Sunday, December 27, 2009

Any advice on how to handle people 's negative remarks about a interacial couple?

For example:....I just recently started dating this guy....and i am white ...and he is what you can say French Creole..well we went out to eat and when we were leaving a group of black females called him a traitor. So he laughed it off and kissed me right in front of them....was it wrong for me to take those remarks and be mad..or should i be more like him and laugh it off??Any advice on how to handle people 's negative remarks about a interacial couple?
You should just laugh it off b/c it is none of their business!Any advice on how to handle people 's negative remarks about a interacial couple?
All youcan do is ignore it. Anyone who cant handle seeing you two together has their own issues with race that they need to deal with. I'm black and I know girls like that who overact when seeing a black/white relationship. They are just mad b/c you have him and they dont. I'd say follow his lead and blow it off.
FIRST OF ALL THEY NEED, TO STOP IT WITH THE HATERATION!! I am a black woman, and some of ';my kind'; (sorry for stereotyping) are just miserable. There are alot of black women that are just bitter. I recommend that they a start a group called ';HOW TO CURE YOUR HATER-ATION';. Every other day they need to watch Save the Last Dance, and seriously take a look at themselves and what they are doing wrong that is evidently not working for them to constantly be jealous of you!!! Furthermore, you hold your head up high and keep strutting with your Louisiana-ian 'Brother'(just the first thing that comes to mind when ';French-Creole'; is discussed), and dont get upset TAKE IT AS A COMPLIMENT!! He look good dont he!! LOLOL

Girl, that is your man, if he was pruple or albino would it then be okay. To heck with what another individual's opinion may be about your relationship because they--PARENTS, FRIENDS, FAMILY, or STRANGERS can not judge you. When you meet your maker will he condemn you for loving, caring, etc. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our God should be the only one to pass judgement on the life we lead. AMEN...JUST KEEP THAT IN MIND WHEN NEGATIVITY REARS ITS UGLY HEAD ;)
tell them to get a life. in Russian
Your boyfriend sounds like he doesn't care about what ignorant people think. Great for him. You should learn to rise above it as well. White people aren't used to prejudism and thats why its easier for him to rise above it and not you.

Welcome to, and thanks for joining the Minorities white girl!
It is not easy to handle that stuff, and you might get it from white people too--but probably not overtly. You just have to fight for what you want, and it is not our business to convince anybody. Kudos for being brave!
laugh it off, those women are just messed up in the head!
I would be mad at the fact that those opinions still exists, but I would relish in the joy that your relationship with your partner shines so bright that it brought attention to you two. The world will always have those that disagree with interracial couples, but those that choose that route will have to endure the comments because they will be the ones to set the example and show the world that it's not some freakish game, it's people loving people. Until that understanding is developed as a whole throughout the world we will always have a battle to fight. The only way to win is to continue to do what's natural and love the one you are with regardless of their color.

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