Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Any advice on how to beat PE?

Discuss with your doctor. He may refer you to a psychiatrist or counselor. Behavioral therapy is still the first-line approach. There is this theory that premature ejaculation is a conditioned response and that you can be de-conditioned. I think it's BS, but that doesn't mean behavioral therapy won't help.

If that doesn't work, you can ask your doctor about meds. One of the common side effects of antidepressants is difficulty ejaculating. Someone realized this can actually be a good thing....There have been a number of studies on the use of antidepressants like Paxil, Zoloft, and Prozac showing them to be effective in delaying ejaculation. I don't think they are FDA-approved for this purpose however, so many doctors may be reluctant to prescribe them for this purpose.Any advice on how to beat PE?
the faster you beat it, the faster it comes out.Stop beating it.Any advice on how to beat PE?
Think about sports when your doing it.
Change for class, wear lots of deodorant, and don't shower with everyone. If you have to, then wear your underwear to the shower.
Natural penis exercises
its natural you cant beat it.
Use a baseball bat.

Any sort of blunt object really. Make sure noone sees you though.
Lots of information on the web. Do a Google search. In the short term, masturbating a couple of hours before you have intercourse should make you last longer.
go to the doctor and complain get him to write u a note. u can even get the note written because u can say that u are to ebarressed to get changed in the locker room. make something up
Take the head of your penis in the palm of your hand and ';rough up'; the head. twist it kinda roughly back and forth a few times. What you are doing is desensetizing it and it will make you last longer
you gotta get me out and exercise me more often. remember a happy ***** is an active *****. try me in a brand new jar of grape jelly and give it to your girlfreind as a gift...boing boing
get an ugly gal haha

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