Friday, January 8, 2010

I suffer from panic attacks and have recently been getting knots in my stomach. any advice on how to get rid?

Cognitive Therapy

What are some of the steps in the treatment package for panic disorder?

The treatment of panic is organized around several goals: first, educating the patient about the nature of agoraphobia, anxiety and panic; second, determining the range of situations that you avoid or fear; third, evaluating the nature of your symptoms, their severity, frequency and the situations that elicit your anxiety; and, fourth, evaluation for other problems that may co-exist with panic--for example, depression, other anxieties, substance abuse, overeating, loneliness, and marital problems.

Your therapist may include the following treatments: relaxation training, rebreathing training (especially if you hyperventilate), gradual exposure to situations that elicit panic, identification of your interpretation of your panic or arousal, stress reduction, training in general cognitive therapy principles ( challenging your negative beliefs, your concern about losing control, your fears of negative evaluation, and your demands for certainty), assertion training (when needed), and training in the ability to recognize and reduce your panic symptoms when they occur. In addition, other problems that you may have (such as depression) may also be addressed in the therapy.

Good Luck!I suffer from panic attacks and have recently been getting knots in my stomach. any advice on how to get rid?
Are you overly anxious [anxiety} with nervousness. Have you been rel concerned about something ? and it maybe led into worry.Contact your primary physician and see if he or she can prescribe something about this condition and then to you need to take a time out for yourself and just relax.I suffer from panic attacks and have recently been getting knots in my stomach. any advice on how to get rid?
These can be very debillitating have you thought about trying the yoga technique of deep breathing?

There are classes in most towns but any good manual should explain this simple technique.

As a quick solution have you tried Bach's rescue remedy?

Hope you sort this out.
lots of detailed answers so you should have some good tips. just to add my tips for stuff to do until you can see your dr:

breathing exercises (deep in and after a few seconds deep out - funnily enough out is more relaxing than in!)

a few aerobic stretches (whatever suits you where you are)

distracting yourself by thikig about somethig else temporarily even if it is just a joke or reading an advert on a wall
See a shrink.
panic attacks are caused by a chemical in-balance in the brain, i am on medication for this, but if they are not servere you can control them with breathing exercises etc, try taking a breath inwards lasting four seconds and then breath out for two seconds,hope this helps
you have to mentally tell yourself that it is not as bad as you think take some long deep breath's and calmly move away from what is making you have to train yourself not to get in such a panic.lots of people suffer with these kind of feelings you will look back and realise how easy it was really.have a bit more faith and confidence in yourself you will be ok.Its not easy at first but you will be dancing in the rain thinking what was that all about.Smile its free and makes you feel better.
Have a word with your doctor and he may give you a course of ';Propranalol';, which helped me when I was getting these symptoms. I also went to College to do discreet courses on what they call Personal Management, they also helped me to understand the problem.

I am also now a born-again-Christian and no longer suffer from stomach disorders or panic attacks. I just trust in Jesus Christ daily to keep me well and the Holy Spirit guides me safely through my life, I don't have anymore fears or worries because, God is definately the best medicine for anyone and for anything.
I still suffer from panic attacks but not as bad as I used to. I went to group therapy for a few weeks which helped quite a alot. I would completely go into a rage because things wouldn't go the way I wanted it to go. I wasn't sleeping very well because I was worrying about what happened that day, always on edge, hollering at family, and blaming myself for everything. As far as getting rid of it completely, I am not sure. I know that panic attacks can be controlled. I see a psychiatrist every two months and take a medication at night which helps me sleep. And the next day goes alot better.

I would talk with your regular doctor like I did. He sent me to be evaluated by a therapist and I had tests run such as memory, word association, nothing that hurt, just things so they could see the level of the panic attacks.

Hope I helped and good luck!
panic attacks - i once suffered bad ones all day every day for about 4 months, but i got rid of them myself.

they occur more when you think about them and about why you are having them, so try to block them out of your mind.

2/ to get rid of the dizzyness of panic attacks (because its caused by too much oxygen in the blood, so, take a slow breath for 6 seconds, then slowly release the breath for 12 seconds - and repeat until head clears.

3/something else i discovered was to not fear the things that trigger the attacks - but do them more often! grr! and also find something to focus your mind on, like a book or a puzzle.#

good luck!!
Of course you should try to reduce the things that stress you out. I've had panic attacks for years and I find that breathing techniques work pretty good. Also have someone to talk to...If you have one have 1 person to call that will stay on the line with you and talk you through it. Also if you are able do anything that you do as part of a routine...I find that if I have one and I brush my teeth or brush my hair it helps a lot. I think it's just because it gives you something else to focus on for a few minutes.
go to doctors
If you have not taken any of the many fine classes available on managing panic response, then I suggest you get into one pronto. If you do not take positive steps to control your disorder, it will end up controlling you.
Hi TFT (Thought Field Therapy) is very effective at dealing with panic attacks. Contact a local practitioner. It is a very effective 80 - 90 effective and it takes a number of minutes and lasts a life time. If you want more information please do not hesitate to contact me.

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