Friday, January 8, 2010

How to flirt and advice on boys?

how do you flirt with guys?? what do u do to get the attention of a boy u like? tell me everything u noe bout flirting with a guy thxz =] im 13How to flirt and advice on boys?
I'm a 14 year old single guy. I really never got together with anyone but i like girls who are themselves. They dont have to try and impress me. All I want in a girl is kindness, and honesty. Sense of humor is always great too. You dont gottal flirt. Just ask him out or what he likes. Ask him about video games. ALL GUYS LOVE VIDEOGAMES! thats my last adviceHow to flirt and advice on boys?

Your too young if you dont know how to flirt.

Advice on how to shave.?

I'm disabled due to a tumor i had wen i was younger. I cant shave my under arms. I need other ppl to help. I've thought about getting it lasered off but is expensive any1 have an tips on how to do it? (I only have use of one arm)Advice on how to shave.?
You may need to get someone to apply hair remover to it. Even waxing will grow back. They sell under arm hair remover for sensitive skin. This would be the least expensive way to go.Advice on how to shave.?
This might sound dumb but I would get a razor mounted on my wall so you can use your arm to lift the other one and move up an down .. I think thats what i would do !!! hope it helps .. Oh yeah.. and there is a machine you can buy like a walmarts and its like 90-100$ and you can remove any hair you want 4ever! I know this lady that did it on her lags and she said it does hurt but she never had to shave since that was back in tha summer time!!
I agree on the waxing.

If you can't afford to get it done at a salon, you can buy it for a good price, and have somebody help you do it at home.

You still wouldnt be able to do it independantly, but it lasts sometimes more than twice as long as shaving, depending on your skin.
ouch, that's a predicament. What about getting it waxed? someone at a salon could do that for you.

Advice on how to stand out!?!?

ummm im starting High School in a week...i need some advice on how to stand to be alot prettier...ima cheerleader so i have to protect my image...HELPPPPAdvice on how to stand out!?!?
email me back if u need more details.imma a cheerleader and im going to be a senior so i have been through it!trust me,just go to like macys or something.and go to bennifit or chanel.and they will do all your makeup for you for free there reli nice ask them any question you have about beauty tips they get paid to do it!Advice on how to stand out!?!?
Umm well i'm a sophmore in high school and my advice for starting high school is don't be to cocky or concsided it's really annoying especially from a freshmen!! just be cool with everyone and stay away from girls with serious issues!!
depends how much you want to stand out. where i went to school, girls had thongs showin, miniskirts, and cleavage and a dick in each hand. We called those girls Whores. They deffinitly got attention.
Do Different stuff with your hair, clothes and make up every day. thats what i do, Oh and definatly BE YOURSELF!!!!! =]

Hope this helped!
show up to school naked.

you'll defiantly stand out!
dont wwear nbothin at all !
wear differnt colrs
take the help of ur make-up....try to be somewht cool, friendly...etc....maost important ...just be ur self........good luck!
  • laura mercier
  • I'm a stay at home mom now, does anyone have advice on how to get organized?

    Throw out all the junk and buy new stuff. Ok... either that or buy organizers but the first idea is much faster.I'm a stay at home mom now, does anyone have advice on how to get organized?
    Simplify, simplify, simplify... I'm going crazy myself jajaja but seriously you need to get boxes for toys, the calendar is a must, put things away in cabinets, boxes, drawers, the more stuff you have outside, the more clutter you'll see, the more stressed out you'll be.

    I'm going to go check out the websites they mention. I need so much help too.I'm a stay at home mom now, does anyone have advice on how to get organized?
    Yes!!! You need to visit the website and also check out one of my other favorites don't judge it by the name its awsome!!!!
    try to get rid of some stuff. and that should narrow it down.

    then just make a list of all the things that you need to do. and im 13
    It's important to be organized, but don't get obsessive. You only need to be organized to the point that important things get done efficiently (i.e., you should know where all those bills are when you need to pay them; make shopping lists so you don't waste trips to the store...). If you stress over TOTAL management and organization of your household, you will not only make your life miserable, but you will have no time to spend with your family. So, be a smart organizer. First, just figure out what needs done to make your major tasks easier and get on a schedule. Organization should be worth your time.
    I see that two other people already recommended FlyLady. It's amazing. Really. Just don't get overwhelmed at first.

    Other than that, remember to only touch things ONCE. Don't put something here so you can move it there and then to the final place later on. Just do it right then and there. It saves time and keeps the house going. Go through the mail, throw it away right then and there. Don't put it down to go through later.

    Also, you can do a BillSheet up on a Word program. Have columns for due date, how much you owe, who you owe. Have a space for any confirmation numbers (if you do things over the internet or by phone). And then a colum for any account numbers and/or the company's phone number. That one thing has changed my life. Seriously. I can look at any given time and know what's paid, what needs to be paid and such.

    I have a big box of socks by a shoe cubby in the kitchen. Take off your shoes, put it in the cubby. That way, if you have to go somewhere fast, you don't have to go to everyone's room looking for socks. They are right there!

    If you have more than one kid, give each child a color. We have pink, purple and blue in our family and it works out great. If a bowl is left on the table, we know who did it in an instant. We have our 5 and 6 year olds clean the kitchen table with a diaper wipe. The 9 year old sweeps up afterwards. They are all responsible for taking their own dishes to the RIGHT side of the sink (the left is for rinsed dishes).

    Put an executive-sized calendar on the wall in the room you use the most (ours is the kitchen). Write down everything..library book due dates, meetings, etc.

    Keep the living room clean by having a big basket there. Put all toys there and have the kids take up their own toys at the end of the day or end of the week, whatever suits you.

    Diaper wipes are great. The kids can use them to clean and they really work well. And they don't ';hurt'; the kids with extra chemicals.

    Teach responsibility early on. We tend to try to do everything ourselves which is a disservice to us and our children.

    Take care of yourself. Join a book club or a Bunko club or a gym or something. You need and will benefit from (so will your children) outside social things.
    Ohh and,,don't forget getting hooked on a couple of soaps,
    yeah...good luck! when you actually are finished let me know. as long as you have children you'll never be completely organized, there's just no such thing in the world of moms.
    Please check out The Fly'll be inspired!

    I have a hesitasation to speak in english how can i solve this please advice?

    Watch English channels on TV like ZeeCafe and etc. Watch NDTV Lumiere (It shows movies from abroad, like spain etc. and it translates it too, read its translation it will improve your english and you will find more words.) I think you have hesitasation in english because you can't find words you want to say, English magazines like Reader's Digest may help you for it (I read when I am bored).

    Hope it helps. :)I have a hesitasation to speak in english how can i solve this please advice?
    This is a VERY difficult barrier to overcome...the thing are probably afraid of not being able to keep up with others, and of making mistakes. (Those were my fears) The only things that work are either complete immersion or just FORCING yourself! It's really scary at first, but generally, the people that you are practicing with are really forgiving.I have a hesitasation to speak in english how can i solve this please advice?
    Can you extend your question and be more specific please? You might not want to speak in English aloud because you are shy. You probably feel strange, because you don't want to say something wrong. who knows?
    When learning a foreign language you must be prepared for ';accidentally'; making an utter fool of yourself, otherwise you will never learn.

    I have done so countless times -- such mistakes are always good for a good laugh later. And the ';embarrassment'; of the mistake cements the correct usage firmly in your brain.

    Just keep on ';babbling away'; -- you will learn eventually.
    read books n call tol free numbers n talk 2 them
    the first thing you should do in this line try to think in english
    1.listen to bbc 1 hr a day

    2.while day dreaming, u think , speak completely in english

    3. while meeting your friends, speak to them in english, they may discourage, u don'tt mind that.

    4.stand before mirror and speak for 3 minutes in english every day.

    if u follow this for 2months.. u dont hesitate to speak english.. instead u are the best speaking english among your friends.

    Advice on how to behave in the public eye.showbiz insight.?

    to be able to understand the social pressure people such as celebs undergo being in th epublic and exposed to the media.

    also need additional information on how to deal with people in society in general.Advice on how to behave in the public eye.showbiz insight.?
    just have to act like you arenot bothered by the attention

    Advice on how to stop,comparing myself?

    im always looking at beautiful celebrities with nice bodies,and thinking why i cant have thier body why i dont have enough will power to look liek them , i have started working out wnd have lost alittle weight and am keeping up with it but im always wanting to weigh myself everymorning. and ugh it anoying me that i compare my self to pretyy girls?!any advice how to stop thanx?,

    beccaAdvice on how to stop,comparing myself?
    i have the same problem sometimes..not about weight but about comparing myself to other pretty girls.what i do is think about all the good things about me and what about me makes me sure ur very pretty and i know u know that too...u will feel so much better if u realize all the great things about yourself...once u do that...the comparing should stop...really this helped me...lemme know if it helps u=-)Advice on how to stop,comparing myself?
    Get RID of the magazines! Stop watching E! or mtv or whatever. Do other things to occupie time that you are admiring their bodies, perhaps buy a novel or hang out with some friends.
    just turn on music and sing in your mind so you dont trust me it works!
    have someone take a model picture from down low your whole body. then look at it everyday and appreciate how good you look. then take an ugly person's picture and put it next to yours. be thank ful
    You have to believe in yourself!! Those celebrities are all ';superficial';. What kind of life do they have??? They cannot really be ';by themselves, if they want to take a breather';, they are constantly on the go.

    What kind of life is that??? And then starving themselves to skin and bones????

    NO WAy!!!

