Friday, January 8, 2010

People hate me for something I can't help. Advice on how to deal..??

i'm a sophomore in high school, and im disliked by a lot of girls that don't even know me. i love my friends and they love me, but i get a lot of criticism about the way i look.

i have a slim figure - i'm 5'4 and weigh 120 pounds - but I have a very large chest. I'm a 32F. i get a lot of attention from guys, which is probably why random people don't like me..perhaps they're jealous or something (not to sound conceited).

this is such an issue for me because it gets in the way of my being sociall accepted. im never invited to parties, for example, and ive heard through the grapevine that its because people are afraid ill get all the attention.

i have the reputation of a slut in my school, and i haven't even had a boyfriend there. it pisses me off.

how should i deal with stuff like this? im just looking for as much advice as i can get. thanks :]People hate me for something I can't help. Advice on how to deal..??
It sucks that people's insecurities make them hurt others. There's nothing you can do to change those people, so you'll need to change your perspective. How important is their acceptance of you? This will fluctuate, believe me. People can be so petty that it becomes plain obvious that they're not worth it. Other days I know the need to be accepted can be so accute that it stings. Get involved in activities that will bring you into new situations- join a club where your ideas, intelligence, abilities etc. will be showcased. It might bring people's perspective of you into a new light. Besides that, you'll need to develop a bit of a shell against those lunkheads who won't accept you no matter what you do. So sorry you're going through such a rough time and I hope things change for the better soon.People hate me for something I can't help. Advice on how to deal..??
Well, you can't really help it if you have a large chest, so if people hate you, just ignore them. Maybe they're jealous, since you get so much male attention. A lot of people like to put down others so that they can feel better about themselves.

And if they think you're a slut just because you have big boobs, prove them wrong with your character.
Just have confidence with what you have, but not TOO MUCH. Don't let them bother you. If they are indeed jealous of you, then let them be, they don't deserve having you waste time thinking of them. Just be cool so that people would see this and surpass what they see physically. If they see that you are someone worth hanging around with instead of someone who they see as conceited that she's prettier than her friends, then they'd definitely invite you to their parties. Get the driff?

Good luck! :D
Who cares what they say about u. Let them talk. I know it's hard to do though. The girls are probably just jealous!

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