Friday, January 8, 2010

I need some advice on how to pick up a girl.?

There is this beutiful girl that i really really love but i can barely make conversation with her. What do i do? I really want this girl but i feel too low for her. Any advice you can give is good enough.I need some advice on how to pick up a girl.?
Start conversation, ask her what she likes to do. Over text, messenger, email, ETC, to make it easier at first. Then start talking to her more in person and on the phone. The conversation should start flowing. lol.

Then buy her roses, lol. Atleast that is what I would want a guy to do for me.I need some advice on how to pick up a girl.?
hey man, that is the problem right there. u feel too low for her. u can't do that if u want her. u need to demonstrate higher value. girls don't want a loser, okay? they want a winner. u have to demonstrate higher value to her.
don't use cheesy pick up lines, they don't work.

Quite simply compliment her. Girls love compliments

e.g. I really love the colour of your top, it brings out the colour in your eyes. You have really nice eyes' blah blah Whatever the compliment, it has to be really sincere
Be confident, just go up to her and talk about anything hangout with her. And don't tell urself ur too low for her because that doesnt help ur confidence. Good luck!!
Never think someone else is too good for you! If you feel too low for her, she probably isn't the right girl for you!
well, make her laugh. say: if you were a laser, you'd be set on 'stunninng'

i saw it on a comercial.

Ask questions, people like to talk about themselves, not too personal. She may talk a bit and that will lead to other topics too. Don't go on and on about yourself. Be positive, you can learn a lot from a girl like ';that';.
work on your self esteem first. even if you manage to talk to this girl.. once you show a sign of inconfidence she is bound to leave distance.. because a girl needs a guy that is strong..and has balls! you have to be brave to love! someone she would feel safe with. so.. dont think your too low for her.. and... be funny.. being funny is always a good ice breaker.. jokes?? guys that are confident. smart, brave and funny.. thats what girls look for.
Be nice to her at first, but not too nice. Then when the two of you are alone ,ask her out to the movies or something she wants to do.
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