Friday, April 30, 2010

I need advice on how to get a one year old off of the pacifier?

i took him off the bottle when he was about 10 months and it was no problem but i think the pacifier is going to be alot harderI need advice on how to get a one year old off of the pacifier?
Having had 4 binky suckers and one child that preferred two fingers in the mouth, I know there does come a point when the comfort sucking has to stop. I don't think one year was the time for any of mine though. Why you do you feel it is now? 2 1/2 was the max for us, the reasoning skills were there and speech in place also. As with breaking of any habits, you have to do it gradually, start by taking it out of the mouth just after they fall asleep. They will be too tired to try and get it back. Then make finding it for them take longer and longer until finally you just can't find it anymore. Certainly don't buy anymore, and if you can make it taste bad without hurting them in anyway, that might turn them off also. But again, why so early?I need advice on how to get a one year old off of the pacifier?
Taper off... start by having him able to use it only at bedtime and naptimes. It must stay in his crib the rest of the time. Get the binky a special tupperware container to stay in, or a special binky clip to attach it to the crib. This way, you design a special spot for binky to be in. Children this age are developing the idea that blankets and binkies, etc have feelings as they do- so it is not uncommon for toddlers to actually worry about their precious binky while they are away from it. By creating a special routine (put binky into his container to keep him safe) you help allieviate that fear that binky will run away while your toddler is gone. This can go a long way in helping a toddler separate and ultimately give up their comfort object. After a week of only having binky during naps and bedtime, start removing binky during one nap, then after a week, remove it for both naps. After you have removed binky from both naps for a week, remove it from bedtime. This will be the hardest one, since your toddler is probably used to using the binky as a comfort object to fall asleep, and probably wakes and uses it to get back to sleep in the middle of the night. I recommend doing this on a Friday night, so that you will have the weekend to work on it. Most likely, you will get a few nights of little sleep (unless you have a really easy-going toddler), so be prepared to work with your partner to sleep in shifts if you need to. It takes a week to change a habit in toddlers (and sometimes up to 21 days in extreme situations), so expect some whining and tantrums to get that binky. But, if you TRULY want to get rid of the binky for good, you have to stick to your guns. That means, you can't give in- no matter how hard they cry for it. You aren't being mean... you are setting limits. The more often you give in, the more you don't mean what you say. Take all the binkies on the day you intend to get rid of them, and throw them in the trash outside (even better is to ask to throw them in a neighbor's trash or in a dumpster outside a grocery store- that way you have no impulse to just pull one out and wash it off to turn off the crying), or have a binky ceremony. Believe me, toddlers can be insistent when they want something, but it is just a habit... not a necessity of survival. If this is a habit you wish to break, you have to do it full-force. They may cry for it- they may scream for it.... but you can't backtrack or you won't do either of you any good. I would take your child with you to throw them out, or have a little binky ceremony (where you put the binkies in a bag to hang on a tree (or whatever you have outside) to leave for the new babies that will need them. Talk it up, be creative... leave a big- kid gift for your toddler in the place of the binkies to be discovered later in the day or the next morning. (Kind of like the ';binky fairie';) This gets them in on it, so they don't feel as if this is just some arbitrary rule you have imposed on them... they are part of the process and they get a reward. Works wonders with these little guys. Now is the age to do this... past about 18 months and you start getting into the real attachment age. As long as you stick to what you say and don't reverse yourself once you decide it is time for the binkies to go, you'll be fine... and so will your toddler. They are resilient little guys, and he will soon figure out that he CAN exist without a binky! : )
How much is he using it? I would first cut down to only having it when going to bed. Then when that is established try naps without it. Then he might quit at bedtime on his own. Or wean him off it like you did from nap time.

Other more sudden solutions are to ';break'; all the pacifiers you have by cutting the nipple part. Oh and the store doesn't have them anymore (make sure you don't take the kid to the store or walk down the aisle with them!)

You can also slowly loose all the ones you have. They seem to get lost all the time anyway just slowly weed them out forget to take them with you etc. Again the store ran out so you can't get more.
i just recently got my 4 year old of his nunni and i shouldnt have let him go with it that long but i spoil him...i took him to the dentist and he told him that it was making his teeth ugly so we were gonna need to throw it away. i got all of his nunnies out of my purse and they played a game with them. they tried to see who ould throw them away first. it worked he threw them out on his own and only asked for it once after that. and when he did i would just divert his attention elsewhere. basiclly you should convience youre child in a sort of way as mine was and make a game of it,but once you throw it out you cant bring it backl no matter how many tears or screaming nites there are. i took my 18mnth old of the bottlew and we had 3 nights where she screamed foe like an hour and then just fell asleep and now she doesn t want it
Why? Children need to be able to comfort themselves.
This is a tuff one, my son held on to is till he was 2. It was hard and I tried so many times but he would cry for days. Then someone told me to follow the signs, I did not think it would work but it really did! You have to do it under the dark of the moon. It was crazy because he didn't even ask for it. You just follow that and it should work. GOOD LUCK!
I started by only giving the pacifier at nap and bed times. Then, only at bed time. One night I told my daughter that it was time to be a big girl, and she didn't need a pacifier anymore. It worked perfectly. My daughter also got a special surprise for being a big girl. Good luck.
You should really do it soon, seperation anxiety and attachment anxiety really starts soon after a year old. Your baby is really going to love that pacifier the longer he has it after he is a year old. Give it to him only at night, to ween him. If he only uses it at night now, just take it. I will be a rough three days or so, but he will be fine with in a week. Who knows he might not not even care.
I took my kids off the pacifier cold turkey. I said that I lost it. You will hear some or maybe a lot of crying, but after a night or a few, they will realize that they are not getting it back and they will forget all about it. It may sound cruel to just take it away but on certain age appropriate things I don't baby my kids. I'm not mean, but I mean what I say.
I would say it's too early. If a baby is using a binkie, let them use it till... I don't know...maybe till you can explain and he can understand a little?I let my 18 mo old have a binkie when she goes to bed. That's it. The rest of the time the binkie sleeps in the bed under her pillow.
  • laura mercier
  • I neead advice on how to date a celibate guy, when i love sex and want to share myself with him!?

    m 21 and im dating a guy (24) who is a virgin for personal religious beliefs. i absolutely adore the restraint, faith and commitment that it takes for him to stick with this. but i am not a virgin, and i love sex when its with someone who i adore and love.

    has anyone ever been in this situation where you want to be intimate with your partner, but doing so would end their vows of celibacy? and how did you cope? What happened? i want to ';share myself'; with him, but hes not interested.

    ive never been faced with such a situation, and i have no clue what it the best way to approach it. I love him, and i want to be with him.

    help!!I neead advice on how to date a celibate guy, when i love sex and want to share myself with him!?
    Why would you date a guy with such different values than yours? Either you will not get sex and be frustrated or he will give in and feel guilt and shame. Find a guy with whom you are compatible with.I neead advice on how to date a celibate guy, when i love sex and want to share myself with him!?
    This guy sounds like a real brainwashed tool. You should dump this loser.
    keep your knees together and wait for him, if you want to wait for him.
    well i can see you doing a lot of solo sex... just keep the faith and it will happen.. dont stray... keep going solo as much as possible when you feel the urge....

    Looking for advice on how to share my wife or get her into a threesome?

    my wife at the bars will allow her *** to be spanked and will sit on some guys lap and she will allow a little touching and when a bit drink will show a little what should i do next to get her into a threesome or share her but without being up front with it?Looking for advice on how to share my wife or get her into a threesome?
    She seems to be pretty open to that...just ak her.Looking for advice on how to share my wife or get her into a threesome?
    Why are you married? Looks like she doesn't want to be...why do you?
    Maybe next time when she steps away from a guy or he leaves for the bathroom. Pull her close and tell her how hot she makes you. Kiss her and sensually ask her if she would like to be kissed by another man. Maybe mention how nice her *** looked with another man's hand on it. If she shows interests then you can delve a little deeper.
    most married have them so go for it
    Introducing a relationship to poligamy is frought with problems including trust, self esteem, etc. You risk eroding the fundemental principles of the relationship itself. Some people can make an open lifestyle work for their relationship. However, both people have to be brought into it strongly and both people have to be secure in their love, trust and sexuality.

    I need advice on how I can get a girl to go out with me!!!?

    ok I really like this girl but idk if she likes me. how should I get closer to a relationship with her .I need advice on how I can get a girl to go out with me!!!?
    Well first, get to know her. Be friends for a while. Then you can ask her if she likes you as more than a friend.

    G.LI need advice on how I can get a girl to go out with me!!!?
    Ask her out.
    well,. make friends with her.. but first make sure that you are certain to that feeling that you like her.

    then be her closest friend(dont act like you really like her)

    by then decide if you still want her more than friends or you are contented with what you have now.

    if you still want her and like her very much, then propose!! :)

    and do it in a special way.. :)

    I need advice on how to explain something to a 13 year old girl.?

    Im a mentor for some kids and this one girl who is 13 years old asked me today,';I know how guys get 'horny' but I don't get how us females can get horny? Im so confused on that works.';

    I need advice on how to explain this as best I can without getting into too much detail. If you know what I mean.I need advice on how to explain something to a 13 year old girl.?
    Just say this: '; I'll tell you when you get older. '; OR you can explain it but leave out anything that may get you OR the girl in trouble, OR you can get sombody of the same gender and leave it at that.

    Ladies, any advice on how to climax?

    I have never had an orgasm during sex. I have always been very close to it but for some reason it just doesn't happen! I know how to please myself but when a guy does it he doesn't always hit the right spot - even when I show him.

