Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need advice on how to prevent false rumors from spreading.?

I was talking to one of my friends when another friend pushed me into the friend I was talking to. When we collided, it gave the appearance that we kissed, but we didn't. Someone saw and is threatening to spread false rumors that I'm gay. this really sucks please help and be serious with your answers. Im only 15 I dont need people thinking Im gay and no I don't have a GF I broke up a month ago so I cant use her to prove anything.Need advice on how to prevent false rumors from spreading.?
Act like it doesnt bother you if they spread rumors about you or not. You worry to much about what other people think. If he does start to spread rumors about you when people come up to you and ask you if they're true flat out tell them ';hell no dude im strickly for the puzzy are you gay';. Whats gay is a guy going around spreading rumors about another being guy just to make them look bad thats whats gay. If he does spread the rumor confront him and make sure enough people are around when you do so he can feel stupid and punked. If you dont want to stoop to his level and embarrass him let him know that if he does spread the rumor you will not only get him kicked out the school but sue him for defemation of character because lying about someones sexual preference and blackmailing people is against the law and school policy. He'll be so scared of getting in trouble with the school and his parents hell leave you alone trust me!!! i had a guy spread a rumor about me and said he slept with me. I confronted him in front of his homeboys, dedicated a poem to him in the school paper calling him a lying scrub and told the principle so he ended up getting kicked off the basketball team. He shouldnt have lied. When you lie their are consequences and i wouldnt worry because hell learn the hard way.Need advice on how to prevent false rumors from spreading.?
Ignorance is bliss. If you do not make a big deal out of this situation, others will soon forget it occurred. If you continue to focus your energy on setting the record straight, you are the one keeping the matter in the spotlight.

And remember, if someone is threatening to say something false about you chances are they do not wish to focus on a certain something that is going on in their own lives. Much easier to mess with someone else's life then mind your own business!
When people start questioning you about the guy you kissed tell everybody it was him (the guy who pushed you) who kissed you and your other friend tried to pull him off of you.
Ignore it. People easily get bored. And no matter what u do, dont try to retaliate coz it will make it worse. People who really knows you will know the truth.
Don't make it a big deal. Stuff like this happens and the person who spread the rumor obviously is very bored with their lives to talk about other people. Ignore it, don't do anything too dramatic because then it'll seem like you're guilty.

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