Sunday, December 27, 2009

I think my husband is hiding something from me, pls give me some advice on how to deal with it.?

recently, i received a letter from a bank addressed to my husband, i read the letter and i was surprised because he opened a bank account without my it ok if he hide that from me?

i never ask him about that because he is working abroad, do i need to confront him?ask him why did he not tell me?I think my husband is hiding something from me, pls give me some advice on how to deal with it.?
ask him nicely and don't sound confrontational. it could be nothing, it could be something. just try to be as calm as you can.I think my husband is hiding something from me, pls give me some advice on how to deal with it.?
Financial advisors always say never put all your money in one bank account. Supposedly it is really good to have several different bank accounts for yur money. Maybe he just didn't feel like you needed to know about another bank account being opened if he is still being able to support the family or whatever.
No, it's not okay that he hid that from you. Ask him what he's up to.
I would. There are no secrets in good relationship. But don't like jump him with it. Just say you stumbled upon it and you were wondering why he opened another account. After all It could be for a good cause.
yes you have a right to kow this. in my opion?
Try to avoid a confrontation--just ask nicely. I can think of many innocent reasons for a new account. Maybe this bank is better at converting currencies, or has better money market rates. A lot depends on what your money management arrangements are. My wife and I have had separate and joint accounts for over 20 years, and we don't discuss every move we make with our individual accounts.
well isn't it best to be open in relationships? so rather than being suspicious just confront him or ask him that you received a letter in the mail and saw that he had opened up another account- Just ask!
Approach him with curiousity in ur heart and eyes...dont be naive but dont assume. Ask him and give him his chance to answer.....
You should ask him why he opened a bank account. Don't let him hide things from you. Also ask him why he didn't tell you. Then ask him to ask you before he does something like that in the future.
Ok, I am a husband. There are two reasons I would open a bank account and not tell my wife. First, Im trying to save some money and dont want to tell her about it because I want to spend it on here. Second is Im trying to save some money and dont want her to know about it so I would have some extra money to spend on myself. Either way, I would never do that because if I want to spend money on her I do, if I want to spend money on me, I do... ask him about it. If he gets upset then you should too.
yes...ask him
That can't be good. I would confront him about it. On the other hand, if he were doing something shady, he wouldn't have used his home address on the account.

say whos the other f****** woman

im going to slash her car and eat her babys

then put him in a head lock and start kick his side say '; i love to play dirty';



confront him
Yes you need to ask him about it. You need to know ALL of his financial holdings, because if by some chance you should divorce it will be counted as a marital asset and you will receive half of whatever is in that account. Sounds to me as if he was hiding it in hopes of you never finding out in case you did divorce.
confront him definatly see how he reacts

from his reaction u will gain further knowledge
Go ahead and mention it to him and see what he says, but don't accuse him of trying to hide things from you. Chances are he just opened it for convenience because he's working abroad. Unless you have other evidence, you shouldn't assume it's anything more than that.
Confront him. You have the right, as his wife, to know what he plans to do with the money in that account.

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