Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Any advice on how to get God to move in your life?

please don't say prayer to me, cuss that is what my life is...I am now a little lamb pulling on the sheperds staff with his teeth.Any advice on how to get God to move in your life?
God time is not our time,, faith!!! when it is his time he will move,, and sorry you need to continue in prayer. I don't always know why or what his doing but he has a purpose you just need to trust him.Any advice on how to get God to move in your life?
God is already always moving in all our lives. It's more appropriate that you examine what it is you want versus what is God's Will, and you may find a conflict there, which would make it look like your life isn't moving, only because it isn't moving in the way you want it to. As Christians, we all talk about doing God's Will and we have that intention, but to actually do it is actually very hard, and that is what takes work for us - to first seek out and find God's Will, and then to give in to it, all the time. I know I fail at it a lot, but I keep trying.
Prune juice.

Remember god is everywhere!

Seriously, you want your life to move, then you move it.

You will grow old and die before god does anything.

Do not assign the good things that happen to you and the world around you to god unless you are willing to assign the bad things that happen too.
If you want to get to know the True God that you can respect, please go to The website can introduce you to the actual One and True God.
gods always been in your life. you can start to relize it by putting god first in every thing you do. always think thy will be done not mine. and pray only for him to help you understand thy will. and always seek the kingdome of heaven. and if you are the lamb then let the sheperd lead you.
While you're pulling on the staff, look around and try to discern what God is doing around you, in your church, in your neighborhood, in your family. When you see what He's doing, join in with it. Do whatever you can to help or promote what you see God doing. Are there some folks trying to feed the poor? Go help them or donate some food. Ask God to show you what He's doing, and then open your eyes and your heart and go. If you start moving, He will lead you.
When the time is right, the Holy Man will come, and lay his hands on you.

You might not like it, little one. Nor can you bear this burden unless you are strong enough, and he will not give you something you cannot bear.
I have heard that sometimes when it seems He isn't there it's because He is testing you and your faith. Some people have said they feel He has abandoned them but He hasn't He is still there waiting for the right time to reveal Himself. Have faith. When He's ready He'll let you know.
God is always with you in your life. All you need is pray in earnest seeking for help and faith. Keep praying and soon your situation will improve.

God Bless and Good Luck.
believe that you have received what you asked for by giving thanks for it. Then expect it .
It works differently for everyone because that's just how God is.

One good thing to know is that God works like an oven not like a microwave. He usually answers your prayers right after you have given up all hope and done something stupid. At least this is what I have experienced. That doesn't mean that you should give up all hope though, because he knows when you are being selfish and fake.

I've also learned that you grow more in your faith after you've gone through something hard. Kinda like how rain makes things grow. Don't give up.
Read the Bible, beginning with the New Testament, as a child and with spiritual eyes as directed by Jesus Christ. Realize His Truth, and follow Him on the Way back to God.
Prayer, (pray without ceasing), Bible study %26amp; reading, Believing what you are praying, asking for. Get church, people to pray about your situation, attend church, just try to live right and ask God to help you do that.

You know, you may not want to hear this but its true, sometimes when God is silent it is Not because He is not

listening. Because He does hear every plea. But i believe and have experienced that at times when i felt God was silent or not answering my prayers it was just because it was not time or His will. You stay steadfast, dont give up hope or get all discouraged, don't let satan tell you lies, you stand on the Word of God alone. You will see Been there, done it!!

I hope i helped a little. Best wishes, God bless.

P.S- Those that wait upon the Lord will renew there strenghth.

Psalms 46:1-3 Psalms 138:8-7
If you want God in your life, people need to stop talking so much and listen to what He says.
Prayer - Fasting - Living in the word
I no Spiritual expert I can ask u to enjoy ur life fully. Enjoy each and every activity u do. But remember ur enjoyment should not inflict pain to others. Love what u do. Love others as much u love urself. Lean from fools and erase ur foolishness. Be practical. Then when in peace, silence meditate on the question ';Who am I? What am I?';

May be if u do these u can get to know God better.
This is how I got closer.

