Thursday, December 31, 2009

How do we get a spreadsheet to show data as is needed to articulate a Spearman's correlation? Any advice at al


I would like to make some friends over 40 and exchange ideas or how to give advice to all young people in?

ask for my email address or leave your'sI would like to make some friends over 40 and exchange ideas or how to give advice to all young people in?
Why don't you create a yahoo group for friends over 40? If you create it, they will come.I would like to make some friends over 40 and exchange ideas or how to give advice to all young people in?
i am the one so......think of another 39....
i am 27 but would need advices from you:
What is your email?? Mine is like purpleeyes33's idea also.I'm 46 years old. Peace.
hi I am 58,with much experience ,advising and coaching young people,on many things.Also highly educated with an IQ over 145.If u are Over 25,female,or 20 male ,contact me at Snooze ,Now.
hi,just email at
Twenty six year old here. You'll have to excuse me, but age means nothing in life experience. I mean, its nice you want to get a group of you together, cool. But please don't think that everyone younger than you is clueless.
How old are you and what are you qualified to advise young people about you left many unanswered questions.

I m near 40 would u like me

Haris I'm going to be 45 next month and I have been on my own since I was 13. I feel older then my young years. I have a very old heart.........

I have no clue how to eat healthy. Any advice?

I started to workout again. I was at 230, now I am at between 222 and 224. So fair Im glad im not up there at the 230s....I've been trying to eat healthy but I dont know how.I have no clue how to eat healthy. Any advice?
eat lots of fruit and veggies.

eat low fat/fat free stuff.

eat a lot of whole wheats.

eat a lot of fiber (it keeps you feeling full longer)

eat a lot of protein(for lean muscle and its really healthy).

heres what you should eat every day:

breakfast: protein shake it has no fat, lots of protein (like 16 grams).

lunch: 1 whole wheat lettuce and turkey sandwich.

snack: v8 or special k protein water.

dinner: 1/2 cup refried fat free beans.

all of that stuff is really healthy and it keeps you full and helps you build muscle.

good luck!!

:]I have no clue how to eat healthy. Any advice?
Only eat until your full. don't drink soda. Don't eat white bread. Eat vegetables, eat fruit. Fish, chicken breast, turkey breast, those are your best choices for protein. Brown rice and oatmeal are also good. Peanut butter and almonds have decent protein and lost of healthy fat. Drink lots of water. Green tea is also amazing.

I need advice for teens on how to communicate with parents?

How do teens normally communicate with their parents?

For teens that find it difficult to communicate with their parents, what advice do u give them?I need advice for teens on how to communicate with parents?
make it comfortable for both to talk to each other...

and tell their fears and problems without any difficulty and fear that the parents mgith get angry or something..

How much do nose jobs cost? what all can they do to ur nose? and any other tips/advice/info about nose jobs?

is your nose really that bad?
  • skin
  • I need A boyfriend I want a boyfriend I need advice on how to get a guy?

    ADVICE FROM AN ACTUAL GUY ON WHAT THEY LIKE ECT.I need A boyfriend I want a boyfriend I need advice on how to get a guy?
    In high school/middle school most guys like any girls that like them.

    How old are you?

    We like girls that give us sexual pleasure, when I was in high school, all I thought about was getting that poontang. If I was with a girl, I was just bsing liking her to get some. Even though I really liked a few girls, I just wanted to bang em.

    Most boys your age(if your in highschool) thats all they want to do.

    Just make eye contact with a boy, smile, and he'll mostly come to you, if not keep trying a few more eye contactsI need A boyfriend I want a boyfriend I need advice on how to get a guy?
    be yourself
    Just be pleasant and don't try too hard cuz its a real turn off. Be interested in what is being said to you.
    Take it from one who knows, you probably won't find the guy your looking for until you lose the attitude that yah ';need one.'; The best girls to be with are the ones who are comfortable with themselves. They aren't clingy, and they know what they want and like. Loosen up, stop worrying about it, and then someone will come along. I always say you'll find what your looking for when you stop looking.

    Best of luck!
    We're all different, we all like different things.

    Confidence is one of the key traits for me. I also like girls who don't NEED a guy...someone who can get around and do things herself. I also like girls who take care of themselves mentally and physically. An independent, outgoing, and sweet girl.

    Man im so tired at work today anybody got any advice on how to liven things up for me?

    Obviously you have picked a career choice that does not inspire you. I assume you are tired because you have not scheduled you daily life cycle to compensate for the require rest you need in order not to be tired. Of course on the other hand you may be a party hardy individual and need to slow that down a bit. Then in another area you may be worked so hard that you are classified as a workaholic and will always be tired starting off your day......last but not least....if you are so tired, how did you find the time to write the question???...what they hey!...have a coffee...Friday will be here soon.....go burn yer self out!Man im so tired at work today anybody got any advice on how to liven things up for me?
    u could write some of my thesis for me! i need another 14000 words by monday. and you could design my website that's due in next thursday. then you would be happy in the knowledge that i can finally go to bed!Man im so tired at work today anybody got any advice on how to liven things up for me?
    Do not try to watch any TV or play any games, what you need is a week of constant 8 to 10 hour sleep a night, try to find some sleeping pills and take them for a whole week and make sure you take 8 to 10 hrs, make it 10 days. And then stop taking pills and you will see that your sleep becomes a routine and you will get all the energy back, sleep deprivation is the biggest problem in America, about 90% of the population don't get enough sleep, good luck if you can鈥檛 find sleeping pills drink some nightcol or some other syrups that would get you to a good night sleep.
    u didn't write why re u tired - are u tired of using your brains at work or re u tired of digging holes? write please what sort of work and we can help u with advice
    just fix your eyes on the computer screen

    The boss will think that you are so damn busy but you are actually at Yahoo answers Haha ha ahahaha
    no but Im in the same boat yo, I wanna sleep for a week !! try some online games if you can get away with it, I was playing a cool car game (drag racing) on
    go to some quiet area and listen to some slow music
    Toss wads of paper over the cubicle walls... it's up to you if you want to write anything on them first!
    i have!!! check this video section:鈥?/a> it has Queen videos, at least it always cheers me up!!! good luck!!! or keep answring in this forum!!! it's a nice way of spending ur time and know that there r ppl with probs worse than urs...
    pills pills and more pills.
    Have a Coke and a smile!
    idiot leave the feaky job if your so tired

    How i find free advice on how to get my husband back?

    Don't be needy and beg him to come back. Talk to him rationally and ask him if he would go to counseling with you to try to save your marriage. If you were drifting apart, you two weren't doing a very good job of communicating and working on your marriage. I hope counseling will help you and your husband save your marriage.

    Good luck.How i find free advice on how to get my husband back?
    Check out You can watch the shows on-line. Jimmy and Karen Evans almost divorced, but managed to save their marriage. They give excellent advice. Also check out鈥?/a>How i find free advice on how to get my husband back?
    Well, this is about as free as it gets....

    What would you like to know and maybe some of us here can help you?
    well we can try . it depends the reason he left need more info
    I am so sorry to inform you that your husband is now dating someone else. You are too late. Too bad you divorced him, he is hunk..
    just search the web............ and if you all split up it wasn't meant to be anyway
    I think, unfortunately, theres not much you can do to get your husband back. Try talking to him about his reasons to leave, be calm and dont try to make him feel guilty for leaving you, that will just push him further away from you. Tell him you still love him and are willing to work hard to save your marriage and that you would like him to do the same. Give him time to think about it and dont pressure him too much for an answer, wait a few days. Most of all, I think you should put your marriage into our Lords hands and He will take care of it for you. Pray about it and try not to worry. I know divorce is one of the hardest things to think about when you love your spouse but you should seek some counceling. If your husband decides to give the marriage a second chance then it would be a good idea to both go to counceling so you can receive help from a professional on how to solve the issues that need to be solved and how to try to avoid these problems in the future. You should both focus on what brought you guys together in the first place. Try to think of the good times and may that inspire you to treat each other as you used to.

    I wish you good luck and hope your marriage works out.
    Bwahahahaha.. CHEATER CHEATER
    talk to family and friends, but it depends on why you split up, and if he wants you back. have you talked to him about it, if he doesn't want to then you must get on with your life. have you tried marriage guidance counseling
    The most important thing is not to beg him and seem needy. Its unaatractive. Heel yourself and heres the niggest thing you will see in any advice on getting an ex back

    NO CONTACT - Period. Do not call or talk to him for 2 weeks to a month. If you have to talk to him, (kids?) keep it minimal and seem like you are fine.

    No matter how much you want to, do not contact him. It sounds couterintuitive but if he sees you are moving on with out him, he will wonder what he is missing on. Find a support person and any time you fell like calling him, call the support person. Its not guaranteed because you cant make him comeback. But its a start. We all want what we dont have. Finally, talk to a counsellor and determine what issues caused him to leave because if you do get him back but nothing changed, he will only leave again one day! Good Luck and ignore the idoits that tell you to forget it. Stay strong!
    most anything broken can be fixed, with alot of communication, and being honest with each other, providing it isn't due to an affair, in that case theres not much one can do until he decides its over with.

    I need advice on how to impress a girl.?

