Friday, January 8, 2010

Me and my best friend have given up smoking can anyone give us advice on how to cope when we crave a ciggie?

I quit 4 years ago. The secret to not smoking is when the thought for a cig comes into your head, immediately think of something else. The day will come relatively fast when you realize you've gone through a whole day and have not thought about smoking. People who smoke don't realize how much of their time is taken up with thinking about smoking. Good luck! It is well worth it!Me and my best friend have given up smoking can anyone give us advice on how to cope when we crave a ciggie?
I stopped nearly 2 years ago, I had laser therapy, the advice i was given was when i thought about having a cigarette take three big deep breaths concentrating on your breathing! drink plenty of water and chewing gum also helps (its stops you from reaching for the food cupboard all the time)

If you associate cigs with certain drinks etc, then for a short time cut them out!

After the 1st few days you will feel better and just keep saying 2 yourself, I've not had a cigarette for so many days now!

Good Luck and I hope you manage to stop!! you will feel so much better for it, and so will your purse.Me and my best friend have given up smoking can anyone give us advice on how to cope when we crave a ciggie?
dont hang around people who smoke annything..cos when you do the craving increases more than when you thought you gave it up...get your mouth busy with something else
good for you for giving up! i've heard that chewing gum helps because it keeps your mouth busy. also, will power is the key to stopping any addiction. whenever you crave a cigarette, think of how much progress you've made and what you'll be wasting and losing if you smoke that cigarette. good luck.
read allen carr,s book easyweigh, he is the world, s leading specialist and hes brillian he wrote the internationally bestseeller easy wasy to stop smoking its brillian, he used to smoke 100 a day himself and he,s helped milllions of people to quit, you wont need willpower my daughters just giving up. he,s got clinics all over the world.
Will power everytime you crave think of all the good things your achive and why your stopping in the first place. After the first two weeks your feel so much better, just do your best to stay away from smokers. cold turkey its hard but it can be done.

good luck
Don't drink alcohol and stay out of places where others smoke.
Drink a lot of water. The first three days are hard, but it gets easier. Just remember you should not even have one. I quit almost 6 years ago. Good luck
Well my best friend and I have given up smoking to and we found that when we have a crave for a ciggie we just put a piece of gum in our mouths and we read and we are studding for a Certificate so we study to so find something else to do that you both enjoy and can do toghter and do it and before you know it you both will not have any crave for a ciggies I hope this helps a bit.
always carry a toothbrush with you. when you get a craving just scrub your teeth. the hardest time is when in the pub
Chew Cinnamon gum and brush your teeth with Cinnamon toothpaste. I have heard that Cinnamon reduces cravings.
Wish I knew the secret to qutting - I'm trying, but so far, no luck. I do have one suggestion that someone had posted on a similar question I posted about quitting smoking. Try the lozenges. I can't use the patch because my skin is prone to allergies and rashes - sensitive to certain things, so I'm going to try the lozenges. Give 'em a shot - whatta 'ya got to lose, right? Good luck and hope you both can fight and resist the temptation. It's hard, but we can do it if we try hard enough and really want to quit bad enough! :D
Exercise, when you feel like a cigarette go for a run. It works!

Great method here....

All the best.
Read a good book, watch tele, go out for a walk, take up a new hobbie, go to gym.
Lesbian sex
chewing gum? and apparently oranges..when i tried (and failed) 2 quit i kept eating oranges when i got a craving and it really did work! just...kinda give u the runs if u eat pretty much JUST oranges all day cuz u really want a ***! lol
Smoke Cannabis it will take you mind of tobacco

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