Friday, April 30, 2010

Totally Depressed?? How to Overcome Need Advice..?


Last sunday was my lovers engagement iam totally depressed my heart broke like anything.. i cant control myself..pls help me...wat can i doTotally Depressed?? How to Overcome Need Advice..?
You're just gonna have to get over it because they obviously have moved on, and you need to do the same.Totally Depressed?? How to Overcome Need Advice..?
A psychiatrist has drugs that will help, if it's a real problem with depression. If you literally can't control yourself, you do need a doctor. If that's hyperbole, and you're just really sad about something that's going on, you have to just suffer through it... ';That's the way that it goes when you're down here with the rest of us.';

Maybe, you could try listening to some music that either cheers you up, or shares your mood with you. If you have some really good friends who won't b*tch that you're bumming them out, you could talk it over with them. Just talking about it with someone who cares about you can make you feel a little better.
How long has it been? if your lover has got engaged to someone else I have to believe it's been a while. you have to get over it now. the only way to get over it is going to cause you more pain - but you must do the following things; plan out a daily routine of things to do and stick to it, think of some activities you like doing and make sure their are plenty of them on the list. write a daily diary about your feelings for a whole month and during this time have absolutely NO CONTACT with your ex - NO CONTACT. if you can stand it - go out and socialise with friends that were not from your previous relationship. try to find a sport you like playing - remember; even pool is a sport. try to do some kind of exercise (even walking would do) try to keep yourself clean and tidy, and your home as well, squalor does not help the mood. at the end of 30 days read your diary back to yourself and if you have followed the NO CONTACT rule, you should find you feel a hell of a lot better. some of these tips are from my website, please do not go there - unfortunately the help on my site is too late for you because your ex is with someone else. you have to get over it.
just be happy for her, shes moved on, so i guess its best if you moved on too. theres no use in kicking yourself because its already over. first love isnt always the one and only. you'll find someone sooner or later that will love you back just as much as you love her. life's only depressing when you let it be depressing. smile, be happy for her and move on. your the only one bringing yourself down, theres soo much more to life, tonnes of other girls thats bound to have an effect on you and vice versa. it'll be alright. :D
stay busy... try not to dwell on it believe me i know what its like.... i could only partly get through it by simply staying busy... it was hard, butit something u have to do i spent about three to five days depressed and months / a year working hard....

read mine... u may help u..... please anws if u have any inputs;_ylt=AqCXA3VjjMQa0vxunrMp5jcgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20091012091427AACIUBw
lol 1st post was funny. do a kanye west reinactment! i love that idea!

nah, jk. anyway, do stuff that relaxes you, try to find other women, basically anything that makes u happy.
Crash the wedding..
take a fresh air, do your favorite things or listen to music but don't slow music though. keep yourself busy. or if can, take a vacation on somewhere.
Join the Gym... it'll make you feel a lot better getting into shape and releasing endorphins... which you probably know is the happy chemical which your body releases when you work out.

Hire a fitness trainer to keep you committed and motivated.

Start taking natural sleeping medication... which by the way, you can't overdose on (goodness) it is called Melatonin which your body naturally releases at sundown everyday but if there is difficulty sleeping go and buy some anywhere.

Remember that every problem you ever had in life is gone... and just like those ones, this one will be gone too. keep going, you will be okay and even awesome in a matter of weeks or even days if you start taking care of yourself....

Good Day
yeah join the gym is a good answer...releases good chemicals and makes u feel better bout yourself!!..i had a girl who kept sayin she was gona leave her man 4 me 4 2 years..she was totally honest with him and told him she had feelings 4 someone else and thats y sah was neva happy...then when she told me she was gona leave him 4 good she found out she was pregnant with his child and cant leave him now!!!.....sorry bout the long f*#*in answer man so they decided 2 get engaged coz of the baby and im dreading the day i hear shes married!!...just b around people/new people...keep busy and b4 u know it u will hav met someone twice as nice!!!..goodluck

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