    Okay theres this girl in most of my classes that i really like. I've known her for 3 years now. I liked her the first year i knew her. The second year it eventually went away but know its back again. I think she might like me back because she looks at me a lot during class and i know she likes my personality. Also she has no idea i like her. What should I do?I need advice on how to impress a girl.?
    Well, her looking at you is a good thing. Girls have a hard time not looking at the guy they like. Start saying hi in the halls sometimes.....not all the time, just sometimes. Half the fun for a girl is wondering if the guy likes you so you don't want to come on too strong or desperate. See how she reacts to your saying hi. Since she is in your class, find an excuse to call her about homework or something. Just act like a friend and nothing more at this point. Take it really slow and judge her reactions. If she seems to want to talk to you then that is a good sign. If she cuts you off or turns to talk to her friends when you come up to talk......not good. If she smiles or laughs at things you say, that is good. If a girl likes you then she will stay interested until you show absolutely NO interest.... so just take it slow and see what her reactions are before you step it up.I need advice on how to impress a girl.?
    funny you ask..

    thats difficult to answer..

    well just be yourself ... dont try to ';impress'; her .. talk to her as often as you can.. ask her out.. be nice and i think shell like you the way you are..

    chances are if she likes you shes waiting for u to make the first move

    and if shes not thought abt you in that sense she will once you ask her..

    good luck
    I suggest you keep talking with her and make sure to be super nice. Maybe even buy her a small thoughtful gift (like flowers or choclate.) Then once you guys are really good friends ask her out, i'm sure she would say yes.
    listen to what she says and surprise her with it. like, if shes talking and says she loves reeses or something, buy her one. she'll appriciate that you actually listened. most guys don't.
    just tell her. most girls would like guys to just tell them. Or write her a note and tell or im her but ehatever you do just tell her..thats waht girls prefer
    Go up to her and ask her if she would like to do something over the weekend. Just hang out and watch a movie or go out and have some dinner. Its that simple. Dont be shy, just ask her out! GOOD LUCK!
    Talk to her. tell her stuff that you are good at and what she enjoys and stuff. and you should tell her that u like her cause then she will know and stuff. maybe she actually does like you and then u 2 can be a couple!
    if u r friends with any of her friends, ask them to tell her that u like her, or ask them to ask her if she likes u. trust me, i'm going thru the same thing right now. if u don't know any of her friends, just do as much as u can to get to know her, try starting conversations about recent tests or assignments, and carrying on from there. GOOD LUCK!!!:)
    well if you are the mysterious type you should write her a poem or a flower. if you are a good kid take her for dinner. if you are a bad kid take her for a movie. lol.
    Ask her out on a date and then ask her questions about her. Lighten the mood by cracking a few jokes. Make her laugh and smile and then the flow of conversation will get going. Make it a nice meal with nothing like fast food (Ex: McDonalds) but not too fancy either because that would make things kind of stiff. Go somewhere that will lighten the mood. She will get the idea that you like her.
    dont try to impress her just be yourself if you try to be fake and impress her it will lead to a disappointment
    Start talking to her little by little every other day. Then when she shows that she's a little more intersted you should ask her out on a date. Females love it when the guy is a gentleman. When you take her out get to know her, not how many siblings she has, what's her favorite color, you should already know all these answers, and girls love it when you pay attention to them and are sensitive to their needs. Just respect her and you'll get respect back. Don't try to be someone your not because us girls can spot a fake guy.
    U need to go up to her talk to her and ask her out. Girls like it when u r your selve b/c most know when u r tryn to impress them. Dont cuss around her or brag about getting into fights, or drinking or things like that. bUt it just depends on the girl. She might like that. ibut most girls like guys who can b them selfs
    wear nice clothes, send her flowers to her signed secret admirer
    Talk to her in between classes and see where that takes you. Just remember to take it one step at a time or she might feel violated.

    I need advice on how to break up with my gf with out hurting her.?

    We've been goin out for 3.5 months. Until 2 weeks ago ive lost some feelings. She's 2.5 yrs younger then me and I took her virginity. Her mom is best friends with my mom. She acts like she's in love with me. Her myspace photo headlines hint loveI need advice on how to break up with my gf with out hurting her.?
    Ain't gonna happen, you are going to hurt her no matter how you do it.

    If you fear some kind of reckoning from parents or from something else you should have looked before you went in (double entendre anyone?)

    My advice is to be up front and let her have it, let the cards fall where they may. Let her get to crying and grieving and hating you. And let yourself out of what looks like a sticky situation for yourself as quickly and painless as possible.(I did it again, Ha)I need advice on how to break up with my gf with out hurting her.?
    Everything is going to suck a little at first... just because your mom, her mom and especially her will be involved in the whole breakup. There is honestly no way to do this easy. But the RIGHT thing to do is to be honest with her and not make something up that might sound better. 3 and 1/2 months isn't all that long, really. You should've waited for the sex, it would've lessened the pain of breakup, but that's beside the point now. Even if she thinks she loves you, you HAVE to stay true to your feelings.. it's sweet, but you'll end up having feelings of remorse for not going with your own flow.
    Hate to break it to you, but there's honestly no way you're gonna get out of this without hurting her. I know I took the virginity of a girl that I wasn't even dating and I've been pretty pissed at myself ever since, so I'll try not to accuse you too much of being a ';jerk'; or whatever. You're just gonna have to tell her what's up. It's gonna be extremely hard on her, and you need to accept that right now so it's at least her reaction's not a surprise when you tell her. Maybe wait another week, and in that week don't do like anything physical at all, so that she at leasts realizes somethingi swong. It'll hurt her a lot more if she thinks your relationship is this great and wonderful thing then just out of the blue you dump her. After that week, go somewhere with her, preferrably her house, and tell her. Let her slap you and yell at you, she needs to get it out and just try to be understanding. Maybe call her the next day and if she doesn't pick up, at least you tried. Hope I helped = )
    You going to hurt her either way. Since you took her virginity she is going to hurt for a while. Why are you loosing feelings????

    Taking a woman's virginity is very precious to her and you took something away from her that she can't take back.

    You must be honest with her.

    - This is a lesson for you and her. SEX doesn't mean its going to last forever.
    Explain to her that you don't feel how you did before. Then apologize for taking her virginity then leaving her (don't exactly phrase it that way though lol) Tell her that u beleive that u would better off without each other. If she doesn't agree then mabey give her a month or so and if she realizes that she is better off then that's great if not and she wants u back, then uhhh get back on Yahoo, tell your story, and let everyone else tell u what to do b/c I don't know after that. lol. sorry.
    If you break up with her and she gets mad. You know shes going to tell her mom that you guys had sex and you know that mom is going to tell your mom.

    My advice is just kinda bring out your bad side around her. Make her break up with you.
    you're gonna hurt her no matter what. sorry but there isn't really any good way to break up with someone.

    all I can say is plan out what you're gonna say first. do it in the most diplomatic way possible and try to compliment her (but not too much otherwise she will ask why you want to break up!)

    good luck
    If she really loves you, she will be hurt anyway you put it. I would try to say that you think of her now as a friend, but not really much more and that you would like to continue to be just her friend. Talk to her in person too when you do it.
    that is gonna hurt her. well, you be honest and tell her exactly why you are breaking up with her. it is going to hurt her either way.
    its gonna hurt her either way you go. all you can do is explain why and leave her alone for awhile. i hope it goes better than its sounds.
    Well she is going to be hurt. But tell her the truth. There is nothing worst then been lied too.
    Be the exact opposite of you and make her not like you show she does it and not you.
    You used the word my and she alot. This means you still feel not only attached, but in control of her.
    u can NOT break her up without hurting her, JERK
    thats why you dont have sex.....sigh. jerk.

    I need advice on how to deal with your best friend?

    Well here's the deal. I like this guy. But I told my best friend that I didn't like him anymore. So she went and asked him out yesterday. And I've been depressed all day. I feel like I hate her, but there's no reason to. But I just do! I want us to be friends but she doesn't even deserve him! She doesn't even talk to him! I need help on how to deal with my depression and anger right now.I need advice on how to deal with your best friend?
    You really need to be truthful with your best friend and tell her how you feel about this guy. Since she asked you if you liked him she definately must care about your feelings about him and doesn't want to hurt you. Tell her how you feel.I need advice on how to deal with your best friend?
    don't think about how upset YOU are, but think about how happy your friend is. he must be a great guy for you to like him, and you should be happy for your friend. and plus, it's not like they'll be going out forever!
    Your friend will probably not stay with the guy, she just wants to see what you find interesting in him. We all have different tastes so just wait it out .. all will be good.
    you dont know my best friend lol.
  • skin
  • Ummmm ay advice on how to put a tampon in? I'm having a bit of trouble...?

    first, sit on a toilet or squat. when you start to put it in, have the tip of it point (aim) towards your lower back. gently slide it in. your fingers should be on the gippers at the end by the string, so when your fingers touch your body, that is when you push the actual tampon in, out of the applicator. once you've done that, remove the applicator. also, relax and dont tighten your muscles or else it will make it very difficult to insert. once youre done and you can feel it inside you, that means you didn't put in in far enough. you can just take it out and try again....strangely, it takes practice. there should be instructions in the tampon box.Ummmm ay advice on how to put a tampon in? I'm having a bit of trouble...?
    you need to push it towards the base of your spine. pushing it directly up hurt as you cervix tilts back slightly.Ummmm ay advice on how to put a tampon in? I'm having a bit of trouble...?
    don't put the tampon in your nose or ears or mouth. it belongs in only one hole in your bod. i think you know where that is (:
    1. Sit or stand in a comfortable position. Some women prefer to place one leg on the toilet seat or tub, while others prefer to squat down. After you find a position that is most comfortable for you, hold the tampon with the fingers that you write with. Hold the middle of the tampon, at the spot where the smaller, inner tube inserts into the larger, outer tube. Make sure the string is visible and pointing away from your body.

    2. With your other hand, open the labia (the folds of skin around the vaginal opening) and position the tampon in the vaginal opening.

    3. Gently push the tampon into the opening, aiming for the small of your back. Stop when your fingers touch your body and the applicator, or outer tube, is completely inside the vagina.

