to never leave nor forsake us. Philippians 1:6- says he who has began a good work in you will carry it on to completion till the return of Christ- and perhaps God is allowing you a time to see how much He loves you.

Anyhow feel free to email me and share - and i'd love to give you just honest heartfelt non-judgmental advice. From what you are describing i can only tell you what i know which is that God is sufficient and able in every area where i am lacking strength.

Hope that helps. Kindly,


While it is your decision to make on what you do or not do ,, this is what the Bible says of ignoring Gods word and following mans own thinking.

Matthew 15:14 ';. . .LET them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.';';

Colossians 2:8 ';. . .Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry YOU off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ;';

Of course , wisdom and knowledge of truth is what all good people look for , but some knowledge and wisdom is superior to others.

Proverbs 8:11 ';. . .For wisdom is better than corals, and all other delights themselves cannot be made equal to it.';

Wisdom with REAL value comes NOT from man , but from God.

I urge you with all kindness to take up again your search of God through the Bible as that is where true wisdom is found.

For more Bible based information please feel free to email me.
I totally understand what you are saying. You are not alone in that. It is difficult but its part of the process of growth. I still find myself wanting to lean on someone (God) but am gradually learning to let go. I suggest learning how to meditate so as to gain control of your thoughts and feelings. Its definetly a step in the write direction. Good luck.
Hi ';Miss Independent'; - I'd like to give a little advice. Although its important to have self confidence, I think it also takes strength to depend on others. Depending on God can be a ';crutch,'; but it can also be an amazing display of inner strength and faith.

I might not be the best person for this, but if you'd like to talk about Christianity and your problems with it, feel free to message me. I'd love to talk to you about why you feel Christianity isn't the way.
face your biggest fear, then fear has no power.
well now this is the problem that occcurs and will continue when you decide to think for your self, dont worry you ahve made thfirst step haave faith in yourself
easy...find those things that you believe that made you happy and be sure to select those things or events that you were genuinely happy about and contemplate what defines this happiness......dont you think it was nothing but simplicity? clear your mind and dont filter anything the sound of silence the answer will come.
Read a lot of books by great authors. They will keep you strong.

Mark Twain, Thomas Paine, John Steinbeck, Plato, David Hume, Maya Angelou etc...
you don't have to believe in a holy book god or a religion god to Believe in God. why would you stop praying to God. you are agnostic. you only doubt the god that you know of. search with in yourself and you will find God. You will find truth. read spirituality books, new age books, Metaphysical books. find what pull you toward it and read it. See if it feel like truth to you. you will know it because you will experienced the emotion of pure love and joy encompassing you. Your soul will recognize it to be truth. seek and you will find.
You always have that safety blanket.
It's more a habit than anything else. Praying didn't really *do* anything. It just made you feel better. So, like all bad habits, you need to try to replace that with something.

What I find helps me the most, when I'm in a stressful situation or when something bad happens to my family - as they are all busy praying, I get busy with reality. When my dad had cancer, they prayed. I found a doctor that was willing to try something differnet for dad and found a place for dad to stay 1000 miles from home for treatment. When someone dies, instead of praying for them, I get busy writing about the person, making things that remind me of them and especially donating time to causes they believed in.

Mostly, it's helpful to find a community of like-minded people. Even if it's ';just'; online. To find other Agnostics, Atheists, that you can talk about your problems with and gather some of their wisdom.
Look I'm a person whom knows he is a xtian! I've fallen many times, hated God for the way my life is, put my fists in the air at him!!Lucifer did the same thing and you know where he is now. This body is but a seed waiting to germinate reaching out to its creator for the light. If you know him you can not unknow him he is with you.
Even if you've removed religion from your life, you haven't kicked out spirituality. If you still think there's something out there- even if it's an idea rather than a deity or an angel or whatever- hold on to that. Everyone has that little truth and reason; hold on to it and build on it and it'll be the rock you need.
God is still there. Feel free to call out to Him in your time of need. Maybe it's just a sign that you really need to rely on Him more.
Don't worry Jesus has got you covered because He said He would never leave you or forsake you. You will see now how many problems are caused by yourself and that often you are the victim of your own undoing. God will still always be there for you.
All I can say friend is that I will pray for you! God is able to do more than you can ask or think!

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