Friday, January 8, 2010

Advice on how to gain wieght!!!?

i need advice on how to gain there any healthy foods or anything that will help???Advice on how to gain wieght!!!?
Gain Weight Step 1 - eating

Eating is the first and most important factor that is needed to gain weight. It's simple - you need to eat more calories than you burn

Gain Weight Step 2 - lifting

As stated, proper eating is of utmost importance when attempting to gain weight, but if you do not lift weights, the majority of that gained weight will be fat - not muscle.

Gain Weight Step 3 - supplements

To gain weight, you do not NEED supplements, but they will help you gain the weight quicker. That's what they are, supplements to an already good diet and training program.

then sleep well........... good luck!!!!Advice on how to gain wieght!!!?
Try to Eat lots of meat and Bananas, and stop eating junks food plus try to go to the gym.

Follow these rules and believe me it will work!
just eat more , and more, like most of us do

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