    4. Once the applicator or outer tube is inside of you, use your index finger to push the inner tube (the tube where the removal string is connected) through the outer tube.

    5. Once the inner tube is all the way in, use your thumb and middle finger to remove the applicator or outer tube. Make sure that the string hangs outside of the vaginal opening. Later, when you are ready to remove the tampon, hold the string and gently pull it downward until the entire tampon is out.

    If the tampon is inserted correctly, you should not feel it. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, you may have inserted the tampon incorrectly or the tampon may not be placed far enough into the vagina. If this happens, just remove the tampon and start again with a new tampon. Remember that practice makes perfect. If you don't get it on the first try, your second try will most likely be successful. Instead of getting frustrated and giving up, relax and try again!
    take the tampon out of its package

    place your fingers on either sides of your vagina, push out.

    put you other thumb and index finger no the gripper of the tampon

    find your vagina and push the tampon in until your fingers are touching your crotch skin

    then take the bottom cardboard part of the tampon and push, this part may hurt a tad

    then pull the cardboard part out, leaving only a little string hanging out

    you shouldn't be able to feel it, if you do you must try again

    have an adult woman that you trust help you
    Make sure the applicator is in far enough before you push the actual tampon out of it.

    I need advice on how to tell my bf....?

    my bf is really inmature. everyone thinks that. i do to and i dont want to tell him and make him stop being himself. i dont want to hurt him either but i want him to grow up. just even if its a little bit. i really need help on how to tell him nicely!!!!! and im NOT going to break up wih him for this. :)I need advice on how to tell my bf....?
    hmmmmm... dats pretty hard, basically just ask him nicely to be a lil mature for u, not a great advice but hope it works

    I Need Advice On How To Not Be SHY !!!!?

    ok...I don't know why I'm so shy but I just am. I only have like a few friends at my school (6th grade) and I have two that ride my bus that are the ones who I talk to a lot but....other than those two I don't talk to a lot of other people like how I do with them(laughing, talking about anything, etc...) how can I get over being shy??/ and getting more frinds ??

    PS.---some people may say small talk llike tell them your name, ask what school they used to go to,,,,etc well it's a little too late for that seeing as how it's the second month of school-----so what are some things that I could talk to them about ???I Need Advice On How To Not Be SHY !!!!?
    I was always shy and what i'verealised is that the sooner you embrace who you are the happier you'll be.Now that I've finished school i've realised that this is not important cause the friends you have now are those who really like you for who you are.Some people even like the fact that you are shy they think that it is cute and sweet.

    I'm in high school and i want to be an actress, i have no experience i need some advice on how,where to start?

    any ideas ???? thanx!!!I'm in high school and i want to be an actress, i have no experience i need some advice on how,where to start?
    The best place to start would be to take Drama as an elective. Take the course every year if you can. Also join the Drama club. Both are free, but useful resources to develop your skills.

    hope that helps.

    I'm in high school and i want to be an actress, i have no experience i need some advice on how,where to start?
    The first thing you need to know is that there are a lot of scam agencies out there, just waiting to prey on your hopes and dreams.

    The markers of a scam agency are:

    - they ask for money up front to sign you up, or to audition

    - they ask or require you to take their acting classes or attend ';events'; or conferences

    - they require you to have head shots taken by their in-house photographer

    These types of agencies make their money by signing people up and selling classes. They are not really in the business of getting work for their clients.

    Legitimate agencies work on commission only (usually 15%). Legit agencies don't offer classes, have photographers, or charge up-front fees.

    Many of the ';agencies'; out there that recruit actors are actually talent scouts. They charge you a fee to audition, and promise to find you an agent. Problem is, reputable agents don't have to find talent through scouts. The talent is knocking at their door. There may be legit scouts out there, but I've never encountered one.

    The first thing you need to do is to get as much experience as you can. Join the school play, go to drama camp, act in community theater, take dance, drama and singing classes from local, reputable people.

    Then, enlist the help of your parents. You will need their support to get you to auditions, and to protect your rights on set.

    Do some research at the websites for

    Screen Actors' Guild

    ACTRA Toronto

    There's great information on there about getting started in the business and finding a reputable agent.

    Finally, when you have some experience, take a decent snapshot of yourself, and start looking for an agent.
    1 train your head off - film acting class vocal pop lessons hip hop dance .

    2. gain a lot of weird talent ( pogo stick maybe a couple karate classes)

    3. get the look( perfect hair innocent great smile cute look)

    4. after about 5yrs of training find a non scam agent.Yellowbook

    6 get a head shot and good luck

    email me if you want theater advice.
    Jopin the drama club go to auditions. rellay just get involved. You don't have to be a genius to act. For some, it comes naturally, others not so much. I have been acting for over 10 years and I am 16 for me it came to me. Also check nearby performing art centers, they usually have classes to offer!
    Drama club. Community theatres.

    Looking for advice about how to make sexual ';interactions'; even more enjoyable for the guy...?

    I'm a straight, decently attractive,18 year old girl, but I don't have a ton of experiance with guys, mostly because I just haven't met very many I really like.

    I am currently in a relationship but I'm not comfertable talking to the guy about this kind of stuff quite yet...what are things I could do while we're making out that he'd like? Places guys like to be touched or kissed? Is it weird to kiss his chest or nipples?

    Also (not to get too graphic or anything), but when giving BJs, what are things a girl can also do at the same time to make it even better?

    I've never had sex, and I know that's one of those things that pretty much everyone just figures out, but any (non-graphic) tips...?

    I'm not asking what to do with the ';parts'; really--I'm asking what to do with the rest of myself. =P I can never figure out what to do with my hands when we're kissing a lot of the time.Looking for advice about how to make sexual ';interactions'; even more enjoyable for the guy...?
    I find the best way is to let the guy guide you into what he would likeLooking for advice about how to make sexual ';interactions'; even more enjoyable for the guy...?
    Try this: TALK to the person you are sleeping with. If you are mature enough to have sex with him, you should be mature enough to talk to him about what he likes in bed. Everyone is different in what they like.
    ask him he will tell u other wise just experiment it will cumm naturally
    Girl at your age, that's what men really are looking for. Why pushing yourself or is it to prove to others? Yes, you do need to gain experience but on how to communicate with your partner. Then the rest will take place ';organically';.

    Get it? So don't force it ; don't fake it .
    if you're honest with the girl when you tell her that you care, you wouldn't have to ask this question........

    when you are like starting to make out with him, you can make those moaning sounds to show that you are aroused by what he is doing and that would interest him to go further. you can also make naughty comments. for example whispering to him in a naughty voice, i wanna feel you in me, or naughty boy, you like my pu55y dont you?

    while kissing you can out your hands on his back, hugging him. or both hands on his chest. over his shoulders. or just holding his face.

    if you want to make things go further, den stroke his thighs and put your hands under his shirt and stroke his chest, he'll get the idea.

    good luck!
    your hand can massage his head. and pump his dick. your doing bj like you are eating lolipop candy. just relax follow your desire. talk to him what is his fantasy
    Hundreds of books it..
    Men have sensitivities to the nipples like women do. Sucking/lightly nibbling on them some guys love. BJs-tongue from tip down the line to the balls while using both hands. (should be a 2 handed and mouth sport), do not forget the balls, they need to be caressed while bj in progress. (stroking with hands/mouth) oh, get a porno, great learning! For the most part, all the places women like to be touched, kissed men dig too. However, you need to be able to come to a place very soon in your relationship where you can be able to talk about what he likes. It is a great relationship when both parties get their needs met, and if you don't know what each other likes and wants, you are at a disadvantage.
    its cool to kiss the chest and nips...go up around his neck...his ears...put your hand down his pants and play with whatever pops up...while giving a bj, lick it from top to bottom, play with his can also suck on them...all of this he will like...have fun.
    There are many things that you can do. While kissing, your hands could lazily explore his body. A gentle tweak on the nipple, a brush on his nether regions could do the trick. If the mood is romantic, you can be gentle and caressing. If the mood is piping hot, you could grab him tightly.

    The soft region on the underside of his tool (below the head) is the most erogenous. You can remember this during a BJ. A persistent flick on that part will have him among the stars. Alternately, you can also try a hand job with loads of lotion / oil. Make a cup with your palm and move it in circular motion on his tool (the head part), making sure that the soft portion is also part of action. He will writhe in pleasure.

    While you do all this, make yourself available to him for hugging, kissing %26amp; intimacy.

    If you find the advice working for you, i'd sure like to have feedback.
    Ok here goes... We like to be touched and kissed all over. we are just like girls in that we have many different erogenous zones. When kissing stroke his chest or maybe reach around and stroke his back. If you feel adventurous move your hands down to his buttocks. It is heavenly to have our chest and nipples kised and sucked gently.

    When performing oral move your hand up and down in time with your head whilst gently fondling and squeezing his testicles. Some guys also like their prostate gland being stimulated although this varies greatly and is not every guys cup of tea! When progressing to full on sex just allow your hands to wander all over and guage his reaction to different parts of the body. The most important thing is to get over the awkwardness you are feeling and communicate with your lover. That way you will find out what their likes and dislikes are and they will know what you prefer as well. Don't worry too much about where your hands wander as it is all good. Have fun finding out what you like and dislike, maybe by yourself at first. That way you can lead your lover to your favourite erogenous zones and he/she can blow your mind. Good Luck.
    WOW!! ok i dont really kno, but giving a BJ you could twirl your tongue as your bobbing up and down and keep changing the pace to keep it exciting.
    sorry, can't help you that

    Anyone need advice on how to gain respect from guys?

