Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Advice on how to help friend?


I have a friend who is about to have an emotional breakdown. She has a car that needed about $700 worth of repair since October. The car ran perfectly fine until one day in July when it got flooded due to heavy rain. She currently tutors kids as a way of making money. Her parents do not support her financially and expect her to pay them back for every single penny that they spend on her. They helped her pay off the car and now she owes them around $500 for that by the end of March. So that means she has to pay that plus the $700 for the repairs to them by the end of March. On top of that she has to pay for bills (phone, car insurance, etc.) every month. Her parents will not allow her to get rid of her phone because they want her to have one everywhere she goes. But they force her to pay for the bill. They will also not allow her to sell her car because they do not want to give her rides.Advice on how to help friend?
Wow! This Is a crazy situation, It sounds like the parents have way too much control over your friend. My friends would be on yahoo! asking what to do If I was In this situation. Sounds like If she did have a nervous breakdown they would tally up the bill and give It to her later and she would be more In debt. This Is actually something she has to work out with her parents. No one can handle this but her there Is no advice to give her that won't make things worse. If you tell her to stand up for herself she may get kicked out or they may completely cut her off financially....then what? You two can pray for strength that she can sit and talk to her parents and understanding that the parents don't blow up every time she has a financial problem......good luck!
  • laura mercier
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