Sunday, December 20, 2009

I am trying to lose 60-70 pounds in 4 months. I need some advice on how to go about doing this.?

I know, it's not healthy, but I need to do this. So, please just try to help me.I am trying to lose 60-70 pounds in 4 months. I need some advice on how to go about doing this.?
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.

eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)

5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day

8 glasses of water

have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy

have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle

cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training

dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.

ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)I am trying to lose 60-70 pounds in 4 months. I need some advice on how to go about doing this.?
You really need to set some realistic goals. You're going to end up getting sick if you try to lose that much weight so quickly. When I started losing weight, I lost 16 pounds in the first month just by changing the way I ate and exercising for 30-60 minutes a day. I didn't starve myself. If you needed to lose that much weight, you should have started sooner. Don't risk your health just to lose a few extra pounds. Please do it safely.
How about a 40-50 pound goal? You can do that healthfully.

The old fashioned way. Exercise and diet. I suggest brisk walking at first at least 3 times a week. Then maybe get into classes at your local gym. Something you find fun! That's the key! I go to a salsa/aerobics class. Also i am doing Weight watchers online, it just helps me keep track of what I'm eating. I have lost 40 pounds! You can do it one day at a time!!!!
Anyone who would help you do that is an evil person. Please get some help. Eating disorders can be treated. But, eat between 1200-1500 calories a day and exercise. It will take longer than 4 months, but your health is infinitely more important than whatever is going on in 4 months that you want the weight gone for.
the best way to do it would be to use one of those plastic body suits while running and doing any kind of cardio activity. the best excercise would be jumping rope. Cut down on eating anything 3 hours before your sleep.

Drink water, lots and lots of water. if you want to be hard core I have been told that skipping a meal every other day can do some good. But you have to eat healthy when you do eat. AND EAT don't starve yourself either.
It can be done. Just eat healthy. Include a lot of protein (use protein powder a long with protein foods to keep fat down), include lots of fiber (legumes have lots of protein and fiber. Fiber also helps make you feel full), choose only foods that's all natural. Stay away from processed foods and salt as much as possible. Eat at least 1700 calories and keep your fat calories below 20% of the total calories you consume. Eat 6 small meals a day. Drink lots of water.

Take a vitamin supplement Some vitamins help your metabolism, others help with your skins elasticity (to prevent sagging skin), others build strong muscles.

Most importantly, join the gym and go 5 days a week. Stay 3 hours each time. You may not be able to do much at first, just do what you can and work up from there. If you REALLY want to lose 60-70lbs in 4 months, then you're going to need to exercise A LOT. Whenever a workout starts to get easy, increase the intensity. Be sure to breathe properly. Be sure to include strength training 3 times a week to build muscle which helps increase your metabolism.

Do different workouts so you don't get bored. Find a gym that offers lots of different workout classes including swim classes. Swim classes (such as water aerobics) are easier on the muscles and a good workout to do on sore days.

Avoid the scale. The scale can be misleading. The scale may show you didn't lose anything at all or even add lbs which will get you down. The scale doesn't show you how much fat you lost, just how much weight you lost. Sometimes when you don't lose anything or you have gained, your body has lost fat and gained muscle.

For the most effective ab exercises, use a roman chair for upper abs and knee lifts on a Vertical Tower for lower abs, back, and even your butt. You can firm up those areas quite a bit in about 6 weeks and make a huge difference in your appearance even without much weight loss.

If you really want to do this, your diet and exercise plan will be top priority, especially your exercise plan. Everything else must come 2nd.

Whatever you do, don't quit. if you mess up 1 day don't worry about it, just keep going. If it looks like you may not make your goal, don't worry about it either. Just refine your goal but DON'T GIVE UP!

Food tips:

Substitute strained plain nonfat yogurt for mayo or sour cream for dips, salad dressings, and sandwich spreads. Make your own yogurt so you always have some on hand.

When you have a chocolate craving, mix nonfat, low cal chocolate syrup in milk, yogurt, fat free cool whip, or make sugar free chocolate pudding with skim milk.

Substitute butter for a fat free sauce on cooked vegetables. You can thicken any liquid with a little cornstarch, flour, or arrowroot. So you can make a fat free gravy with just chicken broth and a thickener.

Make fruit smoothies with yogurt and protein powder for breakfast.

Use skim milk whenever a recipe calls for milk. Drink skim milk instead of whole or 2%.

Try hummus, it's good as a vegetable dip and sandwich spread. Make your own and don't use to much olive oil. A little olive oil is good for you but not a lot.

Take advantage of your freezer. Stock up on frozen veggies and fruit (no sugar added), make 3-5 times the food that you need for a meal and freeze the extra portions in individual containers, use your ice cube trays freeze sauces so you can pop out a cube and microwave it with some vegetables. Try to always have meals prepared for days you don't feel like cooking so you don't end up ordering pizza or going to fast food places.

Keep peanut butter with you for a quick pick me up. 1 tablespoon is all that's needed to help get you to your next meal. Avoid this tip if you love peanut butter too much that 1 tablespoon isn't enough.

Try to think of things you can keep in your car or purse such as beef jerky and dried fruit.

Avoid soda and fruit juice. They both have too much sugar and empty calories. Try club soda with lemon and lime.

Try not to go to any restaurants during this time. You have no idea how much calories and fat is in your meal. You need to try to make all your own meals and there's just too many temptations at restaurants. They'll be there when this is over.

Stock up on fresh garlic, spices, and grow an herb garden. Have pots of herbs throughout your house.

Get yourself a 3 ring binder and print off healthy recipes you know you'll make and place them in plastic sleaves.

After you lose your weight, maintain it by continuing to eat healthyGo ahead and indulge yourself occasionally fattening food but don't go back to your old eating ways. Continue working out 30-45 min 5-6 days a week alternating cardio and strength training. Weigh yourself every week and the moment you gain 5 lbs, lose it before you gain it all back.

It really depends on your starting weight. You might be able to do it pretty safely. Just eat right, drink water, sleep and get exercise. It works.

Eat whole grains (I eat Puffins cereal and whole grain bread), take a daily multiple vitamin (I take GNC Women's with Iron), and eat your 5 a day of fruits and veggies, 3 veggies and 2 fruit. Find a lean protein you like, non-fat cottage cheese, fat free beans (refried in a can, black beans, etc), skinless baked chicken, lean fish (look up online which are best to avoid mercury) and eat a serving of this lean protein daily.

Some fats ARE good, but you need them in moderation. Some plain nuts, just 5 or 6, especially almonds, are good for your heart.

Walk one hour at least 4 days a week and get some hand weights and a few exercise videos. I lost what I wanted to in two months by eating this way, going from a size 145 to 120 lbs.
I am personal trainer %26amp; can be reached at:鈥?/a>

e mail me so we can discuss this further
Excercise and eat healthy... dont binge!
email me for the link (too long to paste) but anway, it worked for me!
I don't think you can and if you did your body would look like crap because you would have so much loose skin. I have been eating 1200 a day and working out morning and night for the past 3 months and I have lost 35lbs. I don't know what your desperate situation is but if you work hard and eat right I am sure in 4 months you'll be alot lighter and look alot better.. but I doubt it will be 60-70lbs..
Stop eating so much. Drink plenty of water and vitamins. Eat one light meal a day. The fat from your will provide enough food for the rest of the day. Continue doing this until all the lard is gone. Good luck.

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