    Enjoy your life, beauty is only skin deep, and the celebrities have to keep at it 24/7!!
    I wouldn't worry about comparing yourself to holywood celebrites, because at least to me a many girls i see around on a day to day basis are much more attractive than those holywood people. Many of them may look nice, but they are just lacking something, like reality. And to me a girl needs that to really be attractive.
    You have to love yourself and know that you are pretty too. It's not the body type that matters, but it's what qualities within that make a person pretty. It sounds stupid, but it is so true! As far as celebrities go, they are airbrushed most of the time in their pictures and always go on diets and find ways to lose a lot of weight quickly, which isn't such a good choice for their body if they don't do it right. When you are getting fit, never think about getting skinny-think about feeling great because you are healthy and stronger. Some pretty girls are so fit looking but they are weak. You might also want to hide your weighing machine and only take it out a few times a month.

    It sounds as if you are doing a fantasic job so keep working out! :)

    All the best!
    hi Becca=those are professional models dear and they starve themselves to look like that

    If you are a reasonable weight for your height,chill out and enjoy your life

    the worst thing you can do is weigh yourself every day as we weigh in slightly different each day =try sticking to once a week

    wish you the best and have a great summer

    Advice on how to gain wieght!!!?

    i need advice on how to gain there any healthy foods or anything that will help???Advice on how to gain wieght!!!?
    Gain Weight Step 1 - eating

    Eating is the first and most important factor that is needed to gain weight. It's simple - you need to eat more calories than you burn

    Gain Weight Step 2 - lifting

    As stated, proper eating is of utmost importance when attempting to gain weight, but if you do not lift weights, the majority of that gained weight will be fat - not muscle.

    Gain Weight Step 3 - supplements

    To gain weight, you do not NEED supplements, but they will help you gain the weight quicker. That's what they are, supplements to an already good diet and training program.

    then sleep well........... good luck!!!!Advice on how to gain wieght!!!?
    Try to Eat lots of meat and Bananas, and stop eating junks food plus try to go to the gym.

    Follow these rules and believe me it will work!
    just eat more , and more, like most of us do

    Im 18 and a virgin. In fact ive never actually had a gf either. I need advice on how to get chicks?

    Okay first and foremost. Stop thinking of women as chicks. It might help. Finding the right person to be your girlfriend is a numbers game. So get out there. Get active. Be seen. Chat up some women.Im 18 and a virgin. In fact ive never actually had a gf either. I need advice on how to get chicks?
    you have to be confident. when you meet a girl that your interested in you need to let her know. i mean don't be creepy or anything just be casual. you'll figure it.Im 18 and a virgin. In fact ive never actually had a gf either. I need advice on how to get chicks?
    i'm same as you man. =( all the girls go for the players.
  • laura mercier
  • Advice on how to finish the perfect week... going for 10-0

    So, right now I'm leading 10-0 in my matchup. How can I stay at 10-0? I've been at 10-0 on many weeks before but always mess up end up 9-1 or 9-0-1. Here is the link to my team;鈥?/a>

    Check out the matchup. I bench Webb for tomorrow, right? I'm way up in wins and K's and can't risk having him ruin my ERA and WHIP. I'm up 2 in saves and he's got 5 closers; do I pull out my closers to preserve ERA and WHIP or do I keep them in to lock up the saves? I don't want one of my closers to get rocked. Gimme advice on how to finish the week.

    I need the 10-0 to jump into 2nd place in my division as the playoffs are getting closer.Advice on how to finish the perfect week... going for 10-0
    Just play your closers,and lead off type hitters.(Guys that might get you SBs and some runs.) I have one skunk this year in a tight league,

    and I know what you're going through.You can't take any chances of losing these rare golden opportunities!!~~G{}{}d Luck!Advice on how to finish the perfect week... going for 10-0
    I don't see any way to ensure that you go 10-0. All you can do is put the best players in that you can and hope for the best. Your opponent could overtake you in runs, rbi and stolen bases if he has a big day. And, if you bench all you pitchers, yes you protect your numbers, but you're tied in saves and although it shows you winning WHIP, the actual number is a tie. If you play no pitchers on Sunday, you can't improve your numbers and your opponent can. Like I said, I would figure out you best matchups on offense and go from there. As far as pitchers, you should at least leave a couple of your top relievers in so you can counter your opponent.

    Me and my best friend have given up smoking can anyone give us advice on how to cope when we crave a ciggie?

    I quit 4 years ago. The secret to not smoking is when the thought for a cig comes into your head, immediately think of something else. The day will come relatively fast when you realize you've gone through a whole day and have not thought about smoking. People who smoke don't realize how much of their time is taken up with thinking about smoking. Good luck! It is well worth it!Me and my best friend have given up smoking can anyone give us advice on how to cope when we crave a ciggie?
    I stopped nearly 2 years ago, I had laser therapy, the advice i was given was when i thought about having a cigarette take three big deep breaths concentrating on your breathing! drink plenty of water and chewing gum also helps (its stops you from reaching for the food cupboard all the time)

    If you associate cigs with certain drinks etc, then for a short time cut them out!

    After the 1st few days you will feel better and just keep saying 2 yourself, I've not had a cigarette for so many days now!

    Good Luck and I hope you manage to stop!! you will feel so much better for it, and so will your purse.Me and my best friend have given up smoking can anyone give us advice on how to cope when we crave a ciggie?
    dont hang around people who smoke annything..cos when you do the craving increases more than when you thought you gave it up...get your mouth busy with something else
    good for you for giving up! i've heard that chewing gum helps because it keeps your mouth busy. also, will power is the key to stopping any addiction. whenever you crave a cigarette, think of how much progress you've made and what you'll be wasting and losing if you smoke that cigarette. good luck.
    read allen carr,s book easyweigh, he is the world, s leading specialist and hes brillian he wrote the internationally bestseeller easy wasy to stop smoking its brillian, he used to smoke 100 a day himself and he,s helped milllions of people to quit, you wont need willpower my daughters just giving up. he,s got clinics all over the world.
    Will power everytime you crave think of all the good things your achive and why your stopping in the first place. After the first two weeks your feel so much better, just do your best to stay away from smokers. cold turkey its hard but it can be done.

    good luck
    Don't drink alcohol and stay out of places where others smoke.
    Drink a lot of water. The first three days are hard, but it gets easier. Just remember you should not even have one. I quit almost 6 years ago. Good luck
    Well my best friend and I have given up smoking to and we found that when we have a crave for a ciggie we just put a piece of gum in our mouths and we read and we are studding for a Certificate so we study to so find something else to do that you both enjoy and can do toghter and do it and before you know it you both will not have any crave for a ciggies I hope this helps a bit.
    always carry a toothbrush with you. when you get a craving just scrub your teeth. the hardest time is when in the pub
    Chew Cinnamon gum and brush your teeth with Cinnamon toothpaste. I have heard that Cinnamon reduces cravings.
    Wish I knew the secret to qutting - I'm trying, but so far, no luck. I do have one suggestion that someone had posted on a similar question I posted about quitting smoking. Try the lozenges. I can't use the patch because my skin is prone to allergies and rashes - sensitive to certain things, so I'm going to try the lozenges. Give 'em a shot - whatta 'ya got to lose, right? Good luck and hope you both can fight and resist the temptation. It's hard, but we can do it if we try hard enough and really want to quit bad enough! :D
    Exercise, when you feel like a cigarette go for a run. It works!

    Great method here....

    All the best.
    Read a good book, watch tele, go out for a walk, take up a new hobbie, go to gym.
    Lesbian sex
    chewing gum? and apparently oranges..when i tried (and failed) 2 quit i kept eating oranges when i got a craving and it really did work! just...kinda give u the runs if u eat pretty much JUST oranges all day cuz u really want a ***! lol
    Smoke Cannabis it will take you mind of tobacco

    Need advice on how to do this...?

    So i live in a small town, and somehow everyone gets into everyones business, and causes problems, and says things that arent true. Lately i have been in that ';talk about circle'; but i dont even go out anymore... i work and thats about it,. How do i go about getting out of that circle?? like its just getting irritating.Need advice on how to do this...?
    To get out of the circle , you must get out of the town ,

    THAT is the way of small town life , and only moving cures it .

    Either accept being part of the drama or set sights on urban civilization .

    Note: once you make the jump to civilization , many find it hard to go back for more than like a week to see family or something .

    good luck

    %26gt;Need advice on how to do this...?
    When there is no fuel for a fire, it dies out. They have no fuel. It will pass. Many times I was in the circle and I figured I know the truth and that is all that matters. My real friends will not believe it and they will defend me. And if someone is talking about me, they are leaving someone else alone.
    well for one those people have no life, but all you can do right now is let them say what they want, you know you and that's all that matters correct? so if any ones to ask or talk to you about it defend yourself and let them know whats true.
    You can't. If they want to talk about you, they will, you can't stop them.

    On the bright side, when people are bitching about you, its usually out of jealousy.

    Any advice on how to relax??

    i get really stressed , and i have trouble relaxing...any ideas?Any advice on how to relax??
    i like going for long walks somewhere calm and then find a nice peaceful place to sit and relax. bring along your mp3 player and play soothing music or listen to the nature around you. if you dont have a place nearby that would help you, just lock yourself in the room and dim the lights. just lie down in bed and imagine yourself in a place where you are most relaxed (like the beach or the mountains). you should feel better after a bit...Any advice on how to relax??
    You should do a complete theraphy...