    I don't need any (at this moment), but I have some for women/girls: Just be honest. Don't be evasive. Don't make excuses. Don't tell lies. Just say exactly what you mean. -ykAnyone need advice on how to gain respect from guys?
    email me @ need advice on how to gain respect from guys?
    Don't give them sex so easily ie not before marriage.
    Respect yourself.

    The others will follow your example.
    Don't follow them, wear clothes that hides ur boobs and ***** and pretend that ur not interested this will cause them to develop interest in u and they will regard u high.....any other such question mail me at bcoz i am, a consultant
    related to respecting yourself ..

    Act like a Lady. Treat yourself and them with respect.

    Move with presence.
  • skin
  • Anyone got advice on how not to think about their parents divorce?

    my mom and dad are getting divorced and im always worried about it or scared or sad and i want to stop thinking about it and enjoy my life.Anyone got advice on how not to think about their parents divorce?
    Well, you have to deal with things as they are thrown at you. Soem things are crucial to us as teens and children. We have to look at all the good things we had and keep rolling. Somehow, you know it's hurting you, but you have to laugh at it. Like say, Oh i get twice the money twice the presents twice the rooms and everything. There's many ways of dealing with just have to deal with it the best way you know how.Anyone got advice on how not to think about their parents divorce?
    I was a child of divorce and it was a very unpleasant divorce. The first thing to realize is that you're not the first person to go through it. Millions upon millions of people have gone through it. My best advice for anyone who is feeling pain because of the actions of others over whom you have control is to take this time to indulge in yourself (make yourself better)--academically, physically, faith wise, emotionally, or whatever is important to you personally. In other words, immerse yourself in things that are good for you.
    I am sorry to hear about your situation, it must be so hard. I am a dad going through a divorce right now. I have tried everything I can but I cannot get my wife to reconsider. I am guessing that you tried your best to keep your parents together but it did not work. Sometimes there is nothing that anyone can say or do to change a situation. It is important to know that because your parents do not love each other they will NEVER stop loving you. Divorce brings pain plain and simple, use that pain as motivation to be a stronger person. It is important however that you do not blame yourself or anyone else for that matter. All to often people just fall out of love for one reason or another, heck sometimes no one really knows the reason. Just know that happier days will come, I know it is tough to see, but they ARE coming. Good luck and god bless.
    If you want to enjoy your life that is exactly what you have to do, not worry about their situation. My mom and dad got divorced when I was 12, it was hard but if you keep your mind on their problem it's gonna cause you stress in the long run. Don't sweat the situation, you have a life to live, live that
    You're obviously worried because you have no idea how it's all gonna work out. So I suggest you do less thinking and more your folks, by letting them know how you feel.

    Your worries, your concerns, how your life will change the most, etc. etc. I'm sure their words will help comfort you, once you understand.
    it'll be hard for a while, and you may never fully stop thinking about it, but just hang out with friends, and keep going on. Things will get better
    No matter what they will both love you but think it like they aren't happy together and rather make you miserable they choose to divorce its hard, mine never divorced but no one wants to be with someone if they don't love each other or fall out of love they both need to find a better life and if it happens to be with someone else and they do find happiness down the line be happy for them and you need to also move on with your life if you need to talk to them about anything they will be there to listen.
    Actually, the best way to get over it is to deal with. When I say this I mean you must think about, cry about it if you have, talk about, or even throw things. This is the only way you will get over it.

    If you try to ignore your feelings, it will only get worse.

    Have you tried talking to your parents indvidually about it?
    I am so sorry. Divorce isn't something that just effects the parents, it is the kids that get a big dose of hardship as well. I would say talk to your parents about your fears. If they are truly unhappy it will benefit you to have them be apart, it is just hard to see that now. It is perfectly okay to feel something and have it be on your mind, if it is consuming you from being happy though you do need to talk to your parents, a school counselor, even a friend that has been in the same situation.

    I need some serious advice about how to do this please, any suggestions on how to leave when u have no $ ?

    There are many reasons I have to leave him, his anger is a big one he breaks things, im afraid it might end up being myself or one of the kids that gets hurt. He is not respectful of our marriage or my feeling (he has cheated in the past)

    This is hard for me I do love him but it isn't enough. The problem is $ I have no where to go, no way to support myself, he taked me into dropping out of college. I need a place for my kids and I to live, a way to pay for our needs. Any suggestions on how to get to started? Where to get help? How to get on my feet? There is so much I would like to say but im not given enough space on here to tell all....

    PLEASE HELP, I am truly DESPRATE!I need some serious advice about how to do this please, any suggestions on how to leave when u have no $ ?
    It can be done, but it cannot be done immediately unless you are willing to give up a lot. You need to make a plan, contact some people, and start saving money NOW.

    You are right to want to leave this man, because of his anger. This is not healthy for you, and it is not healthy for your children. It's not healthy for him, but he is not in control. So that means you have to take control and make changes.

    I am sorry that he was threatened and insecure and talked you into dropping out. I am sorry that you allowed him to influence you like that. I wonder how much education he has. Very often, men with less formal education than their partners/spouses are insecure and influence them negatively. It is imperative that you get your life back on track, and get back into college. But first you need to get out, find a place to live, get a job and find a way to get your kids into daycare or after-school care so you can get your professional life back on track.

    First of all, go to the Yellow Pages and see if there is a women's shelter in your area. Contact them and explain your problem. They have years of experience in helping women out of desperate situations. Check and see if there is temporary housing in your area, like a Salvation Army Transitional Housing Development.

    Is it a possibility to move in with a friend or to move back in with parents? Tell your friends and parents your situation. Very often, a man this angry is an emotional abuser, and one aspect of emotional abuse is that the abuser separates the spouse/partner from her friends and family. How separate are you from friends, family and community? You need to get back in touch with people.

    Start saving money. Look at the newspapers and price apartments for rent. There are usually community centers and public services that offer free legal advice. Talk to a lawyer and see how much a divorce would cost. Think about if you would need a restraining order or not. Above all, get back into the community, get back in touch with family and friends, get a job, and re-enroll in college. Take control of your own life.

    Look up ';emotional abuse'; and read up on co-dependency. Good luck to you, and I know you have the strength in you to make the change you need to make for yourself and your children.

    Hope this helps. Cheers, KI need some serious advice about how to do this please, any suggestions on how to leave when u have no $ ?
    Depending on the area that you live may want to try searching for a website for domestic abuse victims. That should be a good start. If you have any close friends or family that can help you out...that is another good place to start also. His anger could be the controlling factor in your relationship. I'm glad to know that you recognize that you do need to leave. Good luck.
    You could go to a domestic violence shelter, that will take you and the kids, but in order to stay you would have to file a police report against him, and get a restraining order.

    There is help out there, you just have to know how far you are willing to go to get it. Call a domestic violence shelter, they will give you more info. They are in the yellow pages (in the USA).
    Find a woman's shelter or a safe house somewhere, do not contact him in any way shape, form or fashion. Look up info in your area for that kind of stuff, there are women out there who will help you. You obviously have a computer, take it and make some money with it, there are a lot of jobs you can do from home or online. You can do it, be strong and good luck! If you have family anywhere ask them for help, tell them everything, a lot of times family will let you stay even if it is only because of the kids. Just remember to put the kids first in all you do, do it for them. They are God's gift to you, keep them safe! You can do it.....Good luck! Prayers never hurt!
    try abuse hotline or missions or shelters near you. i have traveled thousands of miles from the mid west (iowa) to florida several times w/o money. i take it family too far away? you can also try churches, salvation army...what ever you do, don't give up!
    go stay with friends or family for a while. if there isn't anyone to stay with, go to a battered womens shelter. Look for a job and save up until you can get an apartment or something. You are better off homeless than with an abusive person/father....
    you must have a citizens advice bureau near you, they are in all towns. find out where it is and go and see them. they can give you so much help. be careful your husband does not get suspicious because it may set him off. you need to get out and fast for your safety and the children. if possible ask to be moved to a new town as far away as possible from where you are. you would probably have to go into a hostel for a short while until they house you properly. once housed you could go back to college for adult learning and restart where you left off. if they find a place for you , pack very little when he is out and go before he gets back. i wish you all the luck. be strong.
    I think if you contact your local churches and/or police department they can send you in the direction you need to go. You need to take care of yourself and your children and there is help everywhere if your open to it. I am very sorry for your situation, pray, be strong and take care of yourself find happiness you deserve it!
    relatives or a friend, sorry i couldn't be of more help
    babe, please go to the dept of workforce services in your area. welfare services, they ahve locations for families in your situation. please get out ASAP before he does hurt you and/or the children. i know it is hard. i had to do it 8 years ago.

    and yes, love just isnt enough. that is all you can give, but it apparently will not help him. he himself needs help, and right now, your priority is getting you and those kids out- and fast. if i had money, i would send it to you.

    my prayers are with you.

    go to a local church, go to a friend. salvation army. united way. DES (dept of economic securty).

    there are several communities that offer subsidized housing. DES should know about that.

    look through the blue pages of the telephone book. there should be some listings for family assistance. dont give up. just keep looking. and get out.

    good luck.
    Go to a battered women and children shelter. They will help you and your children and house you while you figure where to go next.. They will help you find a job an get back on your feet.

    You can apply for welfare, unemployment, WIC etc. So many choices.

    Find a job quick and get a restraining order from him

    You are responsible for your babies. You need to protect them from harm. They are not growing on a healthy enviroment, you don;t want then to grow up thinking that violence is normal? This emotional abuse is hurting your kids, please! Seek help NOW!

    YES YOU CAN! Many women have done it. I know that it's hard but you can do it. I did, and now my son and I are safe and happy.

