Friday, January 8, 2010

Pl.advice me how to calculet the CPC?

pl.advice me how to calculet the Cost per click ( CPC)and click -through rate(CTR) ,Impression?

and how to find out

budget= CTR*IMPRESSION * CPCPl.advice me how to calculet the CPC?
CPC and CTR i believe is the same thing.

Some sites charge on per click basis others charge on impression basis. in the impressions it also depends on how many other ads you share your space with. Meaning1st time your ad appears on refresh other ad appears and this cycle continues this means you have a 50% visibility.

Budget = (CPC* No. of Clicks) + (Cost Per Impression * No. of Impressions)Pl.advice me how to calculet the CPC?
CPC = Total spend / total clicks (impressions)

Click through rate = People that clicked the add / total people on the site
wht are you talking about? how do they charge you online?

how is that possible dude? plz explain

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