    First, turn-off your phone and any other noisy thing. Then, prepare a warm bath, put your favorite calm and quiet music on your iPod and then, place a drop of lavender essence in your ears and back your head... turn off the lights and keep relaxed.
    Listen to relaxing music, read a book, spend time with your friends/family/pets. Do exercise of some sort.
    xanax. or valium or ativan or klonopin
    I have to leave my stressful environment, it helps when I go in my car with no radio on and just close my eyes and try to tune out.
    take a bubble bath with candles and oils or get a massage
    Answering questions in here does it for me.
    Go for a walk. As a retired mental health practitioner of 20+ years and an avid aerobic exerciser in long distance running and even longer distance bicycle racing and riding, I can assure you that if you walk regularly, purely for the ';fun'; of it, and no chore at all attached to it, you will be relaxed when you return. If you consume anything with caffein in it, you need to cut back on that. Watching your sugar intake is important here too. But, as an M.D. who once worked with me said, ';If people would just go for a small walk four or five times a week, much of their tension would start going away with regularity, but many of them won't do it because it's too easy, and free. People like to pay big money for 'treatment' instead of actually solving the problem.'; God Bless you.
    take time to exercise, swimming is a great relaxer, try reading a book you always meant to read, get a massage once a month....don't sweat the small stuff
    Take a deep breath and start meditating
  • laura mercier
  • An advice on how to handle my 4mo. old stuff nose? I already do the saline, nose bulb, humidifier, etc.?

    Use some Baby Vicks Vapor rub on babys neck, back, chect and oddly enough.. their feet. Makes sure they are covered though because that vapor rub makes you chilly when the air hits it. You can also buy some J%26amp;J vapor bath.. this WILL help with the stuffy nose. Other than that.. it just takes time... give it a week or so and he'll be all clear. Good luck.An advice on how to handle my 4mo. old stuff nose? I already do the saline, nose bulb, humidifier, etc.?
    A little vicks under the nose, so the baby can breathe the vapor and open them up.====An advice on how to handle my 4mo. old stuff nose? I already do the saline, nose bulb, humidifier, etc.?
    that is really all that you can do now that they say not to give medicines. You may want to talk to your babys doctor about it and see what they have to say. Maybe she has an allergy to something if the treatments that you are doing don't work well...
    A nice warm...luke warm bath would be good. It will work out some of the mucus. But do that every night with some Vicks Vapor Rub for babies....after. Oh and don't use too much Vicks...just a tiny bit.

    Any advice on how to legally handle marriage fraud, husband received resident card and left me and our kids??

    Married a golf pro from England, he received his permanent resident card and walked out on me and our kids. Maxed out our credit card and bank accounts. Have been told by one attorney that nothing can be done, just divorce. I have already reported him to the INS. I was just wondering if there was something else I could do that I do not know about%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Any advice on how to legally handle marriage fraud, husband received resident card and left me and our kids??
    my only question to you is...Are you 100% sure he married you JUST because he wanted the resident card? or you are just being bitter and angry because he left you and your kids and you're trying to have an excuse for your failed marriage? My only advice to you is MOVE ON, try to seek some help, do it for your kids, I know is hard to realize that the man you put all your dreams on suddenly he leaves without caring about you or his kids, but...think that things happen for a reason. I hope you can move on and try to star a new chapter in your life...and let go of trying to ruing your ex's life. Good luck!Any advice on how to legally handle marriage fraud, husband received resident card and left me and our kids??
    Find another lawyer and use the angle that he has taken money from the house that is needed. Also Because he is the ';golf pro'; he needs to pay child support. Although you may not need it he need to be responsible for his child(ren) and those bills.

    I have seen first hand some women get manipulated by foreigners and it is real sad and painful. stay strong for your children's sake and don't be afraid to guide your children so they will not be hurt the same way. However, don't let them see your true feelings of the mater. They will come to grips on there own about their father.
    Hire a hitman, or just forget about it, get a divorce, make sure that he has to pay a lot in child support and alimony.
    Your attorney didn't give you all the facts. A divorce, yes. But he should be made by court order to return any money he stole, pay off the credit card and pay child support. A permanent resident card is not citizenship. He can be deported back to England, but not before he assumes his obligations to you and your children. Get a good attorney to represent you and fight for your rights as a wife and mother. What makes him think that he can just walk away from responsibilities? Then let the INS deal with him.
    Hope his name is also on the credit cards...Sorry there are A$$hole$ still in the world.
    If he left your home you are at least entitled to spousal support along with child support ( if they are his kids). Unfortunately that is all you can really get back from him. Just never marry again and collect spousal support based on whatever he makes now and have it updated as often as allowed, for his future earnings. Collect it till he dies.

    I need help on how i can get a girl to notice me,really good pick up lines and some advice on how to ask the g

    As a girl myself (well, woman), I have to say PICK-UP LINES ARE THE WORST! They are so annoying...don't use them. I can't tell you how many guys I've laughed at for using them...not to be mean, but because they are so tacky. Just be yourself and let the conversation flow. Ask about her. If she mentions something you know about, talk about that. Don't be fake with pick-up lines...they don't work!I need help on how i can get a girl to notice me,really good pick up lines and some advice on how to ask the g
    omg there really is a thing called a pick up line? lolI need help on how i can get a girl to notice me,really good pick up lines and some advice on how to ask the g
    dont use pickup lines. just go up to her and start a conversation. and if it goes well, ask for her number
    start with being her friend
    1. ';Hey, You, I'm over here';.

    2. ';Didn't I see you somewhere before, oh yea, in that Victoria Secret magazine';. That's a shoe in for sure.

    3. ';Oh My God, I just died and went to heaven and there's a beautiful angel standing right next to me';.

    4. ';Do you want to get it on, no I meant your sweater';. That way you're safe no matter what her answer is.

    5. ';You may not be my Mrs., but you sure are my Mrs Right Now';. No, that one might not go over too well.

    6. ';Yo Mamma who's your Daddy?';

    7. ';Didn't I see your picture on, looking at my profile?';

    8. '; You want to go for a ride, on my Stallion?';

    9. ';Want to play hide the salami, I'll bring the salami';.

    10. ';Wanna play doctor, you can be the patient';.

    Let me know how those work for you.

    If they work, I get the credit.

    If they didn't work, it was your fault for picking the wrong one ;)
    try saying ';hi.';

    Ask her if she wants to grab a bite to eat Saturday night, heard there's a great restaraunt down town...

    Need advice on how to....?

    fit 12 people in a 12 x 12 room for Christmas for present opening. Any tips to not feel cramped?Need advice on how to....?
    Yes, line up the chairs all along the wall.. and have one person in the middle passing out gifts to people. The people might get lost in the sea of wrapping paper though.. but at least it won't be as cramped. Best Wishes!Need advice on how to....?
    Adults on the chairs/sofa,children on the floor at the adults feet.Works for me as my home is quite small and there will be 14 of us.

    Keep a big garbage bad nearby and put the paper/boxes,bows etc into it as you go along so there is no big cleanup to do after.

    Have one person hand out gifts so not everyone is moving around at the same time.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.
    Empty it out, leaving just enough chairs for the grown-ups, and just the necessities.

    Put a few collection receptables around the room, so one big one doesn't have to be passed.

    In my family, we do each present one-at-a-time, so everyone can see reactions. Either youngest or oldest opens one, then next, then keep going, until all are gone.

    However, if there are little ones with uneven presents, this may be unwise -- and if it's too cramped for too long, the natives will get restless.

    Any advice on how to get God to move in your life?

    please don't say prayer to me, cuss that is what my life is...I am now a little lamb pulling on the sheperds staff with his teeth.Any advice on how to get God to move in your life?
    God time is not our time,, faith!!! when it is his time he will move,, and sorry you need to continue in prayer. I don't always know why or what his doing but he has a purpose you just need to trust him.Any advice on how to get God to move in your life?
    God is already always moving in all our lives. It's more appropriate that you examine what it is you want versus what is God's Will, and you may find a conflict there, which would make it look like your life isn't moving, only because it isn't moving in the way you want it to. As Christians, we all talk about doing God's Will and we have that intention, but to actually do it is actually very hard, and that is what takes work for us - to first seek out and find God's Will, and then to give in to it, all the time. I know I fail at it a lot, but I keep trying.
    Prune juice.

    Remember god is everywhere!

    Seriously, you want your life to move, then you move it.

    You will grow old and die before god does anything.

    Do not assign the good things that happen to you and the world around you to god unless you are willing to assign the bad things that happen too.
    If you want to get to know the True God that you can respect, please go to The website can introduce you to the actual One and True God.
    gods always been in your life. you can start to relize it by putting god first in every thing you do. always think thy will be done not mine. and pray only for him to help you understand thy will. and always seek the kingdome of heaven. and if you are the lamb then let the sheperd lead you.
    While you're pulling on the staff, look around and try to discern what God is doing around you, in your church, in your neighborhood, in your family. When you see what He's doing, join in with it. Do whatever you can to help or promote what you see God doing. Are there some folks trying to feed the poor? Go help them or donate some food. Ask God to show you what He's doing, and then open your eyes and your heart and go. If you start moving, He will lead you.
    When the time is right, the Holy Man will come, and lay his hands on you.

    You might not like it, little one. Nor can you bear this burden unless you are strong enough, and he will not give you something you cannot bear.
    I have heard that sometimes when it seems He isn't there it's because He is testing you and your faith. Some people have said they feel He has abandoned them but He hasn't He is still there waiting for the right time to reveal Himself. Have faith. When He's ready He'll let you know.
    God is always with you in your life. All you need is pray in earnest seeking for help and faith. Keep praying and soon your situation will improve.

    God Bless and Good Luck.
    believe that you have received what you asked for by giving thanks for it. Then expect it .
    It works differently for everyone because that's just how God is.

    One good thing to know is that God works like an oven not like a microwave. He usually answers your prayers right after you have given up all hope and done something stupid. At least this is what I have experienced. That doesn't mean that you should give up all hope though, because he knows when you are being selfish and fake.