    Good luck
    Call anyone. Parents, aunts/Uncles, friends you must know somwone. If it's a immediate threat call the police then try women's resources like 1-800-621-hope. There are lots if you do an interbet search. In fact call one of those instead of checking yahoo answers.
    Can you go to a family members house for a little while, or a shelter. You can apply for public assistance.
    There are places for women who are being abused ..these people will help you.. WOMEN FOR FAMILY'S AND CHILDREN...they will give you alot of support you and the kids..abuse is a really, really bad thing ...don't worry about money that will come .Get out or you want have a chance to spend a dime of money...get you and the kids out never gets better it always get worse..YOU CAN DO IT..if you don't do it for yourself DO IT FOR THE KIDS....PLEASE
    first of all look for a transition house in your area, they will help you live until you get a job and get on your feet, and get counselling for both yourself and your kids. your self esteem is most likely at the lowest part in your life. then contact salvation army, and other charitable organizations for anything that will help you set up a place.

    I need advice about how to tell my 15 year old son i'm gay.?

    me,my son and his granny were in her car and i told him he would have to start dressing out for p.e. his reaction was ';i know those coaches make that rule because they are gay. this past scool year he came home very upset he was playing flag football and he was running cause he had the ball and a boy ran up to him and tried to grab the flag but missed the flag and grabbed his pants on accident.I need advice about how to tell my 15 year old son i'm gay.?
    Okay so I'll tell you a little about me. After my parents divorced my mom found out that she was a lesbian but did not tell me. I found out by accidently glancing at an email that said that she was and I was mad. It broke my heart that she did not think that I was valuable enough to tell me. So anyways you need to tell him. Just sit him down and be honest. He may suprise you and be completely okay with it but if he isnt give him time. There is a website called COLAGE (Children of lesbian and gays everywhere) and that is a great resource. Message me if you need toI need advice about how to tell my 15 year old son i'm gay.?
    if he really likes a sertan food. like i love ice cream whenever he has problems and needs to talk with me he always takes me to my favorite ice cream place. maybe you could do that for your son just the two of ya'll. if he loves you which he does cuz your his mother he'll except it and love you even more.

    good luck
    I suggest that you contact a gay support group and talk with experts on this. If you don't deal with it in the right way you may have real trouble on your hands.

    I think that at 15 guys say that people are gay a lot. It is just a phase that they go through.

    You do need to tell your son you are gay. Just talk with experts first.
    Perhaps you can just hold it as your ';little secret'; till he's out of adolescent years and makes it solidly into adulthood? Do you think you can ';hold out'; that much longer for your son's sake?

    I'd wait till he's at least 25 and out of the house.
    just come right out and tell him! he will be VERY angry with you if you don't tell him right away. if you want to wait, then tell him when he's about 16 or something. just remember, do what's right for him.
    Um that is a hard one i would wait fo the subject to vome up adn just say you know that i am gay..... And tell him there is nothing weird or wrong about it.
    Bizzare. Why are you not being honest with your son? Why are not teaching him to refrain from making inappropriate comments?
    i would just tell him! ask him what he thinks of gays! lieing or not having your life just to make him happy is wrong and wean he finds out wean he is older he may be mad a t you!! good luck1!
    tell him your his dad he will undestandd

    good luck!!
    Tell him. He wil be very upset if you don't
    just tell him before its to late to

    I need advice on how to take care of my cornrows i just got them for the first time i am a 21 year old man?

    get a do-rag

    Please don't answer! just need advice on how to find answer.?

    from a space probe circling Io (one of Jupiter's moons) at an altitude of 552km, it was observed that the angle of depression of the horizon was 39.7degrees. What is the radius if Io?Please don't answer! just need advice on how to find answer.?
    Draw a triangle whose sides are (1) from the center of Io to the probe, (2) from the probe to the horizon of Io, and (3) from the center of Io to the horizon point. Then use trig to solve the triangle

    Some body help me! tell or advice me, how can i go to happy life?

    tell what i change to go for happy life? pls help i need advice!Some body help me! tell or advice me, how can i go to happy life?
    You have to change your outlook. I don't mean in a rainbow-and-sunshine faux happiness. Being happy is hard work. It involves so many skills: You have to be forgiving of yourself and others; you have to be brutally honest with what you feel and what you want instead of what you think you SHOULD feel and want; it takes a lot of courage to dare to be happy instead of complaining; you need widen your horizons literally and figuratively to see that there are many humans everywhere who are far less fortunate than you and you should be grateful for what you do have at the moment; you have to have the guts to let go of any past resentments and grievances to embrace the future. You have to identify yourself as a happy person - if you believe you are naturally unlucky or miserable, you will be right. If you believe that you are strong, are able to survive pain and loss, and thrive %26amp; live with relish, you will be right.

    Life and all of its components are fleeting. You can cling to only bad memories and regrets or you can choose to welcome new discoveries and joy.Some body help me! tell or advice me, how can i go to happy life?
    just be respectful to people and help out the nice...then when your older you look back into your life then you see all the good stuff you did :]
    idk just be yourself if you want a happy life
    just try new things and be with new people

    sooner or later you'll find happiness
  • skin
  • Need some advice on how to lose my flabby belly and get toned and ripped. Haven't worked out in about 3 years

    When you find out, I will find out because I have the identical situation. My toning needs to get tuned. I can't even rip open a bag of potato chips. But the belly part isn't critical. I just see a little something beginning to baloon, gotta catch it soon.

    So, hoping WE get some good answers here.

    Need some advice on how to lose my flabby belly and get toned and ripped. Haven't worked out in about 3 years

    When you find out, I will find out because I have the identical situation. My toning needs to get tuned. I can't even rip open a bag of potato chips. But the belly part isn't critical. I just see a little something beginning to baloon, gotta catch it soon.

    So, hoping WE get some good answers here.

    I need advice on how to remember bible verses?

    Write the verse on one side of a 3X4 index card and the chapter and verse on the other side. Learn a new one every day. Have a friend test you at the end of each week...I need advice on how to remember bible verses?
    Instead of memorizing them, feel them, understand them. That is how you'll remember.I need advice on how to remember bible verses?
    When I teach Sunday School or Jr. Church I have the kids repeat it 8 times to get it into their minds. I also have to write it 10 times to get it memorized. Just keep going over and over them. You wont regret it at all. I was told of one lady who memorized vrs. and when she had gotten old. She had gotten Alzheimer's, and all she could do was quote scripture.
    Try to focus on reading the Bible as a whole and in context, rather than just memorizing single verses.

    I had always had a hard time remembering verses. But then I began to study and learn the background information and I read the Bible it's entirety a few times. Now verses come to mind and I can quote them. It will kind of come to me like this, ';when Jesus was with the disciples he said_________ or he talked about ___________.'; ';Paul said _________ when he was talking to __________. ';

    Think of it this way. When you remember something your friend said don't you usually think that way. For example ';I remember when we were at dinner that day and __________ said ___________. '; It's usually pretty easy to quote things like that because you were there and it's an actual story that you have experienced.

    Well, in the same way, the Bible is an account of things that actually happened too. You were't there, but they are actual stories too. (You could think of it as a story that your friend (God) told you, or in this case wrote to you.) So if you think about it that way, and continuously study and become more familiar with it, you'll begin quoting more and more scriptures and passages naturally without even thinking about it.
    Think ';how or what YHWH's (God) m.o. is, and you will beguin to 'link' texts with other texts, and will notice 'things' (scientific discoveries, news, etc) around you that will bring in the texts to your memory. It is not necessary to know verse and chapter (Jesus never quoted like that).
    Read them over to yourself again and agian. If you do it enough times you will remember them.

    Or you can use flash cards.

    On one side write this:

    John 3:16

    On the other write this:

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    Those are ways I have been told will help you to remember.

    I hope that helped.
    Write out the verses you want to remember %26amp; cut up the paper into strips so your verses are litlte like fortune cookie slips. Put them in a nice box you have or decorate one. Shake up the box %26amp; pick one out. Say it %26amp; think about it's meaning. You should know about it before you put it in the box. You are now just going to carry it in your pocket %26amp; look at it throughout the day. When you go to the bathroom, when you wash your face, when you hang up the phone just think about it %26amp; look at it throughout the whole day....I don't use bible verses but I use affirmations. Now when I am speaking to someone I can offer wisdom %26amp; they think I am so wise but I learned what I know from these little slips of paper....I trust the process or It's all in divine right order are the kind of things I have used this technique for so it should work well for you too!
    When I memorize scripture, sometimes I will write the verse down, over and over, and I will read it over and over out loud.

    I do it and test myself to see how well I did. If type it out, you could leave blank lines where certain words go, and then read through and fill in the blanks.
    read one part of the verse at a time. Then once you have remembered them in pieces, you can put them together! : )
    Moses had the same problem with the Israelites as they traveled the wilderness so he put Scripture to song. His sister Miriam seemed to be gifted the same way. So break your piggy bank, go to a Christian bookstore, and buy scripture songs. You'll love 'em.
    I have found that repetition is best for me and my kids. Practice them over and over. My sons goal by August is to be able to quote 96 verses (including the addresses). I have no doubt that he will be able to do it. I wish I was as good as he is at it. Imagine to be able to memorize almost 100 verses a year.
    Get them tattooed on the inside of your eyelids. That way, you'll look at them while you sleep and memorize them effortlessly.
    meditate on them whenever you can
    Visualize them in your mind. A picture paints a thousand words.
    Discover what the verses mean to you and understand them, and you will remember them.

    Everyone remembers Nietzsche's quote, ';That which does not kill us makes us stronger.';
    read them over and over. then test yourself on them. the parts you dont know study some more.

    Girls, can you give me some advice on how to interact better with girls.?

    When a girl talks, listen. Listen with all your heart, mind, and soul. And look directly at her, as though she is the only person in the world, as she talks to you.