    The same goes for oral sex and when a guy puts his fingers inside me. It feels great, but I will never climax. I wonder if it has to do with maybe pleasuring myself too much alone, or that I just can't do it!

    I know it's not the guy, it's me.

    Please elaborate!Ladies, any advice on how to climax?
    Perhaps you get nervous at that moment or maybe he stops hitting it right? I heard that through masturbation you can really screw up the whole pleasure through sex thing. You may get off too soon or just not feel as good.

    Girls,any advice on how to find a gf i have several female friends?

    but girls never see me as a potential bf, i like being a gud friend and may love one of my closet female friends

    any advice would be usefulGirls,any advice on how to find a gf i have several female friends?
    Be kind, considerate, and quick with the jokes to make a girl laugh, and love will follow. Don't focus too much on getting into her pants, women can sense guys with ulterior motives.Girls,any advice on how to find a gf i have several female friends?
    You shouldn't just tell your friend out of the blue that you like her, that might scare her off. I would say that you should show her you care for her through the little things you do so that she will pick up on these little hints. Girls appreciate the little things, although we don't show it all the time, like take notice in what she likes, if she's wearing a new top, if her favorite movie is on TV, stuff like that. And doting on her can't hurt either ; ]
    they may see you as your brother or so ..

    keep them close to you .. to have many good friends is better than one GF ...
    just try a little extra with the one you like and try to go out with her like on friendly dates first to go see a funny movie or go hang out in the park then start hangin out with her like .....goin out to eat or something like that just dont go to fast ..... she may not like that...GOOD LUCK!!!
    if you like one of your riends then go out with her. In my group of friends we go out with eachother all the time, no one cares. brake ups are casual and simple and then your friends again but with better stories. if they are your real friends then it wont be an issue. o yea, and flirt, it helps
    the best advice I can give you is not to risk the friendship. Friendships last a lot longer than relationships do, and if by chance you ended up dating her and things didn't work out, you would lose the friendship too. It's not worth it.

    I know how you feel though, I have been there myself
  • laura mercier
  • Totally Depressed?? How to Overcome Need Advice..?


    Last sunday was my lovers engagement iam totally depressed my heart broke like anything.. i cant control myself..pls help me...wat can i doTotally Depressed?? How to Overcome Need Advice..?
    You're just gonna have to get over it because they obviously have moved on, and you need to do the same.Totally Depressed?? How to Overcome Need Advice..?
    A psychiatrist has drugs that will help, if it's a real problem with depression. If you literally can't control yourself, you do need a doctor. If that's hyperbole, and you're just really sad about something that's going on, you have to just suffer through it... ';That's the way that it goes when you're down here with the rest of us.';

    Maybe, you could try listening to some music that either cheers you up, or shares your mood with you. If you have some really good friends who won't b*tch that you're bumming them out, you could talk it over with them. Just talking about it with someone who cares about you can make you feel a little better.
    How long has it been? if your lover has got engaged to someone else I have to believe it's been a while. you have to get over it now. the only way to get over it is going to cause you more pain - but you must do the following things; plan out a daily routine of things to do and stick to it, think of some activities you like doing and make sure their are plenty of them on the list. write a daily diary about your feelings for a whole month and during this time have absolutely NO CONTACT with your ex - NO CONTACT. if you can stand it - go out and socialise with friends that were not from your previous relationship. try to find a sport you like playing - remember; even pool is a sport. try to do some kind of exercise (even walking would do) try to keep yourself clean and tidy, and your home as well, squalor does not help the mood. at the end of 30 days read your diary back to yourself and if you have followed the NO CONTACT rule, you should find you feel a hell of a lot better. some of these tips are from my website, please do not go there - unfortunately the help on my site is too late for you because your ex is with someone else. you have to get over it.
    just be happy for her, shes moved on, so i guess its best if you moved on too. theres no use in kicking yourself because its already over. first love isnt always the one and only. you'll find someone sooner or later that will love you back just as much as you love her. life's only depressing when you let it be depressing. smile, be happy for her and move on. your the only one bringing yourself down, theres soo much more to life, tonnes of other girls thats bound to have an effect on you and vice versa. it'll be alright. :D
    stay busy... try not to dwell on it believe me i know what its like.... i could only partly get through it by simply staying busy... it was hard, butit something u have to do i spent about three to five days depressed and months / a year working hard....

    read mine... u may help u..... please anws if u have any inputs;_ylt=AqCXA3VjjMQa0vxunrMp5jcgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20091012091427AACIUBw
    lol 1st post was funny. do a kanye west reinactment! i love that idea!

    nah, jk. anyway, do stuff that relaxes you, try to find other women, basically anything that makes u happy.
    Crash the wedding..
    take a fresh air, do your favorite things or listen to music but don't slow music though. keep yourself busy. or if can, take a vacation on somewhere.
    Join the Gym... it'll make you feel a lot better getting into shape and releasing endorphins... which you probably know is the happy chemical which your body releases when you work out.

    Hire a fitness trainer to keep you committed and motivated.

    Start taking natural sleeping medication... which by the way, you can't overdose on (goodness) it is called Melatonin which your body naturally releases at sundown everyday but if there is difficulty sleeping go and buy some anywhere.

    Remember that every problem you ever had in life is gone... and just like those ones, this one will be gone too. keep going, you will be okay and even awesome in a matter of weeks or even days if you start taking care of yourself....

    Good Day
    yeah join the gym is a good answer...releases good chemicals and makes u feel better bout yourself!!..i had a girl who kept sayin she was gona leave her man 4 me 4 2 years..she was totally honest with him and told him she had feelings 4 someone else and thats y sah was neva happy...then when she told me she was gona leave him 4 good she found out she was pregnant with his child and cant leave him now!!!.....sorry bout the long f*#*in answer man so they decided 2 get engaged coz of the baby and im dreading the day i hear shes married!!...just b around people/new people...keep busy and b4 u know it u will hav met someone twice as nice!!!..goodluck

    I need advice on how to get a like to like me back.?

    i always get so nervous when i talk to him that i kind of end up making an *** out of myself. on top of that i have some competition.I need advice on how to get a like to like me back.?
    Learn how to flirt, and use it in his direction. Women that know how to do it are deadly. Confidence in your femininity can be very attractive.I need advice on how to get a like to like me back.?
    well first of all try looking at him and smiling sweetly. and try not to be too avouous and pick out somethink to wear that you think will catch his eye and chat with him or something.
    The secret of good sales technique is to show the merchandise and then take it away!

    Since you really do not want anything untoward to happen with the accutane, best take the merchandise away for the duration!

    I'm controlling and I need advice on how to stop it, I don't want to ruin my relationship?

    This is a very good question... and it's really difficult to answer. The most difficult thing in bad habits is realizing them, and you have already passed that stage, which is great. You can now begin by watching your actions and telling yourself ';this is not who I want to be'; all the time... so before speaking to your loved ones, stop for a few seconds, think about what you are going to say, and judge whether it's something controlling or not., After you do that, you'll be able to evaluate your words and say the right thing. It's just a mater of time and caution. If you promise yourself that you can do it and keep an eye on yourself, you will! :)

    I'm getting married soon! Any advice on how to keep the ';spark'; alive for years to come?

    Laugh with each other and listen to each other. Get interested in the things that your spouse is interested in. My husband is very into his hobby, which I really would not be into if I was not married to him. He is so excited to talk about it and take part in it with me that it really blesses our marriage. Now, I am starting to get into it, as well, because its so important to him. That really keeps the sparks alive for us b/c he knows that I am sacrificing doing something that I enjoy for him.I'm getting married soon! Any advice on how to keep the ';spark'; alive for years to come?
    I've only been married for 5 years, but we have both been completely commited to our spiritual lives, each other and our kids. Absolutely nothing comes before that. Almost every problem we have had boils down to jealousy.I'm getting married soon! Any advice on how to keep the ';spark'; alive for years to come?
    Keep trying new things and never be afraid to explore!
    Keep the spark alive, don't stop doing the things you enjoyed doing from the start. Most of the time when the thrill is gone, so is the marriage.
    Communicate, communicate, communicate - in a kind and loving manner, every single day of your lives.
    have sex daily
    The truth? Behavior always follows values. Everything we do, we do in order to achieve something we really want. You're getting married. So is she. OK... the big question is WHY?

    If she's getting married because she wants a house and a family and a stable relationship, then that's what she values. That's where she will invest her energy. She'll invest time and energy in achieving her values. Always. If she wants security, she'll get married. If she wants a house, she'll invest time and energy getting it, then keeping it. She'll be a housekeeper. If she wants family, she'll be a mom.

    If you are just the means to her end, then she will invest time, energy and affection on you ONLY IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE HER GOALS. Once she has, she will no longer need to invest in you... she'll invest in the things she wanted from the beginning. You were a means to an end, and once there, she'll only invest what is necessary to keep you as a provider for the things she really wants. The spark will die in a few months no matter what you do, because she'll know it isn't necessary for her to achieve her goals.

    If she wants a house... because its a place she can be with you; if she wants a family... as a way to share more with you; if she wants to be married... as a way to just be alone with you forever; and if you see all of these things the same way: Behavior follows values. Always. The spark will always be there, because it's why you're getting married in the first place.