    I've also learned that you grow more in your faith after you've gone through something hard. Kinda like how rain makes things grow. Don't give up.
    Read the Bible, beginning with the New Testament, as a child and with spiritual eyes as directed by Jesus Christ. Realize His Truth, and follow Him on the Way back to God.
    Prayer, (pray without ceasing), Bible study %26amp; reading, Believing what you are praying, asking for. Get church, people to pray about your situation, attend church, just try to live right and ask God to help you do that.

    You know, you may not want to hear this but its true, sometimes when God is silent it is Not because He is not

    listening. Because He does hear every plea. But i believe and have experienced that at times when i felt God was silent or not answering my prayers it was just because it was not time or His will. You stay steadfast, dont give up hope or get all discouraged, don't let satan tell you lies, you stand on the Word of God alone. You will see Been there, done it!!

    I hope i helped a little. Best wishes, God bless.

    P.S- Those that wait upon the Lord will renew there strenghth.

    Psalms 46:1-3 Psalms 138:8-7
    If you want God in your life, people need to stop talking so much and listen to what He says.
    Prayer - Fasting - Living in the word
    I no Spiritual expert I can ask u to enjoy ur life fully. Enjoy each and every activity u do. But remember ur enjoyment should not inflict pain to others. Love what u do. Love others as much u love urself. Lean from fools and erase ur foolishness. Be practical. Then when in peace, silence meditate on the question ';Who am I? What am I?';

    May be if u do these u can get to know God better.
    This is how I got closer.

    I bought a NIV study bible and started reading. The new testament first and then read the old. Or you can start old then new but most people say start new because it will explain the new covenant.

    I wouldn't try to associate with anyone that might try to keep you from wanting to find out more about God. And I would try to associate myself with people that are religious but not too like fanatic religious.

    The biggest thing is for you to pray to God. Read the Book. And have an open mind and heart. I hope that everything works out for you and that God opens the door for you.

    You are looking so you will find it. Remember is not like you are going to have this overwhelming amount of faith pouring in on you. You might at the beginning but that is normal. The big thing is when you find yourself getting really interested in the Bible and really liking it and finding out that you love God and everything then you should try harder to stay that way. It is easy to fall in love but hard to stay in love. It will take time for you to grow and be the person that you want to be. This is a whole life journey that never ends.

    Best of luck to you and may the mercy of God be upon you.
    Trust and obey - for there's no other way - to be happy in Jesus - but to trust and obey.

    But you will never pray too much, too long or too hard. The reverse is true in the life of most Christians. Real prayer is warfare. The devil hates people that are establishing a strong

    connection to God. They are a very legitimate threat to him.
    Give him a good poke and he should move. That's what i do to my cats when they're being lazy.
    We'll with out prayer, Getting God to move in your life is going to be worthless. Their is no otherway to get God to move in your life unless you pray for yourself or to have someone else pray for you. Prayer is the key thing that you need to have God work in your life!

    #2 key thing) Attend Church

    #3 Key thing) Read your bible

    #4 Key thing) Fellowhip with other Christians

    #5 Key thing) Witness to non Christians.
    With prayer, make sure that it's literate, not phonological (just a study of sounds). It's not supposed to be mythological. It's supposed to be private. (Matthew 6) I've seen some efforts on youtube with flashing lights that look ostentatious. Sorry peoples, but Christianity, like Judaism, has organic style imagery, not all the bright lights. I know Jesus appeared to Paul like that, according to Acts, but still Paul lists the weapons against Satan in Ephesians 6 as being images of how to use your body and protect your body. Therefore, are you looking after your health by means of prayer? I'm not saying to avoid alternative treatments, but honestly, there has to be the aspect of personal charity, as in Matthew 25, rather than waiting for perfect health. The apostle Paul might have had right arm catalepsy in Galatians 6:11 when he said that his letters were large. Right arm catalepsy is induced by hypnosis.
    Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself, I love you and forgive you. Watch the changes develop within your life from that day forward.
    God is moving in your life....

    the trick is not to look for what you think should be happening but to examine what is happening and accept it

    many times in life things happen that are for the best only we don't know it or recognize it.....

    remember in a relationship with God your the servant... your prayer is for him to reveal to you purpose... not to dictate what you will accept

    if life wasn't always different it wouldn't be much fun anyway

    from the ancient philosophers... be water my friend

    water is life, the most delicate and strongest thing, it can take any shape and shape any thing... it can give life and take life

    in other words learn to go with the flow.... in any culture in any religion... the key to a Godly life is acceptance not expectation

    redirecting force is easier than opposing it

    You must put your faith in Him, and follow what Bible teaching. Then you will feel God move you. Don't doubt Him, just worship Him with all your heart.
    What promise that he already made to you that you are trusting him for? Answer that, and you'll get your answer. God never promised you a new computer, but he did promise eternal life, and the miracle of understanding his word. Are you reading his word?
    God is in your life already. You just dont realise it. It s like the footprint story.

    A man once asked God why didnt you come into my life? God told him, look at this beach and consider it as your past life. On the sands were 2 sets of foot prints. God told him, see those two foot prints are mine and yours. I was walking beside you all the time. then the man saw one set of foot prints, He realised at those where the imes that he had lot of problems, so he asked God where were you when I needed you most? God answered him,'; My son, Those are my footprints,I carried you then.

    I hope you understood what Iam trying to say.You are looking for something that has been with you all the time. Now you get moving with the Lord
    Just open up and accept Him.

    I want a quote and advice about how I can go back to trusting people...mainly boys?

    I'm a freshmen in college and i'm just so sick of letting my guard down and trusting ';Boyfriends'; just to have them hurt me.

    Basically I have no trust for boys anymore, I don't let anyone get 2 close. I really like this guy but i won't let him get close. Will it ever get easier to trust other agein...should I bother trusting them?

    Also if u had any good quote about trust that would be great!

    something that is close 2 this saying or means the same thing:

    ';how do you trust

    when everyone you have trusted

    and let your shield down for

    has hurt you...';I want a quote and advice about how I can go back to trusting people...mainly boys?
    I sympathize having been in the same boat. Happily a virgin until 28 and now married to a great guy. You don't have to let them get close to you as a boyfriend. Try them as friends first. If a guy isn't willing to spend a year (min 6 months) being your friend then he wouldn't last long term anyway. Don't tell them in advance there is something after friends. Tell them up front that guys are scum and you don't want a boyfriend. The really good ones (few and far between though they are) will stick around anyway.

    Quote: ';Boys are dumb, throw rocks at them.';


    Cliche: ';Trust has to be earned.';I want a quote and advice about how I can go back to trusting people...mainly boys?


    ';Love, for him, had been a storm, full of boundless pleasure and abject terror. For her, it simply had been.';

    I think it's an opposite in your case. Trusting isn't easy, especially when it's required in every relationship you have. So I can only advise you to open up your mind and don't go into a relationship with biased aforethought. Good luck finding the right guy to trust and I'd recommend you boot all other un-trustworthy guys outta your life. They're not worth breaking your heart on. You go, girl!
    ';trust your gut'; its the only way to go girl
    First of all , abstinence keeps you from getting hurt that can't be fixed.

    Abstinence RULES!

    A saying,......hmmmmmmmmm,.............

    YES! PSALM 91.

    It talks about trust, in angels, and how they hold you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone, and how your enemies will be your footstool, and ALL GOOD STUFF!

    Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's ALL small stuff.

    Get right with God, and get your mind off of guys, and He will, one day, put one RIGHT ON YOUR DOORSTEP--one that won't hurt you and one that you can trust.

    Besides, if you are still calling them 'boys', ---they are not old enough to not be but after one thing. A good man( or guy) will respect you.
    Hey. There are good and bad out there. Ultimately, you have to trust yourself that you're going to get wiser at working out the difference between the two.

    Life is about taking risks, but it's also about learning from your mistakes.

    No-one is immune to being fooled by someone, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't learn to trust. Being fearful of everyone will make your life miserable, I suggest.

    So, 'get back on the horse' a little wiser than you were before you met this boy and he let you down.
    Proverbs 2 - 5 : 8 .. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart ; and lean not unto thine own understanding, In all thy ways acknowledge Him , and he shall direct thy paths . Be not wise in thy own eyes : fear the Lord and depart from evil . It shall be health to thy navel , and marrow to thy bones ..... Basically you should pray and ask the Lord for guildance , and ask God to send the man He has chosen for you when He is ready to send him , not when you want him to come , you must excercise patience and wait for the Lord . He knows your needs and who He has in store for you ! May God Bless with Peace and Understanding
    How do you get back on the horse if you're just going to be vulnerable to falling off of it again?

    You must get back on the horse again. Otherwise what is even the point in living? Life is chance, everything you do and say is a chance or a risk. Everytime you cross the street, everytime you drive your car, you risk your life. Everytime you say something to someone, you risk hurting their feelings, you risk offending them, or you risk telling them something they don't want to hear.

    You have to live life risking. Living is risking death. Dying is risking being forgotton. Being forgotton is risking never even existing.

    If you feel different, if you are not ready to be risking your emotions again, then it is obviouse you need a break from relationships. Your heart needs a break, and you need to renew your confidence in yourself.
  • laura mercier
  • Are you scared to answer? Or do you just not know how to give advice? Need advice on how to give advice...??