I bought a NIV study bible and started reading. The new testament first and then read the old. Or you can start old then new but most people say start new because it will explain the new covenant.

I wouldn't try to associate with anyone that might try to keep you from wanting to find out more about God. And I would try to associate myself with people that are religious but not too like fanatic religious.

The biggest thing is for you to pray to God. Read the Book. And have an open mind and heart. I hope that everything works out for you and that God opens the door for you.

You are looking so you will find it. Remember is not like you are going to have this overwhelming amount of faith pouring in on you. You might at the beginning but that is normal. The big thing is when you find yourself getting really interested in the Bible and really liking it and finding out that you love God and everything then you should try harder to stay that way. It is easy to fall in love but hard to stay in love. It will take time for you to grow and be the person that you want to be. This is a whole life journey that never ends.

Best of luck to you and may the mercy of God be upon you.
Trust and obey - for there's no other way - to be happy in Jesus - but to trust and obey.

But you will never pray too much, too long or too hard. The reverse is true in the life of most Christians. Real prayer is warfare. The devil hates people that are establishing a strong

connection to God. They are a very legitimate threat to him.
Give him a good poke and he should move. That's what i do to my cats when they're being lazy.
We'll with out prayer, Getting God to move in your life is going to be worthless. Their is no otherway to get God to move in your life unless you pray for yourself or to have someone else pray for you. Prayer is the key thing that you need to have God work in your life!

#2 key thing) Attend Church

#3 Key thing) Read your bible

#4 Key thing) Fellowhip with other Christians

#5 Key thing) Witness to non Christians.
With prayer, make sure that it's literate, not phonological (just a study of sounds). It's not supposed to be mythological. It's supposed to be private. (Matthew 6) I've seen some efforts on youtube with flashing lights that look ostentatious. Sorry peoples, but Christianity, like Judaism, has organic style imagery, not all the bright lights. I know Jesus appeared to Paul like that, according to Acts, but still Paul lists the weapons against Satan in Ephesians 6 as being images of how to use your body and protect your body. Therefore, are you looking after your health by means of prayer? I'm not saying to avoid alternative treatments, but honestly, there has to be the aspect of personal charity, as in Matthew 25, rather than waiting for perfect health. The apostle Paul might have had right arm catalepsy in Galatians 6:11 when he said that his letters were large. Right arm catalepsy is induced by hypnosis.
Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself, I love you and forgive you. Watch the changes develop within your life from that day forward.
God is moving in your life....

the trick is not to look for what you think should be happening but to examine what is happening and accept it

many times in life things happen that are for the best only we don't know it or recognize it.....

remember in a relationship with God your the servant... your prayer is for him to reveal to you purpose... not to dictate what you will accept

if life wasn't always different it wouldn't be much fun anyway

from the ancient philosophers... be water my friend

water is life, the most delicate and strongest thing, it can take any shape and shape any thing... it can give life and take life

in other words learn to go with the flow.... in any culture in any religion... the key to a Godly life is acceptance not expectation

redirecting force is easier than opposing it

You must put your faith in Him, and follow what Bible teaching. Then you will feel God move you. Don't doubt Him, just worship Him with all your heart.
What promise that he already made to you that you are trusting him for? Answer that, and you'll get your answer. God never promised you a new computer, but he did promise eternal life, and the miracle of understanding his word. Are you reading his word?
God is in your life already. You just dont realise it. It s like the footprint story.

A man once asked God why didnt you come into my life? God told him, look at this beach and consider it as your past life. On the sands were 2 sets of foot prints. God told him, see those two foot prints are mine and yours. I was walking beside you all the time. then the man saw one set of foot prints, He realised at those where the imes that he had lot of problems, so he asked God where were you when I needed you most? God answered him,'; My son, Those are my footprints,I carried you then.

I hope you understood what Iam trying to say.You are looking for something that has been with you all the time. Now you get moving with the Lord
Just open up and accept Him.

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