Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Feet swelling in 8 month of pregnancy help....advice on how to help this?

Prop them up as often as possible. Drink water. RELAXFeet swelling in 8 month of pregnancy help....advice on how to help this?
What do I do about swollen feet?

Because gravity plays a big role in swelling, elevate your feet at least three to four times a day. When lying on a sofa or in bed, prop your feet up on pillows; when sitting in a chair, place your feet on a footstool. (This also helps prevent back pain.) Here are some more tips:

鈥on't sit for long periods of time. Make it a point to get up and walk for a few minutes of every hour.

鈥ear full-length support stockings as often as possible, and avoid socks with tight bands around the calf or ankle.

鈥xercise helps. Water aerobics are ideal because the ';hydrostatic'; pressure helps distribute fluids that have pooled in your feet.

鈥sk your partner, if you have one, to give you a foot massage. It will increase circulation and help disperse the edema.

鈥ncrease your fluid intake. It seems counterintuitive, but the more water you drink, the less swelling and water retention you'll experience.

鈥on't squeeze your feet into ill-fitting shoes.

Will my feet go back to their ';normal'; size after pregnancy?

Usually. Even though the fluid-related swelling will disappear within a few days of delivering your baby, some women find that their feet are as much as a size larger following a pregnancy. For that you can blame the hormone relaxin. Relaxin helps loosen your pelvic joints in preparation for your baby's journey down the birth canal.

Can swollen feet ever be a sign that something is wrong?

Some swelling in your feet during pregnancy is normal, but if it appears abruptly or if you notice that you are also getting swelling in your hands at the same time, call your health-care provider immediately: These could be signs of preeclampsia, a type of pregnancy-related high blood pressure than can be very dangerous. You should be aware, too, that diuretics to reduce water retention are considered unsafe for pregnant women, unless they are advised by a physician to treat preeclampsia.Feet swelling in 8 month of pregnancy help....advice on how to help this?
there are a couple of things you can do to help relieve the symptoms. The first, and probably one of the best and most important, is to drink a lot of water. While it doesn't seem like it makes sense to get rid of fluids by taking in more, the extra fluids will help flush out your system of waste products which may have increased swelling. You really need at least 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day. The best tip I have for accomplishing this is to fill up a container to carry around and empty it by the end of the day.

put your feet up and rest..

good luck
Hopefully you are getting regular prenatal care...some (certainly not all %26amp; I am not trying to scare you) feet swelling can be attributed to toxemia/pregnancy induced hypertension which can be dangerous to both mom %26amp; baby. (I had to be put on bed rest)

Some things to help alleviate is support hose %26amp; keeping your feet elevated, like propping pillows underneath when sleeping. Try to do this as much as possible %26amp; avoid excessive standing or walking.
Lay down and keep your over heart level. That means if you lay down flat, just prop your feet up with a pillow or 2 so that they are above your chest. Also as awkward as it sounds, if you lay on your left side, it will help swelling as well. Your heart is on your left side, it allows gravity to help blood flow to your heart and in turn it will speed up function and helps edema (swelling.)

Drink plenty of water. I know this sounds like an oxymoron, but water flushes excess fluid out too.

Also, please let your doctor know about this as soon as possible. Swelling is a sign of pre-eclampsia. So he may want to screen you for that as a precaution. Better safe than sorry.
Keep them elevated as much as possible. Make sure when you elevate them that your feet are higher than you heart. Drink ALOT of water. Most people think water will just make it worse but the opposite is true. And, most importantly, keep alert for other symptoms that could mean something more than regular swelling. Like, if you develop a headache that won't go away, blurry vision, high blood pressure or dizziness. Most of the time swelling is normal but combined with these other symptoms it is serious and you need medical care.
Elevate them as much as possible, and try soaking them in a cool foot bath at the end of the day. Don't sit for long periods of time.

Be careful about massages. If you are going to have a foot massage, go to a licensed massage therapist who knows about massage during pregnancy. There are acupressure points on your feet that can potentially trigger labor.
lots and lots of water! Once of the many ';joys'; of pregnancy that cannot usually be avoided!

try to stay out of the heat and prop your feet up whenever possible.

Talk to your doctor if you start getting pitting edema - if you press your ankle/foot with your finger and the dent stays there. tahts not good. Sometimes salt 9sodium consumption) helps but talk to your doctor before trying to treat it (outside of the normal stuff like drinking lots of water and propping feet up)

Good luck - you are almost at the end
Best thing you can do is rest, and drink lots of water. If that doesn't work you can try these...

~Don't wear elastic topped socks or knee-hi pantyhose.

~Wear comfortable shoes. Slip on types work best.

~If you stand at work, try to move around slightly or get a stool to prop a foot up.

~Try support pantyhose.
keep them up

have cool baths

drink lots of water, stay away from sugar and salt.

other than that, its one of the most natural aspects of pregnancy, so just accept mother nature the way she is. :)
I had this from my 7th month to my daughters birth! My doctor told me to prop them up as much as possible and also stay off of them as much as possible. Make sure you are getting plenty of fluids, and just take it easy!! Hope this helps!
Drink plenty of fluids...relax...and put your feet up...If that doesn't work, wrapping them with something will help (ace bandages)...That will make the swelling probably move to were there is no pressure...It will go away...I didn't realize how swelled my feet were until 2-3 days after I had my daughter...Good Luck
One word'; amputation';..go now...lalalalallalaal
You can't that's just how it is!
Try putting them in some ice water.
check with your doctor to make sure it isnt preclampsia....which causes swelling in hands feet and face...
Soak in warm water and have your mate massage them
I went through that. Go to Wal-Mart get a foot spa and soak every night.
dont stand up allot it makes then inflate more! and then you cant walk at all.;

congrats on the babby
Put your feet up, and get plenty of rest. Also, try to stay off of your feet as much as possible. I had problems with swelling when I was 7 months pregnant up until her birth.
drink water stay off your feet so much.
Stay off your feet as much as possible..Prop them up when you r sitting and drink plenty of fluids
you need to keep them up sit down for a lil while and put them up on like a chair or something keep them high! good luck!
Stay away from salty stuff and keep your feet elevated and try to stay out of the heat that causes you to swell more somtimes . Drinks lots of Water/fluids
Soak your feet in cold water and raise your feet up. Elevate your feet by putting it on top of a chair at work or on top of a foot stand.
Prop them up, stay off them as much as pos. hydrate plenty

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