    And don't allow your mind to wander. Be prepared to address different things she has said. This will set you apart from most other guys.

    Not that many guys have figured this part out yet....Or don't care to bother. Some never do. It's kind of like that fellow in ';Kill Bill 2.'; He says something to effect of , ';She's giving us the silent treatment. And we men pretend we don't like it.';

    I do laugh every time I hear that line!Girls, can you give me some advice on how to interact better with girls.?
    ask if they would like to go get some coffee

    I need advice on how to talk to a stranger and get inside there world without making the situation werid.....?

    If you mean being able to relate to others while not really knowing them personally, just remember that we are all humans and all have certain needs and desires. These include getting educated, getting a job, getting a house/home and car. All of these ';things'; are centered around the desire to be sucessful and able to provide for our family.

    This is how you can relate to any other human being, through these basic human drives for love, family, success.I need advice on how to talk to a stranger and get inside there world without making the situation werid.....?
    Tell this stranger that you're doing a paper on inside a strangers world, and can you buy him/her a cup of coffee.I need advice on how to talk to a stranger and get inside there world without making the situation werid.....?
    ';Getting inside their world'; sounds weird enough. I don't know what you mean by that.
    That's already weird.
    Hmm... I think it really depends on what the actual situation is and what the reason is for wanting to get inside the world of someone you do not know..

    If it is something that is really weird like You can foresee their future or something and feel you must warn them, or whatever just a weird situation then my advice is don't~ that's really creepy don't you think? If its weird as in you feel it would be awkward because you don't know a certain person, but would like to get to know them in like a friendship or romantic way, just be casual. Like small talk.. ';Hi, those are pretty shoes'; ';Hey, the weather sure is nice/ crappy/cold whatever...'; followed by ';I'm so and so'; and so on. Develop a rapport :) Small talk is great for that. If they want you in their world then I guess they'll let you in and if not, well I guess you'll have to keep trying. Lots of fish in the sea, but you have to get in the water to meet them :P

    Good luck!
    Start slow and keep it simple. Each day build on it a little at a time.
    Are you doing a documentary or something? Otherwise, it'll be very hard to find someone that wouldnt mind you knowing about their personal life without knowing you.
    Approach them, tell them where you know them from, why you want to get to know them and ask them if they want to get to know you. If they don't, be respectful and back off.
    It's awkward at first...then a little flirting does the trick...same as humor...make 'em laugh!!!!! :)

    How to cover groundnuts with chocolate? I want to make chocolate coated nuts. Pl. advice simple way.?

    Buy chocolate. (Something like Bakers chocolate is good. Or chocolate bark coating if you don't want to spend a lot of money...but, the chocolate is not as good.)

    Get whatever kind you would like as in milk, semi-sweet, white.

    Break it up in a microwave safe bowl.

    Microwave at 50% power for 30 seconds. Stir. (It will not stir well because the chocolate is just starting to melt.) Repeat this step until the chocolate is melted.

    Stir in the nuts.

    Drop by teaspoonfuls onto a cookie sheet covered in waxed paper.

    Place in a cool place or the freezer until chocolate is set.

    Viola' Chocolate covered groundnuts!
  • skin
  • I need advice on how to handle this girl problem? details below?

    Theres this gurl that i really like h/e she already has a boyfriend. But i think she might like me because of the way she acts around me. What should I do bc I really like her and want to go out with her.I need advice on how to handle this girl problem? details below?
    talk to her about her.

    and dont try and convince her that her current boyfriend is crap. she will then prob just become very very confused and will end up prob resenting u in the end.

    be a good friend to her.

    and when her and her boyfriend breakup, maybe she will be the one she turns too :-D good luck ;-D

    I need advice on how to ask out this girl i like?

    we are both 14 and we are friends that just catch the same bus and muck around how can i take it to the next step (boyfriend, girlfriend). also i don't know if she feels the same way how can i tellI need advice on how to ask out this girl i like?
    Look at her body language, lots of hugging or touching or how she acts around you should give you a good indicator. A great wise person once said do or do not, there is no try so just be fully committed and you will succeedI need advice on how to ask out this girl i like?
    first of ask her things like ';hows ur day going'; and ';so what do u like doing for fun';. Something along those lines. And then get interested in what she likes then ask her out?
    wow thats kinda wired cuz i have absolutly the exact same situation as u lol

    i dunno wat to do myself - not that that helps u lmao

    gd luck n lemme know if u have any tips or advice :)
    you can tell if she looks you in the eye alot, smiles at you...and just by the way she acts around you if she acts flirty. or tries to impress you

    since your on the same bus sit next to her and when if feels right be like hey i was wondering if u wanted to see a movie, she will get that you want to go out with her and that you want to take it to the next level.

    good luck

    I just got badly hurt. Any advice on how best to cope please?

    Don't contact them, it's bad for your self-esteem.

    Do cry if you need to.

    Give yourself a lot of time, time will make it better.

    Occupy your time with activities that don't remind you of your ex. Y/A is good for that.

    Get out in the sun for a little each day, to chase the blues away.

    Remember to eat and get enough sleep. If you can't sleep, turn on the TV for noise and lie down anyway.

    Tell yourself that you are enough. Good enough, strong enough, sweet enough, loving deserve better.

    ~Best ((((((((HUGS))))))))I just got badly hurt. Any advice on how best to cope please?
    time is a great healer,stay away like the others have stated and in the near future you will look back at this and laugh at this time in your life.good luck!!!I just got badly hurt. Any advice on how best to cope please?
    Have you fell of your bike?
    aww sorry your hurting hunni .try to find things to do that will keep your mind occupied as much as possible.If you live alone or have your own room perhaps redecorating would help it would keep you busy and you wouldnt be thinking about your pain as much.(i am assuming this is a realtionship ending thats hurting you?)i hope you feel better soon .
    first off, dont call or have any contact with whoever hurt you. just stay in a place that makes you happy and think of the good times you've had with other people. listen to some music, find a new band, go out with your friends. everything will be okay =)
    stay busy - and dont speak to the person for a long time otherwise it will make you worse. good luck
    How ever much you want to, don't call, don't text and don't send emails or letters. Don't agree to meet up and don't hang around places where you know your ex will be. The more you stay away the sooner you will feel better, although don't expect to any time soon. x

    I need advice on how to deal with a 2yr.old at my daycare? she doesn't want to listen or do what she is told?

    You must set her down and have a talk. Let her know that all the kids have to obey and she will also. Tell her exactly what you want her to do. You may have to walk her through the day hand in hand and explain as you go what she is to do. She sounds like she doesn't have a disciplined routine at home and just doesn't know what to expect EVERY DAY. Give her LOTS of praise and hugs when she does act correctly. When she forgets tell her again what is expected in a calm voice but don't hug or spend extra time with her,walk away. She will want the praise and hugs and will change.If she has a really bad day and goes back to the bad behavior, talk to her and remind her that even on bad days we have to obey the rules. She could be having all kinds of things happening at home,not enough rest, no bal. diet,no attention except neg., or worse. When she does start having good days with you speak to the parents and tell them how you have been handling the situation and suggest it for home also. She must learn better now or she will have a miserable life and will do horribly in school. Best wishes. I wish that all the spanking answerer's would walk a day in the life of a child now days. They don't get trained or much attention with parents at work, on cells,comp chats,get fast food or sandwiches for meals, and especially the ones who have parents that are still too involved with themselves and haven't become parents-just child owners!I need advice on how to deal with a 2yr.old at my daycare? she doesn't want to listen or do what she is told?
    not being mean or nuthin but u need 2 pop(spank)her when u do tht she will kno not 2 do it again

    sounds like she is spoiled

    all she needs in a spankingI need advice on how to deal with a 2yr.old at my daycare? she doesn't want to listen or do what she is told?
    The best thing you can do is continue to be consistent with your discipline. If you tell her ';no'; to something, you need to stick to it. I have taught two-year-olds for 14 years, and this is the best advice I can give you. During this time, the children are learning to test boundaries and limits, and consistency is the key. If you respond, every single time, with the same response, she will eventually figure out that what she is doing is not working and she will have to comply. You need to state your requests, not ask them. ';I need you to throw your trash away, please.'; instead of, ';Can you throw your trash away?'; Phrases like ';can you?'; ';will you?'; and ending your requests in ';ok?'; are like asking permission. You leave the child open to saying ';no'; to your request. When you phrase it as a statement instead of a question, you are still being polite (';please';) but you do not leave it up for negotiation. Basically you are saying, ';this is what needs to be done, and there is no discussion about it';. These kinds of phrases are necessary for toddlers. They are ready to fight about everything- so the less conflict you can bring up accidentally, the better! Then, if she still does not comply, you wait 5 seconds for brain processing time (count to 5 in your head as she looks at you, staring you down, seeing if you are going to make her follow through) and offer help. ';Do you need me to help you throw your trash away?'; After this, if she still doesn't comply with your request, hand-over-hand help her to complete the task. All the while, ';Good walking. I like how you are throwing away your trash. Good job! You did it!'; Praise goes so far with toddlers, no matter how stubborn they are. Good luck, and bless you for taking on this age!
    Just a few thoughts to add to the previous excellent answer.

    When appropriate, give a warning. ';It is almost time to put away your toys.'; Give a command only once. ';Please put your toys away now.'; If you get noncompliance, use an if-then statement. ';If you don't put your toys away now, you will go to timeout.'; Then follow up. ';Please go to timeout now.'; Timeout may be a separate room, or a chair facing the wall in the common room. You may have to take the child there and physically place her back in the chair if she resists. Actual timeout begins once she is quiet (make sure she understands that). When she has been quiet for two minutes she may rejoin the group, with praise for doing a good job in timeout.