    Marriage is a means to an end. What ';end'; are you and she looking for?
    Well one thing, you may have had sex before, but even if you did, I'd advise you to wait til the wedding night. Even if you start now, it will be better. Also have sex with her a lot and sometimes just hold her and don't expect to screw her every time. Sometimes us women just want to be cuddled and that's all. (I am assuming you are a guy, but if you aren't, I'm very sorry) And keep her happy. :)
    Stay open and honest and always talk.
    one word, unselfishness
    My wife and I always do things for just us. We have two kids, and we love them very much, but we know we still need time for our marriage. Marriage is a lot of work, but when it's with the right person, and you work at it, it's the most wonderful experience. I have a lot of friends that seem to think, once you have kids, the going out on dates and doing fun things together is over. We leave the kids with my parents and go to the Caribbean every year, and it's a great time.

    Another thing is to make them your best friend. I know everyone has friends, and I have some really close friends, but my wife is my best friend. She is also my girlfriend, my mistress, my lover, and all of those are important.

    Make sure you make time for sex. Once people get married and have kids, most of them only have sex once or twice a month. That won't keep the spark alive, you need to do it a couple times a week, at least. Keep the sex interesting, don't let it become something you do for ten minutes, make it an hour or two, and make it crazy and fun.

    Just my 2 cents. Good luck.
    the sooner you bury your ego, realize she is always right and learn to agree with everything she says, the sooner you will be on your way to a happy and long marriage...oh, and having a good career that significantly increases your salary annually will be a huge plus...
    You will fall in %26amp; out of love throut your marrige...its great...dont be afraid....remember you are two different people from two seperate families....respect each others opinion %26amp; talk to each other as if you were on your first date....try new adventures %26amp; have a weekend when each can choose ';whats on the menu tonight';....if you get my drift....keep happy....Chappie
    I'd like to share with you how me and my husband of 2 years keep our spark alive. We love doing new and interesting things together whether it be the 2 of us camping and spending quality time together, or a romantic dinner out with a nice conversation. But the sex part you've gotta keep spiced up also. Keeping the bar high, he buys me sexy lingerie and I buy different toys and lotions that we both use together, and we buy different kama sutra books to learn new things together. Girl, always remember to trust in your new relationship, it is the most important basis of marriage, Good Luck! :-)

    Any tips/advice on how to Ollie?

    thanxAny tips/advice on how to Ollie?
    Pop Hard, Jump High, Suck Your Knees Up To Your Chest, Keep Shoulders Straight, Slide To Nose, Focus On Timing, Commit, Pretend A Hot Girls Watching, Or If You Land It You Will Be Sponsored, Relax, Imagine That If You Jump Off You Will Land In Lava, Many Many Tips, Check Out Youtube For Others =)Any tips/advice on how to Ollie?
    Try practicing in some grass before you try and do it while in motion
  • laura mercier
  • I need advice on how to ask this girl out, can you help?

    I recently screwed up with this girl and, amazingly; she forgave me! I have not seen her in person for over a week but we have talked via myspace once since then. I want to ask her out but I don't know what to say or how she really feels towards me. When I was around her in person, she would touch me and push her body up against me! After I got her last message on myspace (after my apology, I couldn't see her in person) she told me she wan't really offended by what I did and said she would see me again, but she also didn't give me her number or ask me out. Does that mean she really does not like me? Should I still ask for her number? I don't know what to do.I need advice on how to ask this girl out, can you help?
    ask her to just hang not as bf/gf (but dont mesion that) jest tell her you wanted to chill sometime, and then once she REALLY forgives you. go for itI need advice on how to ask this girl out, can you help?
    u should message her on myspace and be like ';hey, do you maybe wanna go to a movie or something? you know, hang out.';

    from what u said, it seems like she wants to get back together with you.
    just tell her how u feel that is the best thing to do and then let if go from there
    Tell her that you love her and that you would love to be with her forever. If she forgave you, then she must care about you. Tell her that you have had a crush on her and you would like to go to the movies Saturday night. That should win her heart.
    well if you like her and you think that she might like you just a little you should ask her out or for her number mabe she wants to go out with you she is just scared to ask you out and mabe she didnt see you for a whlie because she has been busy but didnt tell you. well i hope my advice helps good luck!
    if the screw up was major and you do get with girl, it could come back to bite you on the a**. she may be fine with it now but she will hold it against you, even though she might say it's fine. but then again presistances can pay off.
    i do not think you should ask her out quite yet but get to know eachother better and then. So yes you should definetly ask for her number and get closer to her on the phone and find out what kinda girl she is. Then you can ask her out.
    Don't push anything. Just keep talking to her normally and little by little earn her trust back. She might have forgiven you, but she doesnt completely trust you it seems.
    this is wiered cause about the same hting happened to mee and i thought if i gave her time it would heel overr but thank god i didnt listen to my selff and asked her just to go out for a coffee first and than when we started talking again we started to hang ut more and more and its good now mannt he best thingg is talk to herr if u dont u will never find outtt just giver and see what happens

    Where can I find useful, practical advice on how to actually do encryption? I've read entire books.?

    Please don't answer unless you've successfully done this yourself.Where can I find useful, practical advice on how to actually do encryption? I've read entire books.?
    Well you must not have read very well because you do it all the time and probly dont know it.

    If you use online banking. You use it.

    You can send encrypted emails using Hushmail

    You can encrypt files using AxCrypt

    It all depends on what you want to do. Do a google search. Its all out there.

    I'm digging a foxhole any advice on how to dig it?

    Grab a spot that doesn't impair your line of site, so you can shoot anything entering your zone. When you dig the fox hole, make sure it's wide enough to just fit two people and deep enough so you can stand with your shoulders and arms at ground level.

    Also Make sure the bottom is at an angle with a small hole at the side so that if a grenades drop into you foxhole it probably won't kill you (it's called a grenade stump). Put branches and leaves around the hole so it has some camouflage.Some people make further improvements to this if there in a fox hole for a long time, but usually are too time intensive to bother just for training exercises.I'm digging a foxhole any advice on how to dig it?
    Hi,,, they teach you that at basic training.....

    good luckI'm digging a foxhole any advice on how to dig it?
    go to basic you will know how then you can perfect them after that
    With enthusiasm and perseverence!
    make sure that you have grenade sumps dug around the perimeter of the hole. they should be at least 8 inches deep so when someone throws a grenade it you can kick it in the sump and you will have a better chance of surviving
    Hire a fox.
    aaah that poor fox...try a shovel instead.
    I hated digging those. I always had to dig so much deeper than anyone else. But it was fun watching someone hop in there to check it and then have to help them get out................
    Dont forget the grenade sump !
    A shovel works better than bare hands, but don't let me influence you.
    Need instructions on digging a foxhole. My,my isn't some poor suffering DI going to have fun teaching you how to sharpen a baynet let alone field strip a M16.

    Can some one give me advice on how to defeat general raam on gears of war for the xbox 360?

    the battle on the trainCan some one give me advice on how to defeat general raam on gears of war for the xbox 360?
    I sniped him, it was easiest for me. Just stay in the light at all times, and when he gets near, run to the other side of the train, and keep sniping.Can some one give me advice on how to defeat general raam on gears of war for the xbox 360?
    got xbox live?.... send a friend request to rashesthippo and i can just go through it on co op with you... its really easy.
    You will be wanting to get full ammo on both torque bow and longshot rifle. Keep in mind the torque respawns. You can either torque him over and over again, or torque then sniper, but either one you keep in the front cover( where you start) and in the middle( you can sometimes still be killed by the krill on the sides. switch to the opposite side of the train car when he gets to the other side of your cover. If you do co-op it is much easier, especially on insane. also remember to active reload as much as you can. good luck!
    Stay in the light, then the krill can't attack you. Just keep pelting him with rounds, pretty much, and run to another light area if he comes into yours.

    It's really much easier with a friend playing co-op.
    Stay in the light, shoot him when the kryll run off and when he comes near you run to the other side and you can get the trokia and blast him
    Well I just used the chainsaw/machine gun, and the regular pistol and I stayed hidden aginst up the poles and when he got closer and closer I kept shooting him then when he comes next to you just go on the other side of the poles where he's at. NOW KICK THAT DUDES ***. YOU CAN DO IT MAN?
    stay in the light, so the kryll don't kill you, take out your torque bow, and when you shoot hold it down so it explodes when it hits him, keep doing that until the kryll leave his body exposed then go to town on him, repeat until you are victorious

    Ladies and married guys, can you give me an advice on how to surprise or do something great with my husband?

    Anal Sex or Oral to completion when he is not expecting it, in the car, cinema, park beach publis place..go for it.or someone else will beat you to it xxLadies and married guys, can you give me an advice on how to surprise or do something great with my husband?
    knock his boots off girl! guys always appreciate some real good sex!!!! do what he likes and maybe even a fantasy of his!!!Ladies and married guys, can you give me an advice on how to surprise or do something great with my husband?
    It would help to know your ages and how long you have been married. But without knowing that:

    - There is the old tried-and-true wrap yourself in Saran wrap and meet him at the door with a glass of champaine suggestion.

    - You could buy a pair of tickets to his favorite sports team home game and go with him.

    - You could purchase him a Powermatic 5 hp tablesaw with Bieselmeier fence.... I love mine, its my favorite tool. I bought it after the Craftsman/Black and Decker table saw fell apart after only 12 months.

    - You could cook a special dinner. I suggest Duck-a-la-orange, eggplant parmajone, German double chocolate cake, and champaine.

    - You could get him a nice friendly dog from a dog-rescue group. Each breed has a national group, and each national group usually supports rescue groups that specialize in their breed. That way you don't have to go through the hassles of training a puppy.

    - You could take up exercise, get in great shape, and do the bumpy bump with your husband on a daily basis.
    Greet him at the door, when he comes home from work. Wear somethin' sexy ... and offer him his favorite beverage. Let him sit back and relax, while you prepare his favorite meal ... in your sexy attire. Then have a shower WITH him, and ';tuck him in'; for the night. He's gonna luv ya for it ... trust me.
    Tell him someone is coming to town and staying at this hotel. Take him there. Put wine, candles and a late dinner after delivered to your room. He'll be surprised.