    Why is it almost 100% of the time I ask a question I get one or more people criticizing me for asking that question, or being in this situation, or criticizing my spelling, grammer, punctuation.. whatever.. I'M ASKING FOR ADVICE HERE NOT TO BE TREATED LIKE A CHILD OR AN IDIOT!! I'M NOT ASKING FOR PERSONAL BELITTLEMENT BY THE AVERAGE PERSON WHO IS MISRIBLE WITH HIS/HER LIFE AND THE ONLY WAY OF MAKING THEMSELF FEEL BETTER IS BY PLACING JUDEMENT ON ME... I am not asking for your judgement! I really dont care what you think of me!! Just for once I would like some advice instead of someone trying to put me down for living my life the way I live it.. If you dont know how to give's some advice.. Put your own opinions aside and put youself in that persons shoes think what it must be like to be them then think what would I do if I was them?..I also noticed when I do get advice its filled with so much negitivity! Are there no positive people on here who know know how to give advice?Are you scared to answer? Or do you just not know how to give advice? Need advice on how to give advice...??
    I love you Bails!!!!! I second your every emotion.Are you scared to answer? Or do you just not know how to give advice? Need advice on how to give advice...??
    Giving advice is not the answer, you might want to use the word suggestion, something like this, I would suggest you might try this or that instead of trying to give advice, I am a professional councillor and believe me giving advice will only come back to haunt you. good luck.
    I agree, some people think that criticism and advice is one in the same which it is not. You can offer advice to a complete stranger if they give you permission to do so. Criticism even so called ';creative criticism'; should only be given to a person that you know well and one should still be cautious when doing that. It can offend a person. Before I give anyone any type of advice, I usually wait until asked and also I do so with kindness and consideration of thier feelings. Critisism is really another person's opinion. If you find a person that can only criticise, it is a person that can never give good advice. Thier advice will always lead to judgement.
    So don't act like a child or an idiot.
    I agree with you a 100%. I joined this place not too long ago. I have learned a lot from people's answers, and people have been helpful to the few questions i've asked so far. But when i browse around here looking over people's questions and answers, i find a very disturbing amount of rudeness. I dont know what the fettish is here about proper spelling. It is typical that someone comes on here with a problem in life that they need help with, and because their spelling and or grammar is off, instead of getting help, they get nasty remarks such as they must have that problem because their stupid and or uneducated as demonstrated by their spelling. Just because someone cant spell or write a proper sentence, does that mean they should be kicked, and dont deserve a thoughtful response?

    I will go and find your other questions if they are still open, and try to see if i could give you a reasonable answer.

    Okay, i looked at your other questions, and you have asked THIS question over and over again. What's up?
    YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

    Tho, is it okay if I think of you as AWSOME?

    Or a ROLE MODEL?

    I get that too, sometimes!

    Let it be your constant method to look into the design of people's actions, and see what they would be at, as often as it is practicable; and to make this custom the more significant, practice it first upon yourself.

    People hate me for something I can't help. Advice on how to deal..??

    i'm a sophomore in high school, and im disliked by a lot of girls that don't even know me. i love my friends and they love me, but i get a lot of criticism about the way i look.

    i have a slim figure - i'm 5'4 and weigh 120 pounds - but I have a very large chest. I'm a 32F. i get a lot of attention from guys, which is probably why random people don't like me..perhaps they're jealous or something (not to sound conceited).

    this is such an issue for me because it gets in the way of my being sociall accepted. im never invited to parties, for example, and ive heard through the grapevine that its because people are afraid ill get all the attention.

    i have the reputation of a slut in my school, and i haven't even had a boyfriend there. it pisses me off.

    how should i deal with stuff like this? im just looking for as much advice as i can get. thanks :]People hate me for something I can't help. Advice on how to deal..??
    It sucks that people's insecurities make them hurt others. There's nothing you can do to change those people, so you'll need to change your perspective. How important is their acceptance of you? This will fluctuate, believe me. People can be so petty that it becomes plain obvious that they're not worth it. Other days I know the need to be accepted can be so accute that it stings. Get involved in activities that will bring you into new situations- join a club where your ideas, intelligence, abilities etc. will be showcased. It might bring people's perspective of you into a new light. Besides that, you'll need to develop a bit of a shell against those lunkheads who won't accept you no matter what you do. So sorry you're going through such a rough time and I hope things change for the better soon.People hate me for something I can't help. Advice on how to deal..??
    Well, you can't really help it if you have a large chest, so if people hate you, just ignore them. Maybe they're jealous, since you get so much male attention. A lot of people like to put down others so that they can feel better about themselves.

    And if they think you're a slut just because you have big boobs, prove them wrong with your character.
    Just have confidence with what you have, but not TOO MUCH. Don't let them bother you. If they are indeed jealous of you, then let them be, they don't deserve having you waste time thinking of them. Just be cool so that people would see this and surpass what they see physically. If they see that you are someone worth hanging around with instead of someone who they see as conceited that she's prettier than her friends, then they'd definitely invite you to their parties. Get the driff?

    Good luck! :D
    Who cares what they say about u. Let them talk. I know it's hard to do though. The girls are probably just jealous!

    Need advice on how to handle step-son when bio-mom has left picture....?

    My husband and I have had custody of his son for almost 4 years now. About a year after he came to live with us his bio-mother stopped contacting him. It has been 3 years since he has heard from her. We know that she has had drug probelms in the past and this is most likely the reason she has not been in contact. She has also lost custody of one of her daughter to the child's father only because she did not even show up for the custody hearing. We know that she has the rights to visit and call as stated in the custody papers. How should we handle the situation if she decides to come back into my step-son's life?Need advice on how to handle step-son when bio-mom has left picture....?
    Check the custody laws in your state. When/if she does come back the child may not want to see her and you should abide by his wishes. She may clean herself up and be worthy enough to see him, but I would be there for him regardless. You can have the papers changed by the courts since she hasn't been around for 3 years.Need advice on how to handle step-son when bio-mom has left picture....?
    try to be supportive. its her son after all. he'll need you there for him ya know.
    How old is he? Is there a reason you think she might try to come back into his life?

    As hard as it is, if she is not putting him in danger (i.e. doing drugs or exposing him to druggies) then I think you should carefully allow limited contact to see how it goes. If you don't, he might blame you for her not loving him.
    I would fight her having full weekend visits until I knew she was straight. If you can work it out, have supervised visits, see how they interact and how she is doing. If it upsets your son at all, please discontinue the visits. She has made her bed, so let her sleep in it.

    Please be very patient with your son, seeing mom will be very hard on him. He was rejected by her once and may act out.

    I had this same situation with my daughters, at least I call them mine...and more importantly, they call me MOM!

    Give your boy a hug for me and good luck, you sound like a great mom!
    Check with your state but my daughter was told that if her ex-husband hasn't had any contact with her boys after two years than she can reliquish him of all parental rights by way of abandonment. This will allow her current husband to legally adopt her two boys. They plan on doing this as soon as they can afford the lawyer. Check into it--it might be the best thing for your step-son. Good Luck.

    Need advice for how to make and keep friends..PLEASE?

    well i need some advice on how to keep friends for more then a year..and also how to make friends..i will take advice from anyoneNeed advice for how to make and keep friends..PLEASE?
    making friends easy for some people, and hard for others.

    it was really hard for me when i was younger because i was shy.

    You just got to learn how to open up and be someone people want to hang out with. START conversations with people. and most importantly. GET INVOLVED. join a dance class at your school, or band, or something. you make friends incredibly fast that way.

    And keeping friends is harder. I think its a habit for some people to be two-faced and go behind their friends back. but thats how you lose the best of friends. stick up for your friends.....people will respect you for that. trust meNeed advice for how to make and keep friends..PLEASE?
    Be friendly to people, ask them questions to get to know them a bit better (eg the basics, like school/work, family, hobbies, favourite music etc). If they seem nice, suggest going out for a coffee so that you can talk further. It's all a bit hit %26amp; miss with potential friends, because it does take time to find out whether or not there's something there to build a friendship on. But basically, I think if a person's nice %26amp; you can have a conversation with them, it's worth pursuing. Holding onto a friend requires effort - make sure you keep in contact with them, even via sms, respect the person, allow them to say what's on their mind %26amp; make sure they respect you too.
    You just gotta stay positive!!! You need to speek up and introduce yourself, start some conversation. Don't make it all about you, ask people questions so you can get to know them better. 脕nd most importantly, don't give up! There is always someone.

    Pl.advice me how to calculet the CPC?

    pl.advice me how to calculet the Cost per click ( CPC)and click -through rate(CTR) ,Impression?

    and how to find out

    budget= CTR*IMPRESSION * CPCPl.advice me how to calculet the CPC?
    CPC and CTR i believe is the same thing.

    Some sites charge on per click basis others charge on impression basis. in the impressions it also depends on how many other ads you share your space with. Meaning1st time your ad appears on refresh other ad appears and this cycle continues this means you have a 50% visibility.

    Budget = (CPC* No. of Clicks) + (Cost Per Impression * No. of Impressions)Pl.advice me how to calculet the CPC?
    CPC = Total spend / total clicks (impressions)

    Click through rate = People that clicked the add / total people on the site
    wht are you talking about? how do they charge you online?

    how is that possible dude? plz explain

    Legal advice re how to seek justice vs. person responsible for masterminding theft of vehicle?

    Vehicle stolen from my house in Apr '04.

    Found 29 days later, cops arrested driver (some random guy) w/ grand theft auto. Vehicle stolen using spare/credit card key that was taken/never returned by my ex-friend (a girl with a grudge) 1 year prior. Key found in the ignition at time of recovery. Ex-friend not with vehicle at time of recovery, cops tried to track her down to question (noting she provided key and location to whoever stole vehicle, if not her), but not successful.

    Police closed case after apprehending/charging the guy found with vehicle at time of recovery v. also tracking down/charging the mastermind (ex-friend).

