Friday, April 30, 2010

I'm getting married soon! Any advice on how to keep the ';spark'; alive for years to come?

Laugh with each other and listen to each other. Get interested in the things that your spouse is interested in. My husband is very into his hobby, which I really would not be into if I was not married to him. He is so excited to talk about it and take part in it with me that it really blesses our marriage. Now, I am starting to get into it, as well, because its so important to him. That really keeps the sparks alive for us b/c he knows that I am sacrificing doing something that I enjoy for him.I'm getting married soon! Any advice on how to keep the ';spark'; alive for years to come?
I've only been married for 5 years, but we have both been completely commited to our spiritual lives, each other and our kids. Absolutely nothing comes before that. Almost every problem we have had boils down to jealousy.I'm getting married soon! Any advice on how to keep the ';spark'; alive for years to come?
Keep trying new things and never be afraid to explore!
Keep the spark alive, don't stop doing the things you enjoyed doing from the start. Most of the time when the thrill is gone, so is the marriage.
Communicate, communicate, communicate - in a kind and loving manner, every single day of your lives.
have sex daily
The truth? Behavior always follows values. Everything we do, we do in order to achieve something we really want. You're getting married. So is she. OK... the big question is WHY?

If she's getting married because she wants a house and a family and a stable relationship, then that's what she values. That's where she will invest her energy. She'll invest time and energy in achieving her values. Always. If she wants security, she'll get married. If she wants a house, she'll invest time and energy getting it, then keeping it. She'll be a housekeeper. If she wants family, she'll be a mom.

If you are just the means to her end, then she will invest time, energy and affection on you ONLY IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE HER GOALS. Once she has, she will no longer need to invest in you... she'll invest in the things she wanted from the beginning. You were a means to an end, and once there, she'll only invest what is necessary to keep you as a provider for the things she really wants. The spark will die in a few months no matter what you do, because she'll know it isn't necessary for her to achieve her goals.

If she wants a house... because its a place she can be with you; if she wants a family... as a way to share more with you; if she wants to be married... as a way to just be alone with you forever; and if you see all of these things the same way: Behavior follows values. Always. The spark will always be there, because it's why you're getting married in the first place.

Marriage is a means to an end. What ';end'; are you and she looking for?
Well one thing, you may have had sex before, but even if you did, I'd advise you to wait til the wedding night. Even if you start now, it will be better. Also have sex with her a lot and sometimes just hold her and don't expect to screw her every time. Sometimes us women just want to be cuddled and that's all. (I am assuming you are a guy, but if you aren't, I'm very sorry) And keep her happy. :)
Stay open and honest and always talk.
one word, unselfishness
My wife and I always do things for just us. We have two kids, and we love them very much, but we know we still need time for our marriage. Marriage is a lot of work, but when it's with the right person, and you work at it, it's the most wonderful experience. I have a lot of friends that seem to think, once you have kids, the going out on dates and doing fun things together is over. We leave the kids with my parents and go to the Caribbean every year, and it's a great time.

Another thing is to make them your best friend. I know everyone has friends, and I have some really close friends, but my wife is my best friend. She is also my girlfriend, my mistress, my lover, and all of those are important.

Make sure you make time for sex. Once people get married and have kids, most of them only have sex once or twice a month. That won't keep the spark alive, you need to do it a couple times a week, at least. Keep the sex interesting, don't let it become something you do for ten minutes, make it an hour or two, and make it crazy and fun.

Just my 2 cents. Good luck.
the sooner you bury your ego, realize she is always right and learn to agree with everything she says, the sooner you will be on your way to a happy and long marriage...oh, and having a good career that significantly increases your salary annually will be a huge plus...
You will fall in %26amp; out of love throut your marrige...its great...dont be afraid....remember you are two different people from two seperate families....respect each others opinion %26amp; talk to each other as if you were on your first date....try new adventures %26amp; have a weekend when each can choose ';whats on the menu tonight';....if you get my drift....keep happy....Chappie
I'd like to share with you how me and my husband of 2 years keep our spark alive. We love doing new and interesting things together whether it be the 2 of us camping and spending quality time together, or a romantic dinner out with a nice conversation. But the sex part you've gotta keep spiced up also. Keeping the bar high, he buys me sexy lingerie and I buy different toys and lotions that we both use together, and we buy different kama sutra books to learn new things together. Girl, always remember to trust in your new relationship, it is the most important basis of marriage, Good Luck! :-)

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