    Or book a short cruise and take him away from it all, have sex in the hot tub on deck. This will rekindle any lost feelings.
    Take him upstairs and blow his legs off!

    He will love you forever!
  • laura mercier
  • I have really uneven skin-tone. please i need advice on how to cure it

    Are you sure you don't have vitiligo? That can cause uneven skin tone.I have really uneven skin-tone. please i need advice on how to cure it
    try the most effective products from diana stalder skincare and also their products are very affordable but very effective too.

    http://www.pinaybeautyproducts.comI have really uneven skin-tone. please i need advice on how to cure it
    Use Olay Definity!

    My mum use it and it totally worked for her!

    Give it a try!

    Good luck babe x
    Try bio-oil

    Newly single and a bit shy, need a little advice on how and where to meet girls?

    just turned 30 and have a hard time making friends because of the shyness curse.Newly single and a bit shy, need a little advice on how and where to meet girls?
    I'm guessing the normal places would be a bar, Barnes and Noble's. etc. The problem is if you are that shy, it'd be difficult to strike up a conversation there. My advice is to get involved in something you're good at.

    If you're athletic, join a softball or soccer league. If you're musical, join a music club. There's tons of community events, you just have to get involved.

    One place I never thought of was an animal shelter. One of my friends did this. He started volunteering there and come to find out, there were tons of single girls that were volunteering there too. He ended up meeting a girl that came in for a dog.

    Best of luck!Newly single and a bit shy, need a little advice on how and where to meet girls?
    how about going to the moonlight bunny ranch...
    I too have the same problem. Words don't come when I see a girl.
    well if your looking for a relationship, you dont want to take home a woman from the club, that's for sure. try going to church, work, Wal-mart, the mall, and any where were you want meet crazy women. and just start with small talk.
    I'd suggest staying away from bars. Bars are great places to go to meet women if you're interested in something more equivocal to a one-night stand or a casual relationship. If you want a ';friend with benefits,'; a bar might be an ideal setting for you. But most women...if they're anything like the ones I've come to know...stay away from bars because they're not interested in casually picking up a stranger.

    Girls will feel comfortable around guys who they believe share their interests. So, consider taking up a social hobby -- like swing dancing, a class at the gym, an outdoors club run by a local church -- anything that will get you some exposure to women and an excuse to start a conversation with them. They'll feel much more comfortable if they know you're not just looking for sex.

    May I Please Get Some Advice on how to give Hickies??

    How do you do it?? And i hurt that it hurts the female, if it does then what is the least painfulest way to give her one?? Also what is the Quickest way to give her one??

    I would like to know all this because i wanna let everyone at school know that I go with my girlfriend and also i wanna make her feel good.

    So please helpMay I Please Get Some Advice on how to give Hickies??
    Put your mouth on the neck

    Bite down on her neck in between being gentle and rough

    Place your tongue on the desire hickie area

    Suck away

    lolMay I Please Get Some Advice on how to give Hickies??
    ok hickies are a complicated thing you might not want to give her a rlly bad one (like RLLY noticebale at first or in a rlly noticable place) at first cuz she might get embarsed but if shes into it then the neck is the best place, you dont want it to be like ur a vacum cleaner ur not trying to suck the life out of her, try to make it like a rlly sensual kiss (open mouthed) slight sucking but not like INTENCE theres no rlly QUCIK WAY to do it , it takes time not like 5 min or anything but time and the only way to know if shes liking it or not is to be aware of her responce if it seems good then keep going ! but if she feels uncomforable back off for now untill you and her are ready to try again, keep in mind the only real way to get better is practice , cuz different girls like different things.

    What's you best advice for a 16 year old that's never had a boyfriend & how to get one?

    1. Be yourself. Don't change who you are to try and get a guy, stay true to yourself.

    2. Self confidence. Most guys like a girl who is sure of herself.

    3. Nothing wrong with trying to look cute. A cute new outfit, or just trying to look good will help boost your confidence.

    4. Don't appear to be trying to hard to attract attention. Play it cool and don't be super loud or obnoxious. You can act interested in a guy without going overboard crazy for him to notice you.

    5. Play it straight, in otherwords, no game playing.What's you best advice for a 16 year old that's never had a boyfriend %26amp; how to get one?
    Be sexy, confident, and yourself. Simple right? Hope this helps!

    Ive got a cold, feel run down and weak, any advice on how to make myself better????

    keep yourself warm and drink a lot of warm drinks, i use herbs usually such as mint and chamomile. warm tea with lemon...if i have a sore throat i even use honey instead of sugar.


    hope you'll get well soonIve got a cold, feel run down and weak, any advice on how to make myself better????
    Rest, rest rest, and while you're resting in front of the telly put on a funny movie and have a good laugh too, they say laughter is the best medicine. Some vitamin C or garlic capsuels wouldn't go astray either. Hope you feel better soon, Pen xxIve got a cold, feel run down and weak, any advice on how to make myself better????
    PLEASE try these 3 remedies...EVERY time I feel run-down or get that tickly feeling in my throat I take these 3 things and it NEVER turns into a full-blown cold.

    1) Olive Leaf Extract by ';Herb Pharm';'s in liquid form, and has no side immediately goes to work to kill any viruses in you...and it's all natural.

    2) ';JarrowDophilus';, by ';Jarrow Formulas'; will keep the healthy ';flora'; in your body in perfect balance which keeps your immune system strong.

    3) ';Emergen-C'; Vitamin C packets by ';Alacer';

    All three can be purchased at ';Whole Foods Market';, possibly ';Trader Joe's';, or call your local health food store to inquire about these 3 products.

    EVERY friend and family member who has taken this advice, hardly ever gets sick.

    For your throat: ';Peaceful Mountain--Throat Rescue';

    You will NEVER find a more powerful throat spray which is all-natural....soothing, fast acting, and kills bad bacteria on contact.

    You'll see!! :) Get well soon!
    Chicken soup

    Cooked chicken meat off




    chicken stock salt and pepper
  • laura mercier
  • Got new laptop w/ wifi to take on holiday. any advice sites for explaining how to do this?

    am completely wifi illiterate - someone else had to set up my router. i want to use my laptop on holiday and have heard scary stories of paying lots of money to connect. I really need some advice, please!Got new laptop w/ wifi to take on holiday. any advice sites for explaining how to do this?
    You don't need to set up anything, just try your browser . It will tell you if you need to pay.Got new laptop w/ wifi to take on holiday. any advice sites for explaining how to do this?
    check out he knows every thing and costs nothing

    Feeling real low, insecure about myself and my future. Any advice on how to get through these hard times....?

    Try to evaluate your position in life: what are your opportunities, what are your priorities, and how many risks you are willing to take? Then do what you can. If you fail, at least you tried. If you half-succeed, then it's better than nothing. Take a day at a time. Don't try to make everything in one day. Every day should have its own mission that you set up to complete.

    As for confidence--it usually follows with the rate of success in the rest of your life, such as economy, lovelife, social life, etc. It's always a good idea to build yourself a stable identity, or else you may succumb to any negative perception coming from other people.

    Try to be as active as possible in order to distract yourself from yourself, but also take the time to think about you. If you can, do sports. It usually raises your confidence, as well as your well being. Or do some reading. Two classical novels that have tried to explain the meaning of hapiness is The History of Rasselas by Samuel Johnson and Candide or Optimism, by Voltaire. They are short stories, but can be very inspiring. Or do anything that you may hold interest in. Good luck!Feeling real low, insecure about myself and my future. Any advice on how to get through these hard times....?
    i know the feeling i are realy fed up .Feeling real low, insecure about myself and my future. Any advice on how to get through these hard times....?
    Focus on positive things. Ride it out. You know things will improve. Keep trying to make things better. Control your life as much as possible.
    My Advice to you, and some motivational words:

    Stop feeling sorry for yourself and go do something!

    ';Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.'; -Will Rogers

    Give it your all, Just Go for it

    ';It is hard to fail, but it is worse to never to have tried to succeed'; -Theodore Roosevelt

    If you have fail before...and is insecure

    ';If you can't accept losing, you can't win';

    don't be afraid

    ';winning isnt everything, but wanting to win is'; -Vince Lombardi


    ';When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on'; -Thomas Jefferson

    Have some motivation,aand believe in yourself instead of doubting

    I went through a really rough patch and I didn't know how to deal with my life. One day I decided that I needed to get out of the house and just get away from everything, be on my own. I started walking one day and just kept going. I did this regularly and eventually I was walking about 12 to 15km at a time and just thinking about things and clearing my head.

    I think the change of scenery and seeing other people going about their daily business or just out walking around with other people or pets or whatever helped take my mind off things.