    Seeking legal advice/strategy re:

    (1) how i can get police to arrest/charge ex-friend for grand theft, (2) recover items (or $ value) taken from trunk ($3k golf clubs),

    (3) recover $ spent on rental car etc. while vehicle out of my possession 29 days + 41 days (while at dealership/paint shop being restored back to condition at time of theft?Legal advice re how to seek justice vs. person responsible for masterminding theft of vehicle?
    Sue her, be sure to get copy of report of stolen vehicle report, copies of arrest report (especially) if it states she was involved. Did they charge her with accessory to the crime? if so get a copy of the report. Get copies of rental car agreement, copy of damages to vehicle and repair bill. Get an estimate of what it would cost to replace golf clubs or other items in car. Then stick it to her in court.Legal advice re how to seek justice vs. person responsible for masterminding theft of vehicle?
    check with the solicitor
    If youre really sure that the money was stolen and junk just sue the ex friend thats all I have to say and really thats the only way youll get your money back.
    you can't get the police to file charges, they don't want to do the work , they'll tell you that you were lucky get the car back. Sorry, but that's how the pigs are these days.
  • mascara eye liner
  • Need advice on how to deal with anxiety from argument?

    - BF %26amp; I together 6 mos

    - Moved back w/ Mo til Oct when new place ready

    - Now 1hr away fr BF

    - Been spending wkends together at his place cuz of commute, his idea

    - BF lives in studio apt

    - Feeling crowded, need my space but dont have ANY right now

    - Knew BF must be feeling same if not worse since always had own space, 1st relationship hes been serious about %26amp; hes been wonderful (not sugarcoating) but also respect hes not used to sharing his space so much (hes also hearing impaired)

    - Both been irritable; I was afraid to speak up, he was afraid to, but we both blew up so finally talked about it

    I proposed we cut back ';our'; weekend one night so we each have our own time. He thought it was also healthy idea. Reassured me he loves me %26amp; wants future/marriage when we're financially ready-- we'll get a house together that has enough room.

    BUT-- I still feel ANXIETY. I feel stupid %26amp; insecure now, like fight has ruined it %26amp; if we were meant to be, space wouldnt matter. Any advice?Need advice on how to deal with anxiety from argument?
    space is really important but distance is to. Have you ever heard someone say ';distance makes the heart grow fonder'; well it is true to much time can spoil a relationship and too little can strain the relationship.

    If you are trying to start a life together time together should be more then time apart. I felt like me and my boyfriend needed space too. But he said that it was kind of contradictory If we are trying to move in together. We need to spend time to get used to spending time together because we will have to so it's better to prepare so when we do move together we will know how it feels to constantly be around each other.

    I think you to are both experiencing anxiety because you are both a little nervous. Two people joining as one and living together can make things difficult. example :anxieties people experience before getting married. You should make sure you two are truly ready to share lives or this would not be a problem. GL

    Some advice on how to flirt with girls?

    by making her laugh that will make her feel comfrotable and more at ease around you and more acceptble to your flitation .Some advice on how to flirt with girls?
    be yourself and be nice and be confident and listen

    In need of advice on how to talk to someone?

    I have been with my husband for 7 years. We have two sons 4 and 1. We'll have our 1st anniversary on the 26th, and lived with each other for the last 3 1/2 years. I filed for a divorce in March, because I felt like I didn't know what else to do. We were having money problems and argueing a lot. Plus we are a blended family, with him having 2 other children from before me, and myself with 2 other children before. I love him dearly and he moved back in to reconsile. 2 months later he moved out again. I don't feel that a real try was ever really given. We are seperated once again, and going through with the divorce. I want to talk to him, but don't know how or what to say. I need help here. I do love him, and want to work things out. However, when we are around each other we just shut down and don't talk. I just want to know how to approach him with the topic, and really talk to him. I want him to know I love him, don't want a divorce, and want to work on things still. What should I doIn need of advice on how to talk to someone?
    sorry to hear about your situation. i think that lack of communication is whats happening. your situation and mine are very similar. except i have a year old who is not biologically my husbands. we have a one year old together. we've been together for 4 years and have been married for 3. marriage has a lot of ups and downs and children and money seem to be the top two reasons why couples fight.

    we have to remember though that money will always come and go and when there are troubles, lack of money, death, children not have to stick together and be the team youre supposed to be. my husband and i lived on my welfare for 7 months before we was able to land a job...not even a good one. it was just a minimum wage paying job. we somehow were able to get throught he hard times and we never blamed one another for our situation. we saw it for what it was...we were broke...but we just kept one keeping one...

    i'm not saying that love will pay the bills because it wont, but dont let that be one of the reasons why your marriage isnt working. perhaps some counseling is in order. my husband and i have never needed it, because through it all we have always been very clear about our feelings, whether good or bad...thats what has kept us going. i am more in love with my husband today than when we first got married...i know it sounds corny, but its true. i learn more and more about him everyday. and vice versa.

    if you love your husband and truely want to work things out...then call him and tell him exaclty that...he might feel that the divorce is what YOU want since youre the one who filed for it in the beginning. ask him how he feels about you and just LISTEN. let him speak...then when he's completely finished...YOU tell him how YOU FEEL. nothing about what he does...only about your feelings. dont be accusatory...people automatically get defensive when they feel like they are being accused of something. let me know what happens. e-mail me. good luckIn need of advice on how to talk to someone?
    First. Please don't have the deep idea that you want to be with him because you want your kids to have their daddy. This is actually the worst reason you can have. Kids can sense the conflict. They will then learn that a relationship MUST have conflict to succeed. If you separate, they will see the occaisional time that you two can get along and they will see that you need to be nice to eachother no matter what.

    That out of the way...Communication is the MOST important part of a relationship. Without that, you can't be happy.

    I was there...I know the feeling of being close but shut down when we get close. Squeeze out these matter what we talk about, I still love you. Next, no matter what he says, talk about it like you would talk to your friend. If he wants to sleep with your about it. The key to opening up conversation is not to get upset when something said causes pain. Most of the time, the nicest things are said incorrectly and thus, taken the wrong way.
    I think that you both should seek out counselling for your marriage. And really learn to communicate and function as a family. If he won't go with you it still will help you if you go on your own. That will be able to help you to decide whether or not it is worth staying in the marriage especially since you have children together
    you already have some pretty good answers from others. I like the one who says put it in writting....this way you have the time to pour your heart out. reach deep inside yourself an find the words you need to say to him. atleast this way you can say you tried. And you gave it all you had. when words are at such a loss when your togetherr , he may just find a way to communicate this way too. he may even answer your letter.
    thats why you are in this situation, lack of communication.
    If you never went to pre-marital counseling, it's not too late to go now, and see where you went wrong and how you can repair it.

    Communication is probably a huge issue that you both need to work on, possibly anger and financial management.

    I think if you said what you wrote (I want him to know I love him, don't want a divorce, and want to work on things still) and proposed counseling, he might be agreeable.
    Get the divorce first. Then talk to him. If it was made to be it will ';be'; again. Divorce first. Do not remarry. This is the problem. You both have difficulty with commitment to each other. Maybe not the relationship but definately with each other.
    Write your feelings down in a letter first. Tell him what you've said here. Write down any and everything else you want to say to him, then give it to him or mail it to him.

    The ball will be in his court then; maybe that will open up a channel of conversation, and then you can take it from there. Good luck.
    Put the above in writing and send it to him with a meeting place and time. What you want to say to him is exactly what you wrote above so just put into writing. He will get the idea and will either agree to meet you or not whereas then you have lost nothing but know where things stand and how to proceed. Then when you meet him, start with ';hello';, which is a really good starter. Then take things from there. If you cant talk to him, youll never work things out. Good luck
    Perhaps you should seek counseling. The two of you are having problems communicating, and your needs are not met and neither is his. The best way to reconnect is to have an open dialogue, the two of you do need to talk. Don't be afraid, this is your marriage. Start by telling him how you feel and be honest about your fears. Maybe you can start by writing down everything, sort it out for yourself and then start from there.

    Does anyone have advice on how to get a boy to notice you?

    They call them boobs! We all have a weakness for them.Does anyone have advice on how to get a boy to notice you?
    if he was interested he would have allready noticed youDoes anyone have advice on how to get a boy to notice you?
    talk to him
    if u are such a magical hottie u shouldnt need this advice, but i will give it to you anyway:

    my magical trick is to share a headphone and look at him while i am listening, and when a lovey part comes on, if one does, look at him, and when he looks at u look down and bite ur lip, lol. and if one doesnt, just look at him till he looks at you and mouth something to him(something that doesnt make sense) like i dunno and when he leans in closer to hear, touch the other side of his face and make him lean in and whisper something cute, like a compliment mabey or if u are witty, tell him that u like him.

