Friday, April 30, 2010

Not a question, I just need advice about how to deal with my uncle living with my mom and I.?

My uncle (my mom's brother) lives with my mom and I. I just went to college, but I'm home on some weekends. He moved in with us at the beginning of the summer. Ever since then, I've hardly been able to enjoy being at home. He always hogs the tv, and he's always home. He hardly ever works, and it's no wonder he has to live with us because he couldn't afford anything else. I get uncomfortable watching tv with him because he wants to watch something else, so I just try to avoid him. then I'm always stuck in my room, and hardly get to watch tv. Just today, the one of the few weekends I'll be able to visit home, he kicked my out of the living room so he could watch some football game. i argued that I've hardly been able to watch tv all summer, and this is only one weekend that i'll be home in a while. he said that he works all the time and is hardly ever home. but i know that is bull because he's always here! i'm not assertive at all and have never been able to stand up for myself.Not a question, I just need advice about how to deal with my uncle living with my mom and I.?
I'd explain to your mother that it is bothering you... you want to be able to enjoy coming home from college, not dread it and that's what it's turning into...tell her you just want to relax and watch some tv but it's not happening and the reasons why...would you like to have your own television? if so, ask her if you can go to a pawn shop (somewhere cheap) and purchase your own television, even if its a small one... but hon, if things don't change you HAVE to learn to be assertive sometimes, if not you'll always be ran over, and i know you know this... next time he's been home all damn day sitting in front of the tube and you feel its your turn tell him that you would like to enjoy the television at your house for awhile, if he could kindly go to his room or outside or to the kitchen to eat w/ just want time for yourself.. you dont have to be mean about it, but you do need to be serious about it and let him know... and if he wants to use the excuse he's been working sooo much.. explain WELL IVE BEEN STUDYING MY *** OFF AT SCHOOL SO I CAN MAKE SOMETHING OF MYSELF SO I DONT HAVE TO LIVE WITH MY FAMILY AND USE THEM MY WHOLE LIFE. Hey girl... ain't nothin wrong with a little honesty :) good luckNot a question, I just need advice about how to deal with my uncle living with my mom and I.?
Hope it getes better!! %26lt;3

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tell your mom what is going on and tell her he makes you fill uncomfortable,may be you both could talk to him together

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