    I know it sounds kind of dumb, but it really worked for me.
    life is like a video game.........keep playing.........soon you,ll get a better score than bill gates......just take,s one care,s if you don,t do well at first........but they will care once you get better......they will put you down till you get better......then[all of a sudden]they will be your best friend......just don,t loose sight of your real friend,s.........the one,s that were there before!
    Say a prayer to God asking him to help you and take control of your life! I know it will work and I am praying for you right now. God Bless x
    When you are in this frame of mind do anything you can to escape it. Ice cream. Hot bath. Stupid old black and white movies. Telephone a friend and talk until his ears turn red. Don't keep all those awful things going around in circles inside your head. Share the grief. Call your friend and say it. The more people you connect with (like on here) the easier it is to bear because you are letting go of it. You are not unique when you feel so terrible. News flash! We all go through it. You are in good company. It is called - Life. I wish I knew a close friend who knew everything about computers so I could keep my available free space on my C drive from filling up all the time, but that person has not yet stepped in off a cloud, so what to do? I do not upset myself further by ranting about the injustice of the world that I do not have a computer literate friend yet. I become patient realising that God already knows my frustration and is sending me someone even as I type this to you. Have some Faith, in other words. It is not just you. Everyone has these low points. Me, included. It is tremendously helpful to unload on someone. Sounds mean, doesn't it? But what is a friend for? A compassionate ear, is what. Let some of that awful unhappiness out where you and someone else can see it and talk about it instead of hugging it to your chest and being in turmoil. Drop the turmoil and go sit down. Put your feet up. Watch a Godzilla movie. Go to bed early. It is mid-winter. What does that tell you - you have the mid-winter blahs. On top of everything else. Feeling better yet? Go play the piano in the other room. Call your friend back and tell him what you forgot to tell him the first time that is the real reason you are so unhappy just now. Tell him you are tired of your wife. You are not doing either of you a favor by keeping it inside where it is driving you nuts. Get vocal. Jump up and down. Go for a walk. Connect with someone. Just reading this will help you because I am way over here in South Portland, Maine, U.S.A. where it is very cold tonight. I am typing out my heart to you trying to get you to lighten up and realise we all feel shaky and like we are little tiny people in a little tiny boat in a great big ocean (sound familiar?) and that sometimes we get so low you could knock us over with a feather (sounding even more familiar?) See? We all go through this. The more you tell others about what is bothering you the quicker you will find your true friends and often they can put things into perspective so you don't have to keep lugging all this angst around with you like a big bag of rocks that is shafing your shoulder as well. There. Thank you for posting your question, and I hope I have helped you be a part of the human race enough so you can make some PG Tips tea and enjoy the rest of your evening now. Take good care and God Bless You!
    Let me get this right.......... you are on the Internet on Yahoo and you are a widowed mother of four young children living in a refugee camp with no water in Chad .

    Ok, see, now you have something to feel better about. Think of ways to make the world better. It will occupy your mind, and a way to improve your situation might come to you.
    Faith Go to a quiet place, close your eyes, get on your knees and pray. God will hear you, Let Go and Let God. I am NOT a religious freak. I have been where you are and then some...FAITH is the answer. Leave it to God and know that you will be OK. A shrink might not be out of the question, if you can't muster up the faith to know things will turn back around. As a last option, before you do anything crazy, there's some seriously effective prescription medication availabe also. Feel Better
    read the bible, or if you don't want that, do whatever makes you feel better
    Unfortunately when it comes to times like this, it's best not to shut yourself away but to talk to others about it. but make sure you find someone that is willing to listen and not twist the conversation around to themselves. this is your time to be selfish and do things that you make you feel better (without harming others), be it eating a lot, going for a run, or just watching some tv. saying that, try not to surround yourself with depressing situations. don't watch a program about death or debt, watch a comedy. if you feel fat, by low fat food and eat a load of that (my fave is skinny cow ice cream!). find something that you can do that you enjoy, a stress relief. it may not be the answer to all your problems and you may feel down when you are done, but remember for a short time you feel great and as you continue to do this you will hold these memories and boost your mood. trust me, from someone who suffers from cyclothymia for the past two years, these things have really helped me get out of my low moods.

    And remember, the hard times are just stepping stones to the good times.
    I usually feel my lowest when I owe debts. Review your finances, see how you can save and pay off your bills. When you don't have the burden of debts, you will start to feel like you have options and are free. You can quit that crappy job, you can travel. You can't do those things if you get caught up in having a new car all the time or buying the latest gadget. Live under your means and you will be amazed at how much better you feel about yourself and your future.
    Think about something else.

    Watch some TV.

    Do something mindless.

    Think about the good things in your life.

    Think about people you love.
    Forget about the things you don't have, and the things that are making you feel insecure, and focus on the things you do have.

    People tend to get caught up in the ';grass is always greener'; way of thinking, and fail to recognize the things they have and take for granted.

    Instead of feeling down on yourself for what ever reason, think about the things you have going for you.. be it great friends, family, hobbies ect. Even things as simple as having the ability to walk on our own, or able to see and hear. Can you imagine life without those abilities?

    Things could always be tougher, and things can always be better. It's where you focus your energies that is most important.

    Thinking negativlely will only add to your feelings of insecurity and fear of the future. Sometimes it's hard for people to not think this way. It's due to hormones. Sounds cheesy, but do a little physical exercize and your body will release the right hormones to help you feel better. From there keep smiling, and focusing on the positives.

    Don't compare yourself to other people. Be greatful for the things you have and want to accomplish for yourself. Be who you are, and you'll gain the confidence you are looking for.
    well, u should do something active, like join a sport or something...i feel the same way and i am going bowling tonite and im hoping that'll work
    Keep your head up....get outside as much as possible, dress in the clothes that make you feel the best and treat your self to special treats like chocolate or a really good movie or what ever you think is special it doesn't have to be exspensive just something that makes you feel good...I have a rule not to fret over anything that will effect me six months down the road...if this problem is really to someone about don't have to go through it alone...Be Blessed
    Wake up very early (5 o'clock) and start the day.

    You will surely come across something good in a long day.
    Ok, I'll make you feel better....I have No job, No money, No Girlfriend and I live with my parents but S**t happens man, smile, life is what you make it (comin from me thats rich, huh!) but like the saying goes smile and world smiles with you, weep and you weep alone. So wake up tomorrow and smile then thrown, smile then thrown, do this ten times (as soon as you wake up remember) and tell me you don't feel better.... if that don't work listen to the song - Don't stop till you get enough by MJ, always make me feel good
    You could try seeing a personal coach; many of them are trained in therapeutic and other techniques that could help you to get out of this state and focus on personal achievement.

    Look in the Yellow Pages or go on line, then ask for their details (qualifications, cost etc.). Some personal coaches are hypnotherapists as well. Make sure they are fully qualified before you get involved.
    It's hard; I feel for you..having been there many many times myself. I find it is helpful to remind yourself of several things:

    1/ There is only one and can only ever be one YOU, and make it your goal to be the best YOU you can be; dont compare yourself to others ever, as they can never be as good at being you as you can be!

    2/ Recognise that this feeling/feeings won't last; like everything else it will pass and you will see better days, and feel better about yourself.

    3/ Learn something/ immerse yoursef in something that interests you and gets you into the 'flow'; could be poker, piano, a new language, a sport, anything!

    ... Meditation, yoga, stuff like that has definitely helped me in the past.

    4/ While you are worrying and feeling insecure about yourself, reaise that people are too busy worrying about themseves to judge you. They are thinking about whether THEY measure up!

    5/ The uncertain, just try to enjoy stuff in the now, as the future will happen anyhow, and cant be fully planned. Take care of the 'now' (i.e.enjoy something now) and the future can only be improved as it is made by a continuous string of nows!

    Hope this helps and you dont think it is a lecture! I have had severe problems with depression and still do from time to time, but I always know it will pass, and that alone gives me hope.

    Hope is the promise of better things, no?

    Oh, I just remembered something else...DONT THINK too much,EVER... it feeds the bad thoughts, and NEVER EVER helps! ....Did you know...YOU CAN NEVER THINK YOURSELF OUT OF A DEPRESSION,.... because it's a feeling, not a thought!...You have to change the feeling!

    That is why people are told to do something that gets them away from thinking; also why meditation, yoga etc is good, but any physical activity works just as well!

    Best of luck, many people go through this and your sensitivity is a strength, remember that too!
    Say to yourself, It will pass, say this everyday. Another thing when you feel low try to have a good posture hold your head up, a friend told me to do this and I found it worked.
    keep ur chin up. try to have a good time, whatever you do. talk to people, make new friends. change ur thoughts, into happy, positive thoughts. become the total opposite!

    Advice for Women...How to impress men/women?

    Advice for Women

    1. Don't imagine you can change a man unless he's in diapers.

    2. What do you do if your boyfriend walks-out? You shut the door.

    3. If they put a man on the moon - they should be able to put them all up there.

    4. Never let your man's mind wander - it's too little to be out alone.

    5. Go for younger men. You might as well, they never mature anyway.

    6. Men are all the same -- they just have different faces, so that you can tell them apart.

    7. Definition of a bachelor; a man who has missed the opportunity to make some woman miserable.

    8. Women don't make fools of men -- most of them are the do-it-yourself types.

    9. Best way to get a man to do something, is to suggest they are too old for it.

    10. Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.

    11. If you want a committed man, look in a mental hospital.

    12. The children of Israel wandered around the desert for 40 years. Even in biblical times, men wouldn't ask for directions.

    13. If he asks what sort of booAdvice for Women...How to impress men/women?
    So true, so true, so true!!Advice for Women...How to impress men/women?
    HAHAHAHA a girl turned up once in my apartment with beer and then showed me her breasts... :| I must admit I WAS IMPRESSED!

    now that your best advice was to get u-torrent how exactly does it work.?

    last night i asked u all if there was anything better than limewire and the majority said u-torrent.How does it work in simple terms please. now that your best advice was to get u-torrent how exactly does it work.?
    You go to a torrent search site and find content you want. Then you download a small file (the torrent) associated with the content. When the torrent is opened in uTorrent the transfer of the associated content begins.

