Sunday, December 27, 2009

Anyone got advice on how not to think about their parents divorce?

my mom and dad are getting divorced and im always worried about it or scared or sad and i want to stop thinking about it and enjoy my life.Anyone got advice on how not to think about their parents divorce?
Well, you have to deal with things as they are thrown at you. Soem things are crucial to us as teens and children. We have to look at all the good things we had and keep rolling. Somehow, you know it's hurting you, but you have to laugh at it. Like say, Oh i get twice the money twice the presents twice the rooms and everything. There's many ways of dealing with just have to deal with it the best way you know how.Anyone got advice on how not to think about their parents divorce?
I was a child of divorce and it was a very unpleasant divorce. The first thing to realize is that you're not the first person to go through it. Millions upon millions of people have gone through it. My best advice for anyone who is feeling pain because of the actions of others over whom you have control is to take this time to indulge in yourself (make yourself better)--academically, physically, faith wise, emotionally, or whatever is important to you personally. In other words, immerse yourself in things that are good for you.
I am sorry to hear about your situation, it must be so hard. I am a dad going through a divorce right now. I have tried everything I can but I cannot get my wife to reconsider. I am guessing that you tried your best to keep your parents together but it did not work. Sometimes there is nothing that anyone can say or do to change a situation. It is important to know that because your parents do not love each other they will NEVER stop loving you. Divorce brings pain plain and simple, use that pain as motivation to be a stronger person. It is important however that you do not blame yourself or anyone else for that matter. All to often people just fall out of love for one reason or another, heck sometimes no one really knows the reason. Just know that happier days will come, I know it is tough to see, but they ARE coming. Good luck and god bless.
If you want to enjoy your life that is exactly what you have to do, not worry about their situation. My mom and dad got divorced when I was 12, it was hard but if you keep your mind on their problem it's gonna cause you stress in the long run. Don't sweat the situation, you have a life to live, live that
You're obviously worried because you have no idea how it's all gonna work out. So I suggest you do less thinking and more your folks, by letting them know how you feel.

Your worries, your concerns, how your life will change the most, etc. etc. I'm sure their words will help comfort you, once you understand.
it'll be hard for a while, and you may never fully stop thinking about it, but just hang out with friends, and keep going on. Things will get better
No matter what they will both love you but think it like they aren't happy together and rather make you miserable they choose to divorce its hard, mine never divorced but no one wants to be with someone if they don't love each other or fall out of love they both need to find a better life and if it happens to be with someone else and they do find happiness down the line be happy for them and you need to also move on with your life if you need to talk to them about anything they will be there to listen.
Actually, the best way to get over it is to deal with. When I say this I mean you must think about, cry about it if you have, talk about, or even throw things. This is the only way you will get over it.

If you try to ignore your feelings, it will only get worse.

Have you tried talking to your parents indvidually about it?
I am so sorry. Divorce isn't something that just effects the parents, it is the kids that get a big dose of hardship as well. I would say talk to your parents about your fears. If they are truly unhappy it will benefit you to have them be apart, it is just hard to see that now. It is perfectly okay to feel something and have it be on your mind, if it is consuming you from being happy though you do need to talk to your parents, a school counselor, even a friend that has been in the same situation.

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