    Positive reinforcement works as well as punishment. Praise children often (thank you for throwing away your trash, good job picking up your toys, what good manners you have, thank you for listening so well, Tracy, you are playing so nicely with Carlos, etc.

    The behavior you pay attention to will be the behavior that is repeated!

    P.S. Contacting parents is usually fruitless; the response is, ';I can't do anything with her either!';
    Well since you are talking about a daycare environment I would imagine you cannot use spanking legally. (althought it sure sounds like its exactly what this child needs) I would use the time out approach in addition to speaking with the parents. Also whenever she is causing a disruption isolation is the best policy. Good luck !
    it's probably because she has no discipline at home. children need consitency
    Get parents involved.
    She is 2. Kids do that. I would spank her everytime she acted like a brat......
    That's why they call it The Terrible Two's. And they like the word ';no'; a lot - when it comes to telling you. Do you want to go out? NO. Do you want to stay in? NO.
    you always have the time out rule, but if she is justout of hand.. then talk to the parents about possible removal if she is a bad disruption to the class
    Are you sure she is not deft?You have to check if she has a hearing problem, it happens many times
    reward the good kids. ( everybody that puts the toys away will get a sticker!!!) she'll see the kids enjoying the stickers....she'll want one too.
    Get her parents involved. Make sure they know what your rules and regs are and your expectations. It might be something happening at home - it also might be that this child may need more positive attention and involvement at your center. Sometimes kids want responsibility and we might need to ease them into it by involving them more in the process. Hopefully, she is not a disruption to the other children or your place of business. You don't want this to creep up on you. How large and involved is your day care - she might be the kind of child that needs a smaller, less busy environment. Keep a record of the issues and situations you have with her. The last thing you want to do with a parent is begin to point out ';all the wrongs'; their child is commiting. (smile) If you have records of these accounts - with dates and times and situations, and how you recolved them at the time - it will appear to the parents that you have really been spending time dealing with and trying to resolve this with some applomb. Good luck
    first i would talk to the parents and see wats going on at home ...and next i would be firm and dont givin to her she will soon learn that she need to do wat you say
    OK when she dose somehting that is Wrong. Smak her hand and say NO!! if she starts doing something elese to get even then do it again!! Now I don't mean to brake her hand or anything like that but make sure she feels it. After about 8 or 10 times of that she will quit you can bet on it!! Now don't be mean to her or look for a resion to hit her but don't let her run over you either.. anyway good luck!! From a REAL Nutcase!!';';NUT'S';';..PS ..did i win...did i win...did i win???
    whip her little butt. dont beat her but let her know youre the mom and shes the daughter
    Jeeze, she is a baby and you don't tell, you show her and talk in a calm and loving way, sounds like you have an issue with this individual and if I were your boss, you would be spoken to. Have a word with all concerned, including parents and devise a strategy to help the child to become more interactive within the school. Never give up on children they depend on us..
    This sounds like a job for ';Super Nanny';. You should read her book. Since spanking is not an option, when she disrupts the group, tell her you will put her in the ';naughty chair'; if she does not behave. Use a time out chair or something similar. Assign an assitant to help you make sure she stays in the chair. The suggested time is one minute per year of age. Be firm, don't allow her to leave the chair until her time is up and she must apologize. Also, DO NOT reward bad behavior. Only reward the good behavior. If the other kids get a reward and she does not, she will see what she is missing. If after all this she is still disruptive, speak with the parents and if that does not work perhaps she will have to be removed from the day care.

    I need advice on how to make Anal sex stop hurting?

    Start small and work up, use lubrication, if it hurts then go slower.

    If your anus doesn't relax and it is just tensing then it will hurt a lot more for you, the muscles must relax for it to not hurt, also if it is too deep it can hurt internally, and the only thing you can do then is not to go so deep, that's all really.

    Sounds like you are doing it wrong(or he is) so just need to go slower, and you will relax and then you can go faster slowly until you can go really fast, as long as you have enough lubrication.I need advice on how to make Anal sex stop hurting?
    Uuuummm... stop doing it. Seriously, lot's of lube and push like you are having a bowel movement. It will make your sphincter relax. Start with a few finger, and work up to a toy before going all the way.I need advice on how to make Anal sex stop hurting?
    Lots of patience and lots, lots, lots of lube, good anal lube!

    Have you ever gone on a date that was a complete blowout?? give me advice on how to cope!!!?

    Tell a friend to call you on your cellphone at a predetemined time.

    If the date is going well just tell them you'll talk to them in the morning. If it isn't going well just say I will be right over and tell you date that your friend needs you. Just don't mention that she needs you for a chat. Ipods make good company as well.Have you ever gone on a date that was a complete blowout?? give me advice on how to cope!!!?
    Sure- it happens. Just be polite, finish the date, and say your goodbyes. No big deal.Have you ever gone on a date that was a complete blowout?? give me advice on how to cope!!!?
    Get drunk.....


    Meet new singles, if you are lonely:**
    just dont call him again, and if he calls you politely tell him that you don't see him that way. be polite but don't waste more time with him
    Don't you have a cell? Get the call from family/friends that makes you sad and end the date. Or just be honest and say, ';I got to go--good luck';.

    Just remember that everytime you realize what you do not want, your decisions will be better next time because you know what to look for. Nobody strikes oil every time they drill.

    Good luck.
  • skin
  • I need advice on how to get a date?


    I am in middle shchool and so is she and she is HOT!!!!I need advice on how to get a date?
    Why are you up .? If I were her mother I would tan and hide ya! Isn't it past your bedtime,little boy?

    I am Bipolar...plz give me advice on how to convince a Doc to prescribe me ani-anxiety meds.?

    I've done some research online. I've also kept a journal of my moods. I've noticed when I get really UP, my mind races, i sometimes even feel out of much so that i feel like i am almost shaking. I read that anti-anxiety meds are good at those times to calm a person down. I desperately need it i feel. So PLEASE soemone tell me how i can convince my doc to prescribe me an anti-anxiety med and if so which one? which one is the most fast acting one?I am Bipolar...plz give me advice on how to convince a Doc to prescribe me ani-anxiety meds.?
    Find a specialist in Bipolar and that Dr will understand. It is not uncommon to use more than one med.I am Bipolar...plz give me advice on how to convince a Doc to prescribe me ani-anxiety meds.?
    Well, im Bipolar as well, Bipolar disorder is also known as Manic Depressive disorder. If your doctor wont prescribe you meds then theres a reason behind that. Ask why they wont prescribe them to you and if you disagree with their answer.. ask to see another doctor for a second opinion. And there is no fast acting meds,, it takes a while to get into your system. Trust me... ive been through all of this.. it took me forever to get someone who understood my disorder.. and helped me with it.
    Keep a journal of your moods and give that to your doctor.
    you need them to go outside
    Change doctors first of all! If he can't see you have a problem,then he is dense!

    I take Zanax to sleep at night,but there are several others that work as well.
    The problem is that anti-anxiety meds (such as Xanax or other benzodiazepines) are also depressants. They could, therefore, make the depressive part of your bipolar swings WORSE. Are you sure you want to risk that?
    just tell your psychatrist exactly what you're feeling when ur feeling anxious. like do you sweat, fast heartbeat, difficulty swallowing, hard to think, feeling intensely flustered? xanax is 'alright' but i'd recommend klonopin(or clonazepam) because it works a lot longer and u don't have to take it as often. if your psychiatrist just won't help you with that, find someone else. best of luck to ya
    you have to tell them how you feel and how bad it is to cope with

    If a doctor says you don't need it I'm pretty sure you don't.
    The answers here are good. I just want to add. If you have a drug history. It's probably Not going to happen. Also, these med's will calm you down to where you sleep a lot. I mean a lot. They are not effective for short episodes. It takes a while for them to kick in. I recommend learning to deal with these disorders. Drugs often cover up an underlying problem. Learn some coping techniques and self control. Whether you take the med's or not. GL
    On your next trip to the doctor take your journal. Show the doctor your journal and explain to them how you feel. If your doctor does not prescribe something for anxiety then I would be surprised and recommend that you see another doctor. Your having anxiety and if you know it you need some help. Don't settle for anything less.
    I don't think you can convince a doctor that you're sick. If you go in telling him what you think your diagnosis is, that's the worst way to start.

    Just go tell him you feel very anxious some times, and tell him all your symptoms that yu think make you bipolar. If you really are bipolar, that should work. If you aren't then no matter how hard you try or fight, it won't.

    Good luck either way.

    Im 14 years old and 163 pounds i need advice on how to loose weight fast... HELP!!?

    Exercise daily! and lessen your food intake especially sugary (sweet) salty and oily or fatty food. Keep your self healthy by eating fruits and vegetables and drink 2glasses of water before you eat or take your meal. Good luck!Im 14 years old and 163 pounds i need advice on how to loose weight fast... HELP!!?
    First of all look at your height because although you may not be happy with your weight you may be at an ok weight range for your height. But if you really want to lose weight I would suggest not eating fast foods, not drinking soda, working out doing cardio everyday.Im 14 years old and 163 pounds i need advice on how to loose weight fast... HELP!!?
    wow this shocked me i am 17 and 105 pounds........

    any ways umm well start slow when and if you do eat fast food get some thing small not BIG...and eat it slow and break it down in your mouth.

    umm also start with walking in the afternoons ...

    lil by litter make some adjustments..
    exersize 3 hours a day...i od that in basketball practice(running) and i lost 10 pounds in 1 tall r u????
    Exercise, exercise, exercise! And most important, keep in mind that fat taken off slowly is less likely to come back, fat taken off quickly almost ALWAYS comes back, and pretty fast, too!