    This article discusses the most popular torrent search sites and their features:鈥?/a>

    This is a guide to setting up uTorrent for best speeds:鈥?/a> now that your best advice was to get u-torrent how exactly does it work.?
    you download .torrent file from piratebay, demonoid, isohunt or whatever, open it in uTorrent and it downloads file/s it is supposed to download to the folder of your choice.

    seed is someone, who has all complete files of selected torrent

    a leech is someone, who is downloading and shares a part of the file.

    in properties%26gt;general you may assosiate utorrent with .torrent files

    Sometimes i tend to talk to much and gossip, any advice for how too stop doing this?

    MATURE ANSWERS ONLY NEED TOO REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!,THANK YOU.Sometimes i tend to talk to much and gossip, any advice for how too stop doing this?
    You should take in consideration that gossiping is talking behind another person back when they aren鈥檛 around鈥?It might seem like what you are doing is harmless鈥?but like a fire gossip can get out of hand and destroy friendships (not to mention get reworded along the way)

    Everybody always has double standards鈥?in your case, if somebody was gossiping about you and you found out鈥?you would be upset and all-in-all hurt鈥?

    In order to stop gossiping you must let those whom you have gossiped about and that have found out know that your intentions were not that to be evil鈥?and then STOP鈥?go cold turkey鈥?don鈥檛 change your personality鈥?just don鈥檛 gossip.. if you feel that THAT is the only way for you to start a conversation鈥?then walk away and wait until you have something to talk about.Sometimes i tend to talk to much and gossip, any advice for how too stop doing this?
    You should be proud of your self for intending to stop gossip. it is really tough but you need to be strong first keep it in your mind and remind your self whenever you have a company and do not fell hopeless if it happen it goes gradually. also gossiping is contagious so if you were friends try to make it as a group decision if it is possible.
    Just stop. Stop the spread of gossip by not feeding into it or contributing to it. Also remember: if you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all, including gossip.

    The most powerful force in the world is the power of choice. Choose to stop being a gossip and stick with it.
    This really is a bad habit.

    My advice is to never say anything about another person you wouldn't say to their face, to treat everyone the way you want to be treated, and to speak after some thought.
    Just dont! lol

    Well try

    And if you do, even it out with something good about them like: but i still love her it just annoys me a bit.

    I'm trying to learn how to juggle a soccer ball and I need some help. Can you give me instruction or advice?

    I need easy, clear instructions and advice. Thanks! :)I'm trying to learn how to juggle a soccer ball and I need some help. Can you give me instruction or advice?
    Try starting with a technique my coach called The One Bounce. Drop the ball and kick it back as straight as possible, not too high or too low. wait for the ball to come down and bounce and do it again. Try to incorporate both your left and right feet, and gradually increase the amount you can comfortably juggle the ball before letting it bounce. Remember to keep your ankle locked, with your toes pointed out and not up! Also be sure to learn to use surfaces like your knees, head and shoulder. this will help completely develop your soccer touch.I'm trying to learn how to juggle a soccer ball and I need some help. Can you give me instruction or advice?
    Make sure that when you kick the ball you hit it nicely in the center. If you hit it to the side, it will go to the side. But if you hit the ball in the center, it can only go up.

    Most people kick the ball way harder than they need too. Don't underestimate the kick, because the ball just falls to the ground. But you don't need to hit it hard. The momentum of the ball falling and hitting your foot if you give it a little kick should be enough to get it up to the perfect height. Try to kick with the same power and keep the ball bouncing at a normal height.

    You may feel as if the ball is bouncing too close to you at times but after practicing you'll get the feeling of how to figure that out. I use my knees sometimes, or I try to move the ball more forwards. It's hard but eventually you will figure out what works best.

    Lastly, don't tense up your feet lol. I use to do that and it made the ball not bounce right and bounce too far towards me. Just keep your feet strong but not in a stiff position. You don't want to relax your feet to much because it makes the ball bounce wrong if the ball hits something loose. I'm not sure how to explain this..basically...keep your feet strong but do not make them STIFF...

    Everyone has their own ways to hit the ball, this is mine, so if it doesn't work for could try something else. But I think overall this is the basic things to remember...along with practicing! It took me about a week of practicing to see dramatic improvement. Hope these tips help!
    Now listen Britt, I know you heard this thousands of times before but PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE, 15 minutes everyday, I'm a toss juggler but still you need to just practice it. You can learn how to hacky sack which may help with your eye-foot coordination, but you don't have to be as good as this guy:鈥?/a>
    Take the ball, drop it from shoulder height, and kick it up when it nears the ground.

    There's no specific ';Do This'; instruction. You just have to practice. You'll be chasing a lot of balls around when you start. It takes a while to get good, so don't get frustrated.
    Ok drop the ball to your knees when its about chest height bring whatever is your dominant knee up and hit it. then just use whatever knee is closest. make sure not to hit the ball to high or try to rush your knees up. wait for it to come for you.

    Is that easy enough.
  • laura mercier
  • Any good advice and tips for living in yuma az how are the people, and what does yuma have to offer,?

    do not need to know about schools, what is the work there like, and living, expenses, are there good supermarkets, i heard it is the lettuce capital of the world, and a big dune buggy place, whatelse goes on in yuma, i heard it is a big drug place, do the people there have problems with drugs and illegals? or should i live someplace else?? thanks for any and all advice have a good dayAny good advice and tips for living in yuma az how are the people, and what does yuma have to offer,?
    Despite what others say, Yuma is a great place to live. This why it is one of the fastest growing areas in the nation. Yes it is hot in the summer, but the very mild winters make up for it.

    Due to the massive border patrol presense, most of the problems with illegals concern those transitting through the area. Very few stay around.

    With the Colorado River and the Imperial Sand Dunes nearby, Yuma offers a lot of outdoor recreational opportunities.

    The cost of living in Yuma is a mixed bag, paying the robber barons at APS being a major hit on your budget.Any good advice and tips for living in yuma az how are the people, and what does yuma have to offer,?
    Don't move to Yuma. It's one of the hottest places in the country in the summer and full of geriatrics in the winter. They just built a huge mall there about a year ago, but it's otherwise pretty dead. You can go to the dunes, but that's only a little bit of entertainment.

    It's kind of the joke of Arizona.
    yuma doesnt have a whole lot to offer. not if your are looking to get a decent job. i would probably consider someplace more civilized, i go there to ride my quad- most of the place is sand dunes. idk so much about the drug thing, but DEFINATELY lots of problems with illegals, just watch the news or go on the web there is something almost daily. just a week ago some illegal killed a border patrol officer just for doing his job. there is lots of crazy stuff that happens in that town. most of the town is old, run down and for the most part pretty ghetto... ive been going there to ride for about 15 years. the are no plusses whatsoever to living in yuma. i would reconsider.

    Not a question, I just need advice about how to deal with my uncle living with my mom and I.?

    My uncle (my mom's brother) lives with my mom and I. I just went to college, but I'm home on some weekends. He moved in with us at the beginning of the summer. Ever since then, I've hardly been able to enjoy being at home. He always hogs the tv, and he's always home. He hardly ever works, and it's no wonder he has to live with us because he couldn't afford anything else. I get uncomfortable watching tv with him because he wants to watch something else, so I just try to avoid him. then I'm always stuck in my room, and hardly get to watch tv. Just today, the one of the few weekends I'll be able to visit home, he kicked my out of the living room so he could watch some football game. i argued that I've hardly been able to watch tv all summer, and this is only one weekend that i'll be home in a while. he said that he works all the time and is hardly ever home. but i know that is bull because he's always here! i'm not assertive at all and have never been able to stand up for myself.Not a question, I just need advice about how to deal with my uncle living with my mom and I.?
    I'd explain to your mother that it is bothering you... you want to be able to enjoy coming home from college, not dread it and that's what it's turning into...tell her you just want to relax and watch some tv but it's not happening and the reasons why...would you like to have your own television? if so, ask her if you can go to a pawn shop (somewhere cheap) and purchase your own television, even if its a small one... but hon, if things don't change you HAVE to learn to be assertive sometimes, if not you'll always be ran over, and i know you know this... next time he's been home all damn day sitting in front of the tube and you feel its your turn tell him that you would like to enjoy the television at your house for awhile, if he could kindly go to his room or outside or to the kitchen to eat w/ just want time for yourself.. you dont have to be mean about it, but you do need to be serious about it and let him know... and if he wants to use the excuse he's been working sooo much.. explain WELL IVE BEEN STUDYING MY *** OFF AT SCHOOL SO I CAN MAKE SOMETHING OF MYSELF SO I DONT HAVE TO LIVE WITH MY FAMILY AND USE THEM MY WHOLE LIFE. Hey girl... ain't nothin wrong with a little honesty :) good luckNot a question, I just need advice about how to deal with my uncle living with my mom and I.?
    Hope it getes better!! %26lt;3

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    tell your mom what is going on and tell her he makes you fill uncomfortable,may be you both could talk to him together

    I need advice on how to lose weight! if anyone out there has any good tips no matter what size plz answer!?

    so here are the details on my case:

    1. i want to lose about 30 to 50 lbs by my 17th b-day which is on september 29.

    2.current weight is 175-185 lbs (i am not sure bc i havent weighed myself latley)

    3. i am 5'8

    4. i dont want to only lose weight but i also want to get in shape so ill be able toplay soccer this upcoming school year.

    5. i work at Sonic from 4;30 pm

    6. Family isnt so big on health food

    7. there is a gym open 24/7 about 10 minutes away ( i live in a small town)

    Please can you all help me and give me some diets i can look up or stuff like that!!!!

    i would appreciate it a whole lotI need advice on how to lose weight! if anyone out there has any good tips no matter what size plz answer!?
    Exercise daily and eat the right foods, I know you have probably heard the same thing before but it really helps, you can find fun excerises that don't seem so boring... Invite a friend over for a game of basketball, baseball, volleyball, race a few friends see who wins.. There's tons of fun exercises you can do to help you lose weight and get fit!

