Friday, January 8, 2010

Family issue need advice on how to talk to parents?

i need advice i can't go a day without my mother and stepfather thinking i do nothing i have called and sent resume out. they don't believe me they think i need to be doing job search 24/7 i am getting frustrated because they don't believe me and when i try to explain to them i am very frustrated i can't found a job. all i get back from them is you not trying hard enough what else can i do i feel like i will never prove anything to them. i can't go a day with out them asking me how the job search is how do i get them to back off ? i try to tell them it is frustrating that i a don't have a job in my field and i do take their advice but its not working i try to tell them that. and all i get back is it worked for me years ago? they thanks i am selfish no-good person but am i selfish? are they the ones that wont let up until i ever get so sick i end up in the hospital i really am thinking big time the only thing keeping me from commit suicide is my fiance and he had to add oh where not getting married until you get a job i have a job that doesn't gave me hours please help i really don't know how much more i can take this abuse from my parent not my fiance i need him now more then ever. i feel like running away but i have no place to go. what do i do?Family issue need advice on how to talk to parents?
First of all you need tolet your parents know that your doing all you can and unless they plan on filling out applications for your or helping you search then tell them to back off. I know how you feel my mother is the same way. But I had to let her know unless you gonna doit for me back off andlet me handle my own.Family issue need advice on how to talk to parents?
this sounds like a money issue, to me, no job , no money comeing in, go to walmart . dollor store . get something ,

not just for your mum or dad, but for you, get cash rolling in

then look for a job , your self esteem is very low,

working will help you bring that back up,

doing some thing is much better than doing nothing ......
Best way to get the parents off the back is to move out. But that is hard with no job so try making a list of all the ads you are responding to. I use to keep a copy of the ad as I found I was reapplying for the same position. List the companies you have talked to and those you still need to call and inquire. List out the online resources you are using (websites, etc). Keep notes on what you still need to do each day. Try going around and just showing up to some companies. As I am not sure your field, I can't be more specific....but remember to keep trying. Follow up with the companies you have sent resumes to and note it down. You can leave this journal out so your parents can see what you have done and the plans you still have. After a few weeks of this, show them the journal and just ask them what else you might be able to do. Asking for thier advice and taking it, will not only show them that you are trying...but also make it difficult for them to complain.

About that fiance.....don't ever think that you NEED him. His comment didn't sound very nice or supportive. And needing him takes away your own self confidence and esteem.
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