Thursday, December 31, 2009

Is there any place I can go to get advice on how to date?

When it comes to guys, I suck. I am an attractive woman who always manages to do something to scare them away. I need to get myself evaluated in order to figure what my faults are and what I am doing that is making guys run off so fast. The only guys that call me are the ones that are looking for sex...the nice decent guys always talk to me for awhile and then wether off. I am educated, hardworking, and independent. I take care of myself. Grrrrr, I am tired of being lonely..I have been single for 4 years, it's time I get back into the dating game. I need help.Is there any place I can go to get advice on how to date?
Don't stress out! I was single for 4 years before my boyfriend came along. It just takes time to weed out the bad guys and find that needle in the haystack.

First of all, it sounds like you've got it going on. You have the characteristics that guys should and would be looking for. There is nothing wrong with you!

However, you should think about the guys you have been dating and/or attracting. Where have you been meeting them? Is there a trend in their personality types?

I hate to say it, but in today's day and age, it's natural for guys to call you for sex. It's just a red flag that you'll catch early on to avoid. As for the nice, decent guys, why do they drift away? Usually, nice guys are afraid of getting hurt and they tend to be afraid of independent, attractive women. You need to find a nice guy that is confident in himself.

In the end, all it takes is time, persistence, and experience. Have fun dating around, keep your guard up, explore, and see what you're really looking for. You might be surprised.Is there any place I can go to get advice on how to date?
First off, 4 years with no boyfriend = ugly. Sounds like you're screwed.
i 2 tired of being lonely 4 21 yrs ..... might be dating oer in ur country is easier ..oer in india .. its damn hard ... as 2 my knowledge .... ..... i dont understand girls ... they say they want decent, good boys ....... but they go out wid date wid .... bad boys, looking 4 sex nd alll .....
The problem is that there are a lot, a lot of guys who just want sex. Weak men are scared off by independant women. There are a lot of men who want a woman that they can control. Hang in there and just try to have fun. Be picky and don't settle for less than you want. Try to look at dating differently. Try to just make new friends. Keep it friendly but don't have sex too soon. That way if you don't have enough in common you have not lost anything. Wouln't it be great to fall in love with someone after you were friends first?
well, watching documentaries and reality shows about relationships can help. recently was watching documentary how men and women re attracted to each other. they showed speed dating. they took one woman, painted her face thats he seemed perfect, dressed her in nice clothes, so she seemed stunning. first test was they sit in front of each other not talking and valuating just each other's looks. she got high score. next round they had 3 min to talk. there where she got either no scores or very low scores, cos she was smug and talking stupid. if i were a man talking to her i would have said go f'u'c'k' yourslef stupid beatch. so she should be grateful guys were polite and didn't tell her that. but nobody wanted to go on a date with her even so she was dressed nicely and looked beautiful. not because they were scared, but becuse she was very very unpleasant. she also called everyone ';an ar'se';. so readin books about how to conversate with people might help too

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