    Foods, there are some good and tasty foods out there to help out your diet, fruits are always good (smoothies rock!), you can get your daily amount of fruits in veggies in one or two smoothies, Take a look at your BMI which will tell you what weight range you should be in. Good Luck!I need advice on how to lose weight! if anyone out there has any good tips no matter what size plz answer!?
    I think you would find this website interesting and helpful. Its packed with information and resources on weight loss.

    You do not need to go on diet or gym.

    You could still eat your favourite foods and lose weight.

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    After you dinner, the only thing that you should eat is fresh fruit and vegetables (as much as you want). Night snacking on the chips and crunches without exercise to work it off puts on weight while you sleep.
    Hi there,

    To lose 30 lbs by September is possible but that would mean you have to lose 10 lbs a month. That would mean you would need to lose 2.5 lbs a week. Not saying there is anything wrong but sometimes it doesn't go the way we want it to, you know? It all depends on your body really (metabolism), how you control your food intake and how much excercise you do.

    For you, 30 mins of cardio 3-4 days a week would be fine since you are working after school. Do not push yourself too hard because some people have a tendency of going over their limit that they actually burn muscle than fat. An hour of cardio is enough if you are doing low intensity intervals (example, jogging or walking). But 30 minutes is more than enough if you are running, swimming, cycling etc.

    You can include some weight training too as building lean muscle will also help burn even more fat. If you decide to include some weight training, make sure you target your abs, chest, back, legs, shoulders, biceps and triceps.

    For food, really all you need to do is watch what you eat. The type of food you eat is important. Fruits and vegetables are healthier while soda and other junk food are unhealthy. If you notice that you are eating the more unhealthy foods then you know you need more healthier food.

    Also, portion control is important. For breakfast, you need to have enough food to fuel you until lunch. They say it's the most important meal of the day. Two slices of toast, eggs and fresh fruit juice will do fine (or whatever you know feels right for you to eat at a healthy rate). Avoid fried food or frying food and grill them instead. Do not be too severe with your food intake as sometimes these diets prove too drastic a change for people, which puts them off their course on the diet.

    Don't be too hard on yourself because you are going to be slapping yourself silly at points. Good luck and have fun on your weight lose journey. Remember to be patient, the weight will come off eventually.
    here some tips
    Always Think Fit:

    First step in exercise is to always Think FIT. To make physical improvements, you need to work your body harder than usual. This is referred to as the overload principle. As your body becomes more conditioned, you need to increase the frequency, intensity, or time of your workouts in order to continue improving your fitness level

    Choosing an Exercise:

    The best exercise is an activity that you enjoy enough to really pursue enthusiastically.

    • Indoor (Facility) Activities: If the treadmill, stairmaster, rowing machine or stationery cycle doesn't excite you, sample some group activities that strike your fancy. Participate in a group cycling class, beat stress with yoga, find balance with martial arts, stay cool with indoor swimming, or kick some you-know-what with boxaerobics.

    1. Change your eating habits (i.e. start eating smaller portions of food) before if you ate a full plate of food try eating 2/3 of a plate instead.


    o Substitute aspartame for sugar

    o Try eating 3 or 4 smaller meals during the day rather than 2 large ones

    o Eat your main large meal at midday with the other meals much smaller in content

    o Don't eat heavy meals late in the evening as the body wont have time to digest it so it ends up stored as fat in your body.

    o Balance your meals out during the day so in one day you have a mix of protein, carbohydrate and vitamins

    o Drink lots of water during the day and before, during and after exercise, you should drink at least 8 big glasses of water per 24 hours

    o Drink alcohol in moderation

    o Stop smoking if you smoke or cut down

    o Eat more fibre i.e. pulses grains nuts, pasta, brown rice, cereals, fresh fruit

    o Eat more vegetables as part of your diet

    o Eat less dairy products or choose those with less fat content i.e. cottage cheese

    o Try steaming or poaching food instead of frying it, frying adds calories by the bucketful

    o Cut down on Red meat and eat more lean or better still chicken and fish instead

    o Use low fat oils in cooking i.e. sunflower, corn or Mazola

    o Cut down on your salt intake, there are hidden salts even in tinned foods

    o Try substituting carrots or fresh fruit instead of biscuits and sweetmeat when you have a craving for something in between meals.

    o Drink semi or skimmed milk as opposed to full cream

    Simply choose a diet which is low in fat and cholesterol, moderate in sugar and salt and high in fibre but at the same time has a variety of everything thus making it a balanced diet.

    Calculate your BMR!!!!

    BMR means Basal Metabolic Rate.It is used to estimate how many calories you should consume.By using a simple formula called the Harris-Benedict principle, you can assess your BMR.

    Your BMR is the amount of energy your body needs to function.Then, to lose weight, you'll need to cut calories or burn extra calories and shoot for a level lower than the results you get with this formula.

    We use about 60 percent of the calories we consume each day for basic bodily functions such as breathing.Other factors that influence your BMR are height, weight, age and sex.

    Step One : Calculate your BMR with the following formula:

    • Women: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

    • Men: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

    Step two : In order to incorporate activity into your daily caloric needs, do the following calculation:

    • If you are sedentary : BMR x 1.2

    • If you are lightly active: BMR x 1.375

    • If you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 1.55

    • If you are very active (You exercise daily.): BMR x 1.725

    • If you are extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training.): BMR x 1.9

    Create a Calorie Deficit:

    In order to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit. It is easier and healthier to cut back your calorie intake a little bit at a time.

    Every 3,500 calories is equivalent to 1 pound.

    If you cut back 500 calories a day, you will lose 1 pound per week.

    If you exercise to burn off 500 calories a day you will also lose 1 pound per week.

    Ideally, you should do a combination of both, (e.g. cut back 250 calories; burn an extra 250 calories).

    For more useful information go to

    read the following articles

    Need some advice on how to quit a job I don't like when my boss likes me too much?

    The week before Christmas, I got mad and decided to quit. I went out of town for the weekend and was ';no call no show'; for three days straight. But instead of thinking I had quit, my boss thought I'd gotten murdered (I have a good reputation for being reliable.)

    So he kept calling, begging me to check back in. I called and told him I'd skipped town for the weekend. He said I was such a good worker, he didn't care, and he asked what day I could come back. I didn't have the heart to tell him I was quitting.

    So I went back for two days. But it wasn't any better, so I decided to quit agan. This time I flat-out told him I was quitting. He pressed me for a reason why, saying we could work it out. But the job just isn't my cup of tea at all, and there's not much he could change.

    So I told him I was moving far away. I thought that would be a dead end. But now he's saying he'll see if he can pull some strings and transfer me. What should I do?Need some advice on how to quit a job I don't like when my boss likes me too much?
    Be honest. He seems to really respect you. Respect him back and tell him the truth.Need some advice on how to quit a job I don't like when my boss likes me too much?

    Damn it.


    I guess thats what you get for being a good worker... or maybe he thinks your cute.

    HAHA, so funny...
    Ask for a huge raise.
    Perhaps you could transfer to another location and another jos in the company,

    since he considers you so valuable.
    hahahaha you must be hot,
    See what he can offer in a transfer it might be something you'd like.

    I need advice on how to get a one year old off of the pacifier?

    i took him off the bottle when he was about 10 months and it was no problem but i think the pacifier is going to be alot harderI need advice on how to get a one year old off of the pacifier?
    Having had 4 binky suckers and one child that preferred two fingers in the mouth, I know there does come a point when the comfort sucking has to stop. I don't think one year was the time for any of mine though. Why you do you feel it is now? 2 1/2 was the max for us, the reasoning skills were there and speech in place also. As with breaking of any habits, you have to do it gradually, start by taking it out of the mouth just after they fall asleep. They will be too tired to try and get it back. Then make finding it for them take longer and longer until finally you just can't find it anymore. Certainly don't buy anymore, and if you can make it taste bad without hurting them in anyway, that might turn them off also. But again, why so early?I need advice on how to get a one year old off of the pacifier?
    Taper off... start by having him able to use it only at bedtime and naptimes. It must stay in his crib the rest of the time. Get the binky a special tupperware container to stay in, or a special binky clip to attach it to the crib. This way, you design a special spot for binky to be in. Children this age are developing the idea that blankets and binkies, etc have feelings as they do- so it is not uncommon for toddlers to actually worry about their precious binky while they are away from it. By creating a special routine (put binky into his container to keep him safe) you help allieviate that fear that binky will run away while your toddler is gone. This can go a long way in helping a toddler separate and ultimately give up their comfort object. After a week of only having binky during naps and bedtime, start removing binky during one nap, then after a week, remove it for both naps. After you have removed binky from both naps for a week, remove it from bedtime. This will be the hardest one, since your toddler is probably used to using the binky as a comfort object to fall asleep, and probably wakes and uses it to get back to sleep in the middle of the night. I recommend doing this on a Friday night, so that you will have the weekend to work on it. Most likely, you will get a few nights of little sleep (unless you have a really easy-going toddler), so be prepared to work with your partner to sleep in shifts if you need to. It takes a week to change a habit in toddlers (and sometimes up to 21 days in extreme situations), so expect some whining and tantrums to get that binky. But, if you TRULY want to get rid of the binky for good, you have to stick to your guns. That means, you can't give in- no matter how hard they cry for it. You aren't being mean... you are setting limits. The more often you give in, the more you don't mean what you say. Take all the binkies on the day you intend to get rid of them, and throw them in the trash outside (even better is to ask to throw them in a neighbor's trash or in a dumpster outside a grocery store- that way you have no impulse to just pull one out and wash it off to turn off the crying), or have a binky ceremony. Believe me, toddlers can be insistent when they want something, but it is just a habit... not a necessity of survival. If this is a habit you wish to break, you have to do it full-force. They may cry for it- they may scream for it.... but you can't backtrack or you won't do either of you any good. I would take your child with you to throw them out, or have a little binky ceremony (where you put the binkies in a bag to hang on a tree (or whatever you have outside) to leave for the new babies that will need them. Talk it up, be creative... leave a big- kid gift for your toddler in the place of the binkies to be discovered later in the day or the next morning. (Kind of like the ';binky fairie';) This gets them in on it, so they don't feel as if this is just some arbitrary rule you have imposed on them... they are part of the process and they get a reward. Works wonders with these little guys. Now is the age to do this... past about 18 months and you start getting into the real attachment age. As long as you stick to what you say and don't reverse yourself once you decide it is time for the binkies to go, you'll be fine... and so will your toddler. They are resilient little guys, and he will soon figure out that he CAN exist without a binky! : )
    How much is he using it? I would first cut down to only having it when going to bed. Then when that is established try naps without it. Then he might quit at bedtime on his own. Or wean him off it like you did from nap time.