    Family issue need advice on how to talk to parents?

    i need advice i can't go a day without my mother and stepfather thinking i do nothing i have called and sent resume out. they don't believe me they think i need to be doing job search 24/7 i am getting frustrated because they don't believe me and when i try to explain to them i am very frustrated i can't found a job. all i get back from them is you not trying hard enough what else can i do i feel like i will never prove anything to them. i can't go a day with out them asking me how the job search is how do i get them to back off ? i try to tell them it is frustrating that i a don't have a job in my field and i do take their advice but its not working i try to tell them that. and all i get back is it worked for me years ago? they thanks i am selfish no-good person but am i selfish? are they the ones that wont let up until i ever get so sick i end up in the hospital i really am thinking big time the only thing keeping me from commit suicide is my fiance and he had to add oh where not getting married until you get a job i have a job that doesn't gave me hours please help i really don't know how much more i can take this abuse from my parent not my fiance i need him now more then ever. i feel like running away but i have no place to go. what do i do?Family issue need advice on how to talk to parents?
    First of all you need tolet your parents know that your doing all you can and unless they plan on filling out applications for your or helping you search then tell them to back off. I know how you feel my mother is the same way. But I had to let her know unless you gonna doit for me back off andlet me handle my own.Family issue need advice on how to talk to parents?
    this sounds like a money issue, to me, no job , no money comeing in, go to walmart . dollor store . get something ,

    not just for your mum or dad, but for you, get cash rolling in

    then look for a job , your self esteem is very low,

    working will help you bring that back up,

    doing some thing is much better than doing nothing ......
    Best way to get the parents off the back is to move out. But that is hard with no job so try making a list of all the ads you are responding to. I use to keep a copy of the ad as I found I was reapplying for the same position. List the companies you have talked to and those you still need to call and inquire. List out the online resources you are using (websites, etc). Keep notes on what you still need to do each day. Try going around and just showing up to some companies. As I am not sure your field, I can't be more specific....but remember to keep trying. Follow up with the companies you have sent resumes to and note it down. You can leave this journal out so your parents can see what you have done and the plans you still have. After a few weeks of this, show them the journal and just ask them what else you might be able to do. Asking for thier advice and taking it, will not only show them that you are trying...but also make it difficult for them to complain.

    About that fiance.....don't ever think that you NEED him. His comment didn't sound very nice or supportive. And needing him takes away your own self confidence and esteem.
  • skin
  • Why do people here bother with giving advices on others how to fight?

    Every time I read someone ask about how to beat someone in a fight. Why do everybody jump in to try coach them?

    Do people here actually really think fighting is actually that easy and can be learn in a few minutes by simply reading?

    If it was that easy then why are there many fighters out there still struggling with beating Fedor?

    Why aren't all high school football player in NFL now if they can simply get better by listen to how other NFL player tell them how to play?

    Why can't people just read a book for a hour then get in car and start driving?

    Why can't a brain surgeon just read few books then go and get license and start cutting people head up?

    Doesn't anyone realize how stupid they're when they actually try to give advices on how to fight to someone who have never trained in their entire life?Why do people here bother with giving advices on others how to fight?
    No.Why do people here bother with giving advices on others how to fight?
    i dont give advice on how to fight or hurt some one because it is more likely to get them hurt then anything.the ppl who do are obviously trying to impress ppl with thier knowledge.the sad part is when you read thier answers they obviously dont have any knowledge and thier setting the asker up to get hurt.
    You can tell by peoples' answers who is a beginner, and who is not. Because someone gets advice from Yahoo Answers does not mean that they can all of a sudden fight like 'The One'. It's just a piece of advice! You can used it, or not.

    Getting an answer is obviously not the 'be all to end all', but if the answers are insightful they should at the very least, give someone a better understanding of whatever knowledge they are seeking.
    Probably because someone ASKS for it, and the answerer gets 2 pts.
    If someone is stupid enough to believe that they can learn to fight by reading a couple of lines on the computer , let them. It may calm them down enough to have a mental edge. As to why people give the advice... there are many reasons, trying to relive old fights they wish they'd won. Just trying to be helpful. Many reasons. Its not nice, but I have been known to give bad advice. Sometimes I just feel evil.
    you are a funny guy, and who have you fought? I have never heard of you
    You and me buddy! 11 rounds.... 19 minutes each!!! first one to throw up or pass out loses! LOL

    They help because it makes them feel tough...

    I'm hopin for the 10 points here lol
    I think everyone wants to be an expert.

    You are exactly right with your point. Only quality training will increase your ability to fight.

    Reading doesn't do much unless it is applied in the actual training.
    Giving someone training tips is not the same as teaching them how to fight.
    hey i guess you havent lived in places you have to fight. some places its a way of life. in some places u have to fight to protect yourself. i used to live in fort wayne indiana and sometimes when i would walk down the street some gangs members would threaten to kill me. so next time u ask a dumb@ss question like this think about people who need to know how to fight
    It is stupid.

    If they want the 2 points then give a smart *** remark, why try to help someone who is either just bieng stupid or worse if they are serious then they will probably take your advice and get thier *** kicked when they should have walked away.

    you simply can't teach fight mechanics over the internet. Martial arts is a PHYSICAL activity. It is difficult to even accurately describe technique with someone who knows what you are talking about over the internet. Without actually doing it, it is like giving people 2 chapters out of a 20 chapter book.

    some things you can discuss- not a ';how to'; on physical activities.
    I think someone is jealous of us!! What you mad because you can't fight? Don't hate on people who ask for help.You should try it.
    the reason you say this is because you probably keep asking people for advice but keep getting your A$$ kicked anyway cause you can't! The point of this site is to get your questions answered so think before you post idiotic comments like these!
    I don't know!
    Telling peeps

    to eye poke, throat punch, or maim is alot of the skills we hear around here and well that is not actually skills

    Ya Know it is a wankers choice

    called Jail time

    also note the biggest mouths when it comes to saying to fight

    well MMA at work ya know

    Prob MMA money makers some how

    There is no Honorable way to kill or harm, no gentle way to destroy.

    Except it's ending

    Abraham Lincoln ever hear of him


    Violence is the root of all EVIL

    any kind even it has ribbons, cars and money

    and a BIG AUDIENCE
    well usualy people try to tell the person simple to apply techniques such as throat punching and leg kicking
    this is the first time i've heard of anyone even asking about fighting on this stie.......if you need to ask don't bother fighting
    Karate isn't about learning how to fight. It's learning how not to fight. All of these people asking such naive questons about martial arts, I imagine are young and don't know any better. When answering their questions, I try to make them think, or at least reconsider their purpose for learning martial arts. Someone who wants to learn how to beat someone up shouldn't be studying karate. Martial arts (regardless of style) are to learn how to defend yourself and those who can't defend themselves.

    I need some advice on how to heal a broken heart??

    its not necasarly broken but im really sad. there was this guy who i liked a lot and all my friends told me that they thought he liked me too. And he was txting me and stuff and he said i have to talk to you and i thought he was gonna ask me out and then he said that he liked my best friend. I dont know what to do i have been crying on and off for 2 days. i need adviceI need some advice on how to heal a broken heart??
    Duct tape fixes everything, even broken hearts.I need some advice on how to heal a broken heart??
    Oh man, that's one sad story! I'm so sorry! Well... there's no cure-all for a broken heart, but here's my suggestions:

    You have to spend some quality time with friends. Fun friends are a fix-all. Might I suggest not hanging out with that best friend though... I don't think that'll help the healing process. :)

    Read a good romance novel to restore your faith in men and in love (I suggest Twilight- not too sappy but definetly the best love story I've ever read). You COULD watch a romance movie instead, but there's just something about a good book that really warms the soul.

    Innocent flirting with good-looking facebook guys from far-away places. There's no comitment and no shame in flirting with attractive guys from other countries because there's no chance of ever having to meet them! A great self-esteem booster!

    Good luck, hon. And chin-up.
    i Had my heart broken Chloette helps but u cant hold your tears back and after that u wont cry Any more trust me then stop thinking about them.
    a new boyfriend fixes it every time
    Go out with some girl friends and forget about him :)
    Time, good songs.. Vent.. journal, poems, draw.

    %26lt;/3 Im so sorry.

    You'll feel better sooner or later and it will be okay, you'll move on.

    -Hope this helps-
    vodka and a little coke or some orange juice. Go out to the club with your other friends or go shopping to buy yourself something nice. shopping is always the trick with a little music really load music it helps get your mind off of stupid things like boys.

    if there is any gay guys around be friends with them they will never turn there back on you they are just like women but with a penis
    It's just life hun. It's not worth crying for, what's done is done..better knowing now than if you dated and you causght them behind your back you know. I know you're very hurt right now and it seems there isn't possibly anything you can do to even live to the next day but you can and you will. Just be more careful next time because guys are very very very(I can't emphasis enough really)..dodgy sometimes, you never know their motives. There is a guy out there for you , be strong and let go..I bet you're only stronger now! ;) Ciao!
    get over him.

    move on.

    be free.

    i don't know why i'm saying all this crap!

    i would be so mad!
    you just gona have yo wait it out, till the heart stops hurting. i feel your pain. al green helps me. listen to how can you mend a broken heart.

    big hug!

    Don't feel so bad about it. There are other people in the world to love. There is someone for everybody. Keep your mind away from it. Try doing something that makes you happy. Do something fun. You just have to get over it. Get aid from a friend or family member. Soon enough you will find someone better.
    I was searching for the answer to this for a very long time but I learned that no matter what anyone said NOTHING helped. So I just had to remember that only time will mend a broken heart. And I had to keep my head up high and stay optimistic. Life is too short, be happy. It WILL get better!
    U should tell him that you feel different about him. See what he says. Maybe he does like you and you guys just have your signals crossed. Happens a lot so I wish you all the best. Good luck ; )
    oh i am so sorry! but i have helpped my friends go through stuff like this and this is the basic way to mend a broken heart. first get lots and lots of chocolate. it is proven that chocolate mends broken hearts, and bananas cures cramps! anyways. then tell your friend about it. if she is a real friend she will stuff a apple pie in his face! then talk about it to your bffs. then prank call him late at night and send 13 pizzas with no sauce and anchovies to his house! have a girls night out and forget about him. he doesnt deserve you anyways. =]].
    You may tray make your self bussy like play game, bussy with your study or works. But dont go for movie creation or other things normaly couple do.
    as hard as YOU think it is;

    move on and find a new guy.

    I realise there are more chicks than dudes in this life...but there IS one out there for you that will be all yours!
    what are you 12/14 yrs old ? ,let it be...
    Time is a great healer and a great cliche, but cliches are cliches because they are commonly known as being truths. Good Luck, stay strong and give it TIME.
    Talk about it, don't keep it bottled up inside because

    that will tear you apart even more. Find someone you

    can really trust and let them know how you feel.

