Friday, January 8, 2010

I need some advice on how to heal a broken heart??

its not necasarly broken but im really sad. there was this guy who i liked a lot and all my friends told me that they thought he liked me too. And he was txting me and stuff and he said i have to talk to you and i thought he was gonna ask me out and then he said that he liked my best friend. I dont know what to do i have been crying on and off for 2 days. i need adviceI need some advice on how to heal a broken heart??
Duct tape fixes everything, even broken hearts.I need some advice on how to heal a broken heart??
Oh man, that's one sad story! I'm so sorry! Well... there's no cure-all for a broken heart, but here's my suggestions:

You have to spend some quality time with friends. Fun friends are a fix-all. Might I suggest not hanging out with that best friend though... I don't think that'll help the healing process. :)

Read a good romance novel to restore your faith in men and in love (I suggest Twilight- not too sappy but definetly the best love story I've ever read). You COULD watch a romance movie instead, but there's just something about a good book that really warms the soul.

Innocent flirting with good-looking facebook guys from far-away places. There's no comitment and no shame in flirting with attractive guys from other countries because there's no chance of ever having to meet them! A great self-esteem booster!

Good luck, hon. And chin-up.
i Had my heart broken Chloette helps but u cant hold your tears back and after that u wont cry Any more trust me then stop thinking about them.
a new boyfriend fixes it every time
Go out with some girl friends and forget about him :)
Time, good songs.. Vent.. journal, poems, draw.

%26lt;/3 Im so sorry.

You'll feel better sooner or later and it will be okay, you'll move on.

-Hope this helps-
vodka and a little coke or some orange juice. Go out to the club with your other friends or go shopping to buy yourself something nice. shopping is always the trick with a little music really load music it helps get your mind off of stupid things like boys.

if there is any gay guys around be friends with them they will never turn there back on you they are just like women but with a penis
It's just life hun. It's not worth crying for, what's done is done..better knowing now than if you dated and you causght them behind your back you know. I know you're very hurt right now and it seems there isn't possibly anything you can do to even live to the next day but you can and you will. Just be more careful next time because guys are very very very(I can't emphasis enough really)..dodgy sometimes, you never know their motives. There is a guy out there for you , be strong and let go..I bet you're only stronger now! ;) Ciao!
get over him.

move on.

be free.

i don't know why i'm saying all this crap!

i would be so mad!
you just gona have yo wait it out, till the heart stops hurting. i feel your pain. al green helps me. listen to how can you mend a broken heart.

big hug!

Don't feel so bad about it. There are other people in the world to love. There is someone for everybody. Keep your mind away from it. Try doing something that makes you happy. Do something fun. You just have to get over it. Get aid from a friend or family member. Soon enough you will find someone better.
I was searching for the answer to this for a very long time but I learned that no matter what anyone said NOTHING helped. So I just had to remember that only time will mend a broken heart. And I had to keep my head up high and stay optimistic. Life is too short, be happy. It WILL get better!
U should tell him that you feel different about him. See what he says. Maybe he does like you and you guys just have your signals crossed. Happens a lot so I wish you all the best. Good luck ; )
oh i am so sorry! but i have helpped my friends go through stuff like this and this is the basic way to mend a broken heart. first get lots and lots of chocolate. it is proven that chocolate mends broken hearts, and bananas cures cramps! anyways. then tell your friend about it. if she is a real friend she will stuff a apple pie in his face! then talk about it to your bffs. then prank call him late at night and send 13 pizzas with no sauce and anchovies to his house! have a girls night out and forget about him. he doesnt deserve you anyways. =]].
You may tray make your self bussy like play game, bussy with your study or works. But dont go for movie creation or other things normaly couple do.
as hard as YOU think it is;

move on and find a new guy.

I realise there are more chicks than dudes in this life...but there IS one out there for you that will be all yours!
what are you 12/14 yrs old ? ,let it be...
Time is a great healer and a great cliche, but cliches are cliches because they are commonly known as being truths. Good Luck, stay strong and give it TIME.
Talk about it, don't keep it bottled up inside because

that will tear you apart even more. Find someone you

can really trust and let them know how you feel.

Your sadness will pass over time, it may take a

while but there are better things out there and better

guys to.
Your heart will get broken allot before you find the love of your life. Pick yourself up and stop crying. Before you know it there will be a guy around the cornor!!!
eat chocolate

stop thinking about him

watch tv

listen to music

take a bubble bath

don't blame your friend
You should keep yourself very busy. Hang out with friends and family. Go out to a dance club. Meet new people. Just stay busy!
that must be hard for u to hear. maybe he doesnt know ur interested?
well this has happened to me before it may really suck now and youll tell ur friend your happy for her when your really not so the best thing to do is just not waste your time on someone who isnt good enough for you and go out and find someone who is ......dont trip potatoe chip because theres nothing you can do but move on with your life ...

and member the faster you find someone else the faster youll forget him
no you need to go take some english lessons.... im not gona bother reading that again!

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