    Other more sudden solutions are to ';break'; all the pacifiers you have by cutting the nipple part. Oh and the store doesn't have them anymore (make sure you don't take the kid to the store or walk down the aisle with them!)

    You can also slowly loose all the ones you have. They seem to get lost all the time anyway just slowly weed them out forget to take them with you etc. Again the store ran out so you can't get more.
    i just recently got my 4 year old of his nunni and i shouldnt have let him go with it that long but i spoil him...i took him to the dentist and he told him that it was making his teeth ugly so we were gonna need to throw it away. i got all of his nunnies out of my purse and they played a game with them. they tried to see who ould throw them away first. it worked he threw them out on his own and only asked for it once after that. and when he did i would just divert his attention elsewhere. basiclly you should convience youre child in a sort of way as mine was and make a game of it,but once you throw it out you cant bring it backl no matter how many tears or screaming nites there are. i took my 18mnth old of the bottlew and we had 3 nights where she screamed foe like an hour and then just fell asleep and now she doesn t want it
    Why? Children need to be able to comfort themselves.
    This is a tuff one, my son held on to is till he was 2. It was hard and I tried so many times but he would cry for days. Then someone told me to follow the signs, I did not think it would work but it really did! You have to do it under the dark of the moon. It was crazy because he didn't even ask for it. You just follow that and it should work. GOOD LUCK!
    I started by only giving the pacifier at nap and bed times. Then, only at bed time. One night I told my daughter that it was time to be a big girl, and she didn't need a pacifier anymore. It worked perfectly. My daughter also got a special surprise for being a big girl. Good luck.
    You should really do it soon, seperation anxiety and attachment anxiety really starts soon after a year old. Your baby is really going to love that pacifier the longer he has it after he is a year old. Give it to him only at night, to ween him. If he only uses it at night now, just take it. I will be a rough three days or so, but he will be fine with in a week. Who knows he might not not even care.
    I took my kids off the pacifier cold turkey. I said that I lost it. You will hear some or maybe a lot of crying, but after a night or a few, they will realize that they are not getting it back and they will forget all about it. It may sound cruel to just take it away but on certain age appropriate things I don't baby my kids. I'm not mean, but I mean what I say.
    I would say it's too early. If a baby is using a binkie, let them use it till... I don't know...maybe till you can explain and he can understand a little?I let my 18 mo old have a binkie when she goes to bed. That's it. The rest of the time the binkie sleeps in the bed under her pillow.

    I neead advice on how to date a celibate guy, when i love sex and want to share myself with him!?

    m 21 and im dating a guy (24) who is a virgin for personal religious beliefs. i absolutely adore the restraint, faith and commitment that it takes for him to stick with this. but i am not a virgin, and i love sex when its with someone who i adore and love.

    has anyone ever been in this situation where you want to be intimate with your partner, but doing so would end their vows of celibacy? and how did you cope? What happened? i want to ';share myself'; with him, but hes not interested.

    ive never been faced with such a situation, and i have no clue what it the best way to approach it. I love him, and i want to be with him.

    help!!I neead advice on how to date a celibate guy, when i love sex and want to share myself with him!?
    Why would you date a guy with such different values than yours? Either you will not get sex and be frustrated or he will give in and feel guilt and shame. Find a guy with whom you are compatible with.I neead advice on how to date a celibate guy, when i love sex and want to share myself with him!?
    This guy sounds like a real brainwashed tool. You should dump this loser.
    keep your knees together and wait for him, if you want to wait for him.
    well i can see you doing a lot of solo sex... just keep the faith and it will happen.. dont stray... keep going solo as much as possible when you feel the urge....
  • laura mercier
  • I need advice on how to deal with my family regarding my interracial relationship.?

    I have been with my man nearly 2 years now, living together for 1 year.I made the mistake of not telling my parents until about last June.My mom will not even acknowledge what I have told her, she has said that he will NEVER be allowed to her house %26amp; that I am going against everything she taught me %26amp; believes in,my father says he does not have a problem with it if it makes me happy, but that he has to support my mom, so he will not be able to be there for me. I have not had an open relationship with my parents in bout 10 years because they already did this once with a white man.Now his mother will have nothing to do with me because I have not been able to introduce him to my parents. I feel this is all out of my control, I clearly do not believe the way they believe.I clearly love this man, we have been taken care of each other this whole time.All on our own.%26amp; now we r ready 4 kids. How do I get across to my fam that this what I want %26amp; need, without having to lose contact with my fam?I need advice on how to deal with my family regarding my interracial relationship.?
    if u want to lose your family go ahead full blast..but u may want to consider all the implications of your actions and the possible consequences for all involved (including any future kids). They will have no maternal grandparents...their paternal grandmother will be dissing u all the time and you will have lost the people who raised is a very tough call....u may try and ask your mom to see a counselor about her prejudice....

    it is sad that we still have these kind of problems in the is love....people need to respect that...i like chocolate myselfI need advice on how to deal with my family regarding my interracial relationship.?
    Marry him before you have children! Your parents will be drawn to their grandchildren. It may take a few years, but hopefully all will work out well.
    It is always very difficult to make everybody happy,but you are a grown up now and have to decide what is better for you,you just have to be certain that you want to be with this man for the right reason and not because you always heard that this was forbidden.It is hard do not have the parents accept your choices,but that is live .would you rather leave your man for racial issues?live your life ,be Happy and have your kids if is that what you want.
    I am sorry you are going through this, It sounds like you love this man, i say go on with your relationship your parents will come around when they see that you are serious. My mom never liked my boyfriend, she kicked me out at 17. I am now married to the same guy. its been over 7 years. and my mom and I are fine.

    hang in ther honey.
    tell them that love is love. your parents should be telling you this while your growing up. not the other way around. is it a tradition in your family or something? this is too weird. your parents should not be reacting like this.

    tell them you love them, but you feel this is right, and make them feel shallow by saying ';i care about the inside, not the outside, but why should you?';
    Well this is a very difficult situation. Families %26amp; relationships tend to be very touchy subjects. The only advice that I can give you is to LOVE. Love yourself, your man, your parents, and his parents as well. I know that it is difficult and challenging to think that your mother would allow her prejuicies to drive a wedge between you two, but you still have to love her through it. It doesn't mean that you will have a relationship with her, and it doesn't mean that you may not. It is possible that she may turn around and grow to accept that you are grown and the decision that you make is yours not hers, but if she doesn't then you have to hang on to the words and love of your father that whatever makes you happy is yours to choose. As long as you and your man are able to maintain a healthy relationship with one another that's all that matters. If your parents are not willing to accept you and your relationship then maybe a compromise can be arranged were you can visit your parents %26amp; he can visit his parents. And if that is not an option then you have to make the collective choice to solely be each other's family now.
    I say go for it, think about your self first and waht makes you happy
    I'm actually currently in this situation also. I'm dating a black guy and my father and mother are really against that. my dad already told me if i even ';talk'; to a black guy hell never talk to me again, get me anything, or see me again. he said he would kick me out, which I'm a sr. this year so i need my parents right now....for graduation and every thing. so i dont know what to do. we have been dating for 8 months and my parents still dont know and it kills me. but i cant tell them b/c i will no longer be a part of the family. but i love him so much! sooo yea....i really dont know.

    Looking for advice on how to share my wife or get her into a threesome?

    my wife at the bars will allow her *** to be spanked and will sit on some guys lap and she will allow a little touching and when a bit drink will show a little what should i do next to get her into a threesome or share her but without being up front with it?Looking for advice on how to share my wife or get her into a threesome?
    She seems to be pretty open to that...just ak her.Looking for advice on how to share my wife or get her into a threesome?
    Why are you married? Looks like she doesn't want to be...why do you?
    Maybe next time when she steps away from a guy or he leaves for the bathroom. Pull her close and tell her how hot she makes you. Kiss her and sensually ask her if she would like to be kissed by another man. Maybe mention how nice her *** looked with another man's hand on it. If she shows interests then you can delve a little deeper.
    most married have them so go for it
    Introducing a relationship to poligamy is frought with problems including trust, self esteem, etc. You risk eroding the fundemental principles of the relationship itself. Some people can make an open lifestyle work for their relationship. However, both people have to be brought into it strongly and both people have to be secure in their love, trust and sexuality.