    Fruits, vegetables, water, exercise.........avoid fad diets, weird diets, and any diets that restrict you to one kind of food.
    try to eat at a slower pace... so that the glucose in your food won't build up

    try to drink hot water or soups before eating so that your metabolism will be faster

    avoid carbs and sweets.. but don't deprive yourself

    exercise.. don't just rely on a diet.. it's not safe
    I lost 105 pounds in 6 months. Here is how I did it.

    1. Every morning get up and walk for 45 minutes. You can start with less time, but you want to get up to 45 minutes, and it must be fast walk. You want your heart rate to go up. It must be in the morning, it kick starts your metabolism.

    2. I cut out Red Meat, and fatty foods. Boneless skinnless chicken breast, baked, or grilled, rice and vegetables (steamed).

    3. Eat half. Just eat half of what you normally eat. Put 1/2 on your plate, and put the rest away. Cook less. When you go to fast food, get salads only. Or grilled chicken. No fries, only diet soda. Or water.

    It will work, once you get into a routine, you will get hooked on the results, and you will keep the routine. It has been over a year for me.

    A sight with some really cool diet calculators and interesting calorie counting calculators is here. Check it out.

    Check out my before and after pic at my yahoo 360 page

    Stay motivated, and get up and walk every day. I seriously lost all my weight starting off my day on my walk.

    Good LUCK!
    ***** stop ****** eatin,wit cho big icky side head ***
    personaly i dont think it's a problem
    Eat five small meals throughout the day. Avoid carbs. And run at least three times a week. for starters....
    Honey, you are going to hate this answer, but diet an exercise. I'm 14 and I have lost 8 lbs this past week and a half. I eat lean cuisine. I watch my calories. And I exercise for about 15-30 minutes a day... just depends on my mood. But if you REALLY want some good tips here are some of mine. I wrote these down in a notebook so they would be easily accessible and I wouldn't lose them.

    1. Watch your calorie intake. Calorie value is the most important factor in weight loss.

    2. Watch your fat intake. 1 gram of fat contains more than twice as many calories as a gram of protein or carbohydrate. 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories. Less fat equeals A LOT LESS calorie intake.

    3. You MUST burn more calories than you consumed in order to lose weight.

    4. Drink skim milk instead of any other kind of milk.

    5. Make sure you are getting enough Fiber. I recommend Fibersure. Fiber helps weight lose because it moves fat through our digestive syster faster, so less fat is absorbed.

    6. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. Not only does it lubricate your joints which is good for exercising, but studies show that dehydration slow down the fat burning process.

    7. Avoid trans fats and high fructose corn syrup.

    8. Eat wheat bread instead of white bread.

    9. Stay away from pasta. Pasta is very bad when on a diet.

    10. Try to eat a lot of veggies, and some fruits. Veggies have no calories and will help you maintain good health.

    Hope this works for you... it's sure working for me. 8 lbs lost in 1.5 weeks. Pretty good I'd say. I also do 100 crunches on my ab lounge and I do squats. Good luck!
    Try the South Beach Diet. It really works and you'll learn healthy food choices that you can live with for life.

    Is there any place I can go to get advice on how to date?

    When it comes to guys, I suck. I am an attractive woman who always manages to do something to scare them away. I need to get myself evaluated in order to figure what my faults are and what I am doing that is making guys run off so fast. The only guys that call me are the ones that are looking for sex...the nice decent guys always talk to me for awhile and then wether off. I am educated, hardworking, and independent. I take care of myself. Grrrrr, I am tired of being lonely..I have been single for 4 years, it's time I get back into the dating game. I need help.Is there any place I can go to get advice on how to date?
    Don't stress out! I was single for 4 years before my boyfriend came along. It just takes time to weed out the bad guys and find that needle in the haystack.

    First of all, it sounds like you've got it going on. You have the characteristics that guys should and would be looking for. There is nothing wrong with you!

    However, you should think about the guys you have been dating and/or attracting. Where have you been meeting them? Is there a trend in their personality types?

    I hate to say it, but in today's day and age, it's natural for guys to call you for sex. It's just a red flag that you'll catch early on to avoid. As for the nice, decent guys, why do they drift away? Usually, nice guys are afraid of getting hurt and they tend to be afraid of independent, attractive women. You need to find a nice guy that is confident in himself.

    In the end, all it takes is time, persistence, and experience. Have fun dating around, keep your guard up, explore, and see what you're really looking for. You might be surprised.Is there any place I can go to get advice on how to date?
    First off, 4 years with no boyfriend = ugly. Sounds like you're screwed.
    i 2 tired of being lonely 4 21 yrs ..... might be dating oer in ur country is easier ..oer in india .. its damn hard ... as 2 my knowledge .... ..... i dont understand girls ... they say they want decent, good boys ....... but they go out wid date wid .... bad boys, looking 4 sex nd alll .....
    The problem is that there are a lot, a lot of guys who just want sex. Weak men are scared off by independant women. There are a lot of men who want a woman that they can control. Hang in there and just try to have fun. Be picky and don't settle for less than you want. Try to look at dating differently. Try to just make new friends. Keep it friendly but don't have sex too soon. That way if you don't have enough in common you have not lost anything. Wouln't it be great to fall in love with someone after you were friends first?
    well, watching documentaries and reality shows about relationships can help. recently was watching documentary how men and women re attracted to each other. they showed speed dating. they took one woman, painted her face thats he seemed perfect, dressed her in nice clothes, so she seemed stunning. first test was they sit in front of each other not talking and valuating just each other's looks. she got high score. next round they had 3 min to talk. there where she got either no scores or very low scores, cos she was smug and talking stupid. if i were a man talking to her i would have said go f'u'c'k' yourslef stupid beatch. so she should be grateful guys were polite and didn't tell her that. but nobody wanted to go on a date with her even so she was dressed nicely and looked beautiful. not because they were scared, but becuse she was very very unpleasant. she also called everyone ';an ar'se';. so readin books about how to conversate with people might help too

    My friend Rosie Palmer keeps asking Richard Head for advice on how to come closer to the one above?

    They are seeking advice on a longer lasting relationship, without releasing too soon the bond they have with one another. Also, they would like to know if their are any outside factors that could help lubricate their love for the one above; so the friction between the 2 while seeking the love from the one above, isn't to a point of being rubbed raw between the 2 of themMy friend Rosie Palmer keeps asking Richard Head for advice on how to come closer to the one above?
    Ask Tony Hawk's little brother, Mike.My friend Rosie Palmer keeps asking Richard Head for advice on how to come closer to the one above?
    That's funny! I get it!
    Ok that's real funny....Mr.Dick Cheese.
    The ';one above'; just told me to tell you not to worry about the relationship. Being that no one would else would come near you, Ms. Palmer or Mr. Head ~ just do you and continue your daily activities with your Victoria's Secrets catalog.

    Can anyone give me some advice on how to pick up a girl that i really like p.s. we r bot 13?

    Ask Her To The Movies

    With a Bunch Of Friends

    And Spend Time With Her

    But Don't Go By Your Self On

    The 1st Date AWKWARDCan anyone give me some advice on how to pick up a girl that i really like p.s. we r bot 13?
    hmhh catchy line: is that a mirror in your pocket because i see myself in your pants.

    unless you ment pick up literately

    then bend with knees not waste, grab hold of girl, thrust arms upward.Can anyone give me some advice on how to pick up a girl that i really like p.s. we r bot 13?
    Find something that weighs about the same as her and practice on that.
    what do you mean like take her somewhere or pick her up off the ground.
  • skin
  • Where do I belong? Any advice on how to fit in (in a new place?) and feel comfortable?

    Im from a fairly small place and I've recently moved to a big city. Moved here about 6 months ago to start a new course (in creative media), %26amp; new life etc. Couldn't find anything I was looking for in my home state where i had lived for 26 years.

    Things started off ok, but I just dont seem to fit in anywhere. My female flatemate doesn't want me around (but the other one seems to like me), my boss has just reduced my shifts and (i feel very uncomfortable and need to look for a new job), i had a fling with a guy but he has turned out to be a jerk, and although i am enjoying my course it is very different to what i am used to and i haven't made any friends there either.

    Before i moved I was a confident person who made friends easily, but lately my self esteem has dropped. I am constatntly battling loneliness and lack of money until i find a new job. Im getting to the end of my rope. i don't want to go back home because i wasn't happy there. Should i give it more time???Where do I belong? Any advice on how to fit in (in a new place?) and feel comfortable?
    Yes give it more time. It is always hard starting off in a new place, surroundings, etc.

    Once you find a new job, who knows.. It could make a world of difference in your social life as well.. Plus hopefully that will take care of your financial problems too.

    Good Luck, FaithWhere do I belong? Any advice on how to fit in (in a new place?) and feel comfortable?
    check the below link its good


    Can anyone please give me advice on how to compress files so i can get more on a disc?

    my friend has a lot of film clips on his pc he wants to know how to compress them so he can get them all on dvd which woulld be the best programmefor this i thank you in advanceCan anyone please give me advice on how to compress files so i can get more on a disc?
    WinZIP or WinRAR will both compress files to a smaller size, but if they are AVI files they are already comressed so you will see only a very small reduction after that.

    Can he not simply split into 2 sets and burn 2 DVDs ?Can anyone please give me advice on how to compress files so i can get more on a disc?
    I find WinRAR is the best for file compression, but as mentioned before, these will be unplayable until unzipped again.
    If he wants to make a DVD that is playable on a DVD player then there is nothing he can do. DVD is a specific format. Compressing the source won't help as it will still end up in the same DVD format.
    One way is to use winzip and zip them all up