Sunday, December 20, 2009

I have a 12wk. old terri poo puppy. She will not train to go outside, any advice on how to train her??

Would you rub a child's nose in it's pee if it was not cooperating with potty training? NO, I didn't think so. You shouldn't rub a puppy's nose in it either. That is sheer abuse.

12 weeks is a bit young to be trained to do anything. Some dogs are more difficult than others to train. Some breeds seem easier than others. I think the easiest way is the way all the books or internet tell you to do it. They all agree on that point.Crate them when you are not home or too busy to watch them.

Take them out the same door every time you go out. Take them to the same spot outside and use the same words. ';Go potty'; is good, it's short. Take them out when they wake up, after eating and after playing.

When they have an accident in the house yell the same words,';Bad Dog'; and really mean it!! Pick her up and run to the door, let her finish outside. Always give a treat for the times she does go out and go.

I think if I had a small dog, I might try the new doggy litter out by Purina. That sounds kind of interesting.

NEVER chain a dog either. If you don't have a fenced in yard and have to chain the dog, don't get one. It never fails to amaze me, the idiots that get a dog, put out a dog house and chain the dog to it. Why have a dog? I have a Lab and a Boxer. If I tried to chain them out, they'd take the chain away from me and lock me out of the house.I have a 12wk. old terri poo puppy. She will not train to go outside, any advice on how to train her??
Crate (or box) train the puppy. it sounds a bit mean but it most always works. take a big crate or box and put the puppy inside. Leave food and water on one side.. and paper or ';Piddle pads'; (you can buy these).. on the other side. A dog will not use the bathroom where it's bed or food is. So it will go the furthest away (the pads).

After a week.. even a few days. you can get a bigger box so the puppy has to walk further to the pads. If you have a small wash room you can keep the puppy in there, after she knows to go on the pads she'll keep using them even after the box is gone. You can move the pads closer to the door a few inches (or a foot) day by day. soon she'll get the idea to go to the door when she needs to use the bathroom.

then it's up to you to let her out.I have a 12wk. old terri poo puppy. She will not train to go outside, any advice on how to train her??
K UMM ..

make sure u only use one route to take it potty (ittl help later)

whenever it goes inside get very angry and leave him outside 4 15-30 minutes

u can also buy puppy trainig pads

oh yeah make sure u give her a treat or somethin when she goes to the bathroom outside!!
If she goes in the house, rub her nose in it and chain her up outside for half an hour and then put her back inside. keep doing this and she will finally get the point.
What ever method you choose be sure she knows it makes you happy that she goes potty outside. When you clean her mess up inside let her know you're unhappy, then take it %26amp; her outside, show ';it'; to her then show her you are happy %26amp; outside is ';good-girl'; Praise outside, uglyfaces inside. %26amp; don't be afraid to sweat her about it later,,,, show her the spot %26amp; an Uglyface. Oh, when she has her nose to the ground sniffing, she's probably looking for a spot to go in. GOOD LUCK

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