Friday, January 8, 2010

I need MAJOR advice on how to style my hair...and i'm a straight male, go figure!?

Attached is a link of me with my hair in its current state (there are 2 pictures). I need advice on how to style it, what to use, and all of that...i want to grow it long for the first time ever. I'm not sure whether I have thick or thin hair and whether that will make a difference.

Also, the link is NOT a virus and no, i'm not fishing for compliments. Thanks everyone!;gid=15080100%26amp;uid=4302798%26amp;members=1I need MAJOR advice on how to style my hair...and i'm a straight male, go figure!?
awww! i think its adorable! keep on doing whatever your doing, cuz it totally works for you.I need MAJOR advice on how to style my hair...and i'm a straight male, go figure!?
**You lose five Man-Points**

It would have been more, but you don't know if your hair is thin or thick, so I cut you some slack.
keep it how it is or shave it short...but don't put a lot of gel in it [the ';hard'; look is NOT sexy]
I'm stumped..don't know. Follow your intuition!
I really don't see any problem with the way it is now, actually...
you sure about that ';straight'; part?
  • skin
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