    Your sadness will pass over time, it may take a

    while but there are better things out there and better

    guys to.
    Your heart will get broken allot before you find the love of your life. Pick yourself up and stop crying. Before you know it there will be a guy around the cornor!!!
    eat chocolate

    stop thinking about him

    watch tv

    listen to music

    take a bubble bath

    don't blame your friend
    You should keep yourself very busy. Hang out with friends and family. Go out to a dance club. Meet new people. Just stay busy!
    that must be hard for u to hear. maybe he doesnt know ur interested?
    well this has happened to me before it may really suck now and youll tell ur friend your happy for her when your really not so the best thing to do is just not waste your time on someone who isnt good enough for you and go out and find someone who is ......dont trip potatoe chip because theres nothing you can do but move on with your life ...

    and member the faster you find someone else the faster youll forget him
    no you need to go take some english lessons.... im not gona bother reading that again!

    Romeo giving him advice on how to deal with rosalind,he loves her but she doesn't love him.?

    i think you just answered your own question

    I need some advice on how to tell ur friends that you do dont love that same person you did not that long ago?

    i need help!!!!I need some advice on how to tell ur friends that you do dont love that same person you did not that long ago?
    sorry it seems your question is not so clear.I need some advice on how to tell ur friends that you do dont love that same person you did not that long ago?
    i had the same problem.

    just stop inviting her to events and hanging out with her. and find a new crew.

    eventually ur friendship will fade away and she'll get the point and move on.

    I need MAJOR advice on how to style my hair...and i'm a straight male, go figure!?

    Attached is a link of me with my hair in its current state (there are 2 pictures). I need advice on how to style it, what to use, and all of that...i want to grow it long for the first time ever. I'm not sure whether I have thick or thin hair and whether that will make a difference.

    Also, the link is NOT a virus and no, i'm not fishing for compliments. Thanks everyone!;gid=15080100%26amp;uid=4302798%26amp;members=1I need MAJOR advice on how to style my hair...and i'm a straight male, go figure!?
    awww! i think its adorable! keep on doing whatever your doing, cuz it totally works for you.I need MAJOR advice on how to style my hair...and i'm a straight male, go figure!?
    **You lose five Man-Points**

    It would have been more, but you don't know if your hair is thin or thick, so I cut you some slack.
    keep it how it is or shave it short...but don't put a lot of gel in it [the ';hard'; look is NOT sexy]
    I'm stumped..don't know. Follow your intuition!
    I really don't see any problem with the way it is now, actually...
    you sure about that ';straight'; part?
  • skin
  • GUYS - did I give this girl good advice about how to act around guys?

    This girl on here asked a question about having drunk sex with some guy. I want to know if guys agree with my answer from a male perspective.

    Here is the link to her question and my answer (mine is near the bottom)鈥?/a>GUYS - did I give this girl good advice about how to act around guys?
    You did!

    The best I've ever freaking read! I think exactly like you do, but have a difficult time to conveying these thoughts through Yahoo Answers. I'm going to take what you said and boomark it.GUYS - did I give this girl good advice about how to act around guys?
    nope i like it when a girl txts me it shows interest i hate starting that convo i mean im a man but cmon why cant women start the **** if they know you like em also i dont set rules i just go for women i like plz help on my question the links in the source
    From my experience guys hate it when women set boundaries so they will say NO you didn't answer it right. They want the booty call with no strings attached. But yes, your answer was right on, from a girls perspective. Reminds me of the Book The Rules.

    GUYS - did I give this girl good advice about how to act around guys?

    This girl on here asked a question about having drunk sex with some guy. I want to know if guys agree with my answer from a male perspective.

    Here is the link to her question and my answer (mine is near the bottom)鈥?/a>GUYS - did I give this girl good advice about how to act around guys?
    You did!

    The best I've ever freaking read! I think exactly like you do, but have a difficult time to conveying these thoughts through Yahoo Answers. I'm going to take what you said and boomark it.GUYS - did I give this girl good advice about how to act around guys?
    nope i like it when a girl txts me it shows interest i hate starting that convo i mean im a man but cmon why cant women start the **** if they know you like em also i dont set rules i just go for women i like plz help on my question the links in the source
    From my experience guys hate it when women set boundaries so they will say NO you didn't answer it right. They want the booty call with no strings attached. But yes, your answer was right on, from a girls perspective. Reminds me of the Book The Rules.

    Can anyone advice me in detail about how to install PHP 5.0 on windows system?

    Double-click on the installation file? Then read the documentation and follow it?

    I suffer from panic attacks and have recently been getting knots in my stomach. any advice on how to get rid?

    Cognitive Therapy

    What are some of the steps in the treatment package for panic disorder?

    The treatment of panic is organized around several goals: first, educating the patient about the nature of agoraphobia, anxiety and panic; second, determining the range of situations that you avoid or fear; third, evaluating the nature of your symptoms, their severity, frequency and the situations that elicit your anxiety; and, fourth, evaluation for other problems that may co-exist with panic--for example, depression, other anxieties, substance abuse, overeating, loneliness, and marital problems.

    Your therapist may include the following treatments: relaxation training, rebreathing training (especially if you hyperventilate), gradual exposure to situations that elicit panic, identification of your interpretation of your panic or arousal, stress reduction, training in general cognitive therapy principles ( challenging your negative beliefs, your concern about losing control, your fears of negative evaluation, and your demands for certainty), assertion training (when needed), and training in the ability to recognize and reduce your panic symptoms when they occur. In addition, other problems that you may have (such as depression) may also be addressed in the therapy.

    Good Luck!I suffer from panic attacks and have recently been getting knots in my stomach. any advice on how to get rid?
    Are you overly anxious [anxiety} with nervousness. Have you been rel concerned about something ? and it maybe led into worry.Contact your primary physician and see if he or she can prescribe something about this condition and then to you need to take a time out for yourself and just relax.I suffer from panic attacks and have recently been getting knots in my stomach. any advice on how to get rid?
    These can be very debillitating have you thought about trying the yoga technique of deep breathing?

    There are classes in most towns but any good manual should explain this simple technique.

    As a quick solution have you tried Bach's rescue remedy?

    Hope you sort this out.
    lots of detailed answers so you should have some good tips. just to add my tips for stuff to do until you can see your dr:

    breathing exercises (deep in and after a few seconds deep out - funnily enough out is more relaxing than in!)

    a few aerobic stretches (whatever suits you where you are)

    distracting yourself by thikig about somethig else temporarily even if it is just a joke or reading an advert on a wall
    See a shrink.
    panic attacks are caused by a chemical in-balance in the brain, i am on medication for this, but if they are not servere you can control them with breathing exercises etc, try taking a breath inwards lasting four seconds and then breath out for two seconds,hope this helps
    you have to mentally tell yourself that it is not as bad as you think take some long deep breath's and calmly move away from what is making you have to train yourself not to get in such a panic.lots of people suffer with these kind of feelings you will look back and realise how easy it was really.have a bit more faith and confidence in yourself you will be ok.Its not easy at first but you will be dancing in the rain thinking what was that all about.Smile its free and makes you feel better.
    Have a word with your doctor and he may give you a course of ';Propranalol';, which helped me when I was getting these symptoms. I also went to College to do discreet courses on what they call Personal Management, they also helped me to understand the problem.

    I am also now a born-again-Christian and no longer suffer from stomach disorders or panic attacks. I just trust in Jesus Christ daily to keep me well and the Holy Spirit guides me safely through my life, I don't have anymore fears or worries because, God is definately the best medicine for anyone and for anything.
    I still suffer from panic attacks but not as bad as I used to. I went to group therapy for a few weeks which helped quite a alot. I would completely go into a rage because things wouldn't go the way I wanted it to go. I wasn't sleeping very well because I was worrying about what happened that day, always on edge, hollering at family, and blaming myself for everything. As far as getting rid of it completely, I am not sure. I know that panic attacks can be controlled. I see a psychiatrist every two months and take a medication at night which helps me sleep. And the next day goes alot better.

    I would talk with your regular doctor like I did. He sent me to be evaluated by a therapist and I had tests run such as memory, word association, nothing that hurt, just things so they could see the level of the panic attacks.

    Hope I helped and good luck!
    panic attacks - i once suffered bad ones all day every day for about 4 months, but i got rid of them myself.

    they occur more when you think about them and about why you are having them, so try to block them out of your mind.

    2/ to get rid of the dizzyness of panic attacks (because its caused by too much oxygen in the blood, so, take a slow breath for 6 seconds, then slowly release the breath for 12 seconds - and repeat until head clears.

    3/something else i discovered was to not fear the things that trigger the attacks - but do them more often! grr! and also find something to focus your mind on, like a book or a puzzle.#

    good luck!!
    Of course you should try to reduce the things that stress you out. I've had panic attacks for years and I find that breathing techniques work pretty good. Also have someone to talk to...If you have one have 1 person to call that will stay on the line with you and talk you through it. Also if you are able do anything that you do as part of a routine...I find that if I have one and I brush my teeth or brush my hair it helps a lot. I think it's just because it gives you something else to focus on for a few minutes.
    go to doctors
    If you have not taken any of the many fine classes available on managing panic response, then I suggest you get into one pronto. If you do not take positive steps to control your disorder, it will end up controlling you.
    Hi TFT (Thought Field Therapy) is very effective at dealing with panic attacks. Contact a local practitioner. It is a very effective 80 - 90 effective and it takes a number of minutes and lasts a life time. If you want more information please do not hesitate to contact me.