Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm a stay at home mom now, does anyone have advice on how to get organized?

Throw out all the junk and buy new stuff. Ok... either that or buy organizers but the first idea is much faster.I'm a stay at home mom now, does anyone have advice on how to get organized?
Simplify, simplify, simplify... I'm going crazy myself jajaja but seriously you need to get boxes for toys, the calendar is a must, put things away in cabinets, boxes, drawers, the more stuff you have outside, the more clutter you'll see, the more stressed out you'll be.

I'm going to go check out the websites they mention. I need so much help too.I'm a stay at home mom now, does anyone have advice on how to get organized?
Yes!!! You need to visit the website and also check out one of my other favorites don't judge it by the name its awsome!!!!
try to get rid of some stuff. and that should narrow it down.

then just make a list of all the things that you need to do. and im 13
It's important to be organized, but don't get obsessive. You only need to be organized to the point that important things get done efficiently (i.e., you should know where all those bills are when you need to pay them; make shopping lists so you don't waste trips to the store...). If you stress over TOTAL management and organization of your household, you will not only make your life miserable, but you will have no time to spend with your family. So, be a smart organizer. First, just figure out what needs done to make your major tasks easier and get on a schedule. Organization should be worth your time.
I see that two other people already recommended FlyLady. It's amazing. Really. Just don't get overwhelmed at first.

Other than that, remember to only touch things ONCE. Don't put something here so you can move it there and then to the final place later on. Just do it right then and there. It saves time and keeps the house going. Go through the mail, throw it away right then and there. Don't put it down to go through later.

Also, you can do a BillSheet up on a Word program. Have columns for due date, how much you owe, who you owe. Have a space for any confirmation numbers (if you do things over the internet or by phone). And then a colum for any account numbers and/or the company's phone number. That one thing has changed my life. Seriously. I can look at any given time and know what's paid, what needs to be paid and such.

I have a big box of socks by a shoe cubby in the kitchen. Take off your shoes, put it in the cubby. That way, if you have to go somewhere fast, you don't have to go to everyone's room looking for socks. They are right there!

If you have more than one kid, give each child a color. We have pink, purple and blue in our family and it works out great. If a bowl is left on the table, we know who did it in an instant. We have our 5 and 6 year olds clean the kitchen table with a diaper wipe. The 9 year old sweeps up afterwards. They are all responsible for taking their own dishes to the RIGHT side of the sink (the left is for rinsed dishes).

Put an executive-sized calendar on the wall in the room you use the most (ours is the kitchen). Write down everything..library book due dates, meetings, etc.

Keep the living room clean by having a big basket there. Put all toys there and have the kids take up their own toys at the end of the day or end of the week, whatever suits you.

Diaper wipes are great. The kids can use them to clean and they really work well. And they don't ';hurt'; the kids with extra chemicals.

Teach responsibility early on. We tend to try to do everything ourselves which is a disservice to us and our children.

Take care of yourself. Join a book club or a Bunko club or a gym or something. You need and will benefit from (so will your children) outside social things.
Ohh and,,don't forget getting hooked on a couple of soaps,
yeah...good luck! when you actually are finished let me know. as long as you have children you'll never be completely organized, there's just no such thing in the world of moms.
Please check out The